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Displaying Your Child's Artwork Creatively
Some creative suggestions to display "all" of your child's artwork!

Notes to Grandma & Grandpa:  Let the kids write notes on the backs of the drawings.   Saves on paper....and they will really appreciate it!

Wrapping Paper:  Artwork makes excellent and inexpensive wrapping paper with a personal touch.

Take Photos:  Of your children standing by the display of artwork held on the fridge with magnets!  You will remember all your favourite pieces for a long time.

Frame it:  In a frame with an easily removable back, so you can change the artwork often.  Show your child that you appreciate their effort by hanging it in the living room!

Placemats:  Laminate or seal artwork between  two layers of clear contact paper.

Save them:  Punch holes in drawings and store them in notebooks or binders.

Play area:  Brighten a child's play area with artwork galore!

*Beary* special thanks to
for the wonderful graphics for this page.

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