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A few facts about 00International Company:

Most new companies go under within the first 2 years. We slowly built up our company to be the most highly rated business on the Planet! We operate by the Golden Rules and we stick to it. We are 100% honest. In business for 20 years!

When you deal with people you always run into some mental cases, people you can’t please or work with no matter what. We only fire about 3 such workers per year. When a company FIRES someone, 99% of the time they become their worst enemy. We offer assembly work. When they can’t assemble, sometimes people make up UNTRUE stories trying to blackmail us into giving them a refund. We NEVER give refunds since every Assembler knew our NONREFUNDABLE POLICY BEFORE they signed up.

Refund seekers set up a case with the Arbitrators. All Consumer Protection Agencies have Arbitrators. Refund seeker cases are thoroughly investigated by them. When the Arbitrators see our terms being clearly explained they rule in our favor. We are precision people and 100% honest. We almost NEVER make a mistake nor violate our own rules! If we do, we do refund the money without any hassle.

This leaves refund seekers, (about 3 per year.) with only one thing: screaming scam, posting LIES all over the Internet. All refund seekers have two things in common:

A.) They never attach even the tiniest shred of evidence proving that we did anything wrong.

B.) They never use their real name when posting nasty messages against us. One such refund seeker posted 629 nasty messages against us under false names.

When refund seekers sign a contract stating that they understand our TERMS, then for some reason they start a smear campaign based on some LIE it is considered a CRIME and we will file a COUNTERCLAIM. It is like falsely yelling “FIRE” in a crowded movie theater.

We learned from the Internet companies. They all operate by their own TOS, Terms of Service. You can’t enter those sites unless at first you read and click on their TOS showing you agree and promise to obey their rules. Our TOS is called the Golden Rule.

It is a 14 page little book and we hire no Assemblers unless we are absolutely sure that they read our TOS BEFORE we take their sign up fee, understand it and agree to it fully. See page ONE of our mailer. It is disclosed on the top, clearly in large letters. We also require a signed letter to be on file saying they read it, understood it and will do the assembly work by the Golden Rules. This protects our associates and us both.

Our TOS is also on the Internet at:


Do we have the right to write anything whatsoever into our Golden Rule book? Yes! / Do assemblers have their right NOT TO SIGN UP? / Yes!

What if we say something like this: send us $250, consider it as a free gift, it will never be refunded no matter what. What if we say this: we are ugly, send us $250 free gift for a facelift. / Yes, we have the right to say that too. / Do associates have their right NOT TO SIGN UP? / Yes!

Do assemblers have their right to agree to the Golden Rules and then break it? / No.

Did we say that you will absolutely surely make big money with no risk involved and that the assembly job is very easy? / No! Did we say our offer was the very best on the Internet? / No! We mislead no one EVER!

Is there a company who devotes 4 pages in their advertisement explaining the risk? / No! We are the only one. Does that prove anything to you?


The 20 years in business what makes us look bad in the eye of some Consumer Protection Agencies. If we have only 3 refund seekers a year, that is not bad at all by looking at the national average. We should be declared the most honest business in the World! The 3 refund seekers a year adds up to 60 in 20 years. All 60 can’t be wrong they say. Unfortunately, yes! If you simply add up the numbers that does look bad. If you are checking with those refund seekers usually none will give you his real name since they are fully aware of their cases being phony or it was already investigated.

The worst offender of misleading readers is the FRIENDS IN BUSINESS SITE. They don’t mind misleading their readers by simply leaving out how many years ago people complained against us. They are featuring 20 years old complaints and making it look like it happened last week. The worse we look, the better they look. This woman who runs this site is raking in a fortune from donations. She pays for juicy complaints! The site is not worth reading the way it is run!