'Reformed Recon' Theology

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Five Points of Christian Reconstruction

The study of theology is not vain. As we study to renew our minds by the cleansing of the Word, our hearts are impacted. The study of theology is not a light undertaking. What you believe will influence the way you live. In the modern age of relativism and pluralism, Christians like to determine for themselves what the Scriptures doth principally teach. I think this is a mistake...I come from a Pentacostal/Assemblies of God background and have seen the results of bad doctrine. Now that I'm reformed, I am left aghast by the shakers and quakers. I implore all who confess the name of Jesus Christ to take a second look at the Scriptures and discern what is written in the Scriptures. I was young when my family left the Assemblies of God-when we left, we left behind the doctrines of that denomination...from there I was discipled by my father in the Biblical doctrines. When I had my "Salvation experience," I became hungry for the truth and began my theological journey. Thank God that I got a hold of reformed literature so that I could discern whether it be true or not...it be true! In fact it was David Chilton's "Days of Vengeance." This literary work helped to answer so many questions that my inquisitive mind was looking to satiate. Not only was I satisfied, but I also became aware of an intellectual movement that I had no clue ever existed.

Thus began my journey...I was already a Calvinist-my father was accused of being one while still a searching Pentacostal. I was easily convinced of Dominionism while I listened to a tape by Doug Phillips. Presuppositionalism gave my philosophical tendencies a Mt. Everest to grapple with...but I've become aware of its several implications-and I like it (agree with). While Chilton convinced me of Postmillennialism-my father had read the exposition years before-my father kept me from dispensational premillennialism. Along with presuppositionalism, Theonomic Ethics are not completely grasped by myself, but I do understand the nature of adherance to God's laws rather than man's laws.

Theology Links

Chalcedon Foundation
Institute for Christian Economics
Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
Credenda Agenda
Vision Forum Ministries
Covenant Media Foundation
American Vision
Alpha and Omega Ministries
Rich's Homepage of Reformed Theology
Society of Christian Philosophers
Rome Invades Israel
Jerusalem Under Siege
Destruction of Temple; AD 70
Postmillennial Diagrams

Email: Michael Davis

Created December 10,2003. Last updated April 3, 2007.