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Creative Ideas with Crayons!

Crayons are usually the first writing instrument that are used by most children.  Do you sit down with your children to color, or do you typically set the crayons on the table with paper or coloring books and let the children "color" at will?  Do you remember how fascinated you were when you discovered how creative you could be with crayons?  Light?  Dark?  Multiple drawing?  Rubbings?

Here are some creative ideas that you could do with your children...then let their creative juices flow and see what other unique ideas they can create with crayons!

  • Show them that by changing the pressure on a crayon you will create a lighter or darker color.
  • Notch a crayon with a knife (for adults only) on the side to create wide stripes with one simple stroke.
  • Tape several crayons together to create one large multi-colored crayon....make stripes or plaids.  Make sure the crayon tips are even before taping.
  • You know those crayons whose wrapper has mysteriously disappeared and "no one" did it?   Lay it flat on the paper, holding it in the middle and twirl, creating a filled in circle or a half circle (bow).  (HINT:  Don't let your kids see you take off that wrapper - or all your crayons will be wrapper less in no time!!!)
  • Rubbings...Place leaves, sandpaper, screen, bark or other textured surface under the paper.  Rub over the paper with a crayon.
  • Magic Crayon Paintings...Paint over heavily colored drawings with light-colored watercolors.  The crayon will show through the paint!
  • Gather up all those iddy biddy crayons that "no one" wants to use and turn them into shavings with a grater!   Scatter a variety of colored shavings onto a piece of wax paper, top with another piece of wax paper.  With a hot iron, (and mom or dads help) "iron" the wax paper (place a t-towel over the wax paper to protect while ironing.  Hold the iron over the wax paper until it has melted.)  Trim around the edge of your creation and hang in a window!

  • Happy Creating!

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    for the wonderful graphics for this page.

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