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Hi! Welcome to the Creech News page. Glad you could stop by. This page is currently under construction, but we hope to have it completed before too much longer. When complete, you should be able to keep up to date with with us.

I must admit, when I first thought about this web page, I wasn't sure if it were a good idea. Then I figured why not? It will be a way to show off some family photos, keep everyone up to date with our news, keep up with my crazy work schedule and brag a little on the nieces, nephews and grand kids.

As most of you know, I have started on what I call my "Fantastic Journey" to a healthier me. I hope to chronicle the entire journey on this website. I will keep it updated with lbs. lost and up to date before and after photos. I ask that each of you keep me in your prayers as I "journey" through the surgery and the post op trip to a newer and healthier me.

Hopefully, it will be all worth it. My intent is to raise my energy level, lower my blood pressure and chloesterol, stabilize my blood sugar and ease my aching joints. I know with the help of my family and friends, this will be an unforgettable journey.