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Friday, 20/08/2004
Well. I Dont Knoe What Happened To All The Other Posts But They Somehow Got Deleted.. Oh Well Ill Start Again Tho... So Yea, Today Was Nothing Special. I Went Out To Lunch At East Side Marios, ( Which By The Way Was Totally Gross!:P) And Then Went To The Mall With Shannon & Marissa.. Fun Stuff Eh! Im So Incredibly Excited... I Cant Wait Till Sunday! Two Days Left! And Im Finally 13.. Wow.. I Feel Really Young Now.. Damnit.. But Yea.. Yesterday Me And Danielle Went Over To Prost and Bowled 2 Games, Then Walked Over To Tim Hortins... Man Im Never Goin Back There Again!:P They Dont Knoe What A Frieken Brownie Is! Im Serious.. Were Standing In Line And I Ask For A Small French Vanilla And A Walnut Brownie.... I Pay The 2 Dollars And 15 Cents, And He Hands Me Mi French Vanilla And A Plate With A Chocolate Oval Shaped Donout... Im Like Wtf Is That? To Danielle, And She Bursts Out Laughing.. So The Whole Nite We Just Kept Laughing On And On About The "brownie" That I Threw Out And Re Ordered...:P.. What An Exciting Life I Live Eh!?

Posted by dc2/billabongbabe at 6:55 PM EDT
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About Me!
Mood:  chillin'
Well, This would be mi new site. I had two other ones but I didn't put any work into one of them and the other one I just grew bored of... So yea... Ill try to make this one as good as the first one, if better. ttul xox Jess

Posted by dc2/billabongbabe at 6:39 PM EDT
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