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Hi :} I’m Marilyn. I’m 37 years old and live in Santa Rosa, California
with my 14 year old daughter, Ericka, our 14 year old Border Collie, Lewis and 4 rabbits
—Spot, Joey, Coco and Whoopi. I work part time doing graphic design, marketing and PR for a local
non-profit hospice. I also do freelance graphic design. I am relatively new to DBC. However, with my love of words
and the English language, I was an addict the very first day. This is one addiction for which I hope there is
never a 12 step program! When BartenderSC (Tina) invited me to be on Team JennJuice I was
very surprised, but even more honored. My teammates (Bar, Lito, 7, Glory, Grackle,
Matrix & Gran) are the best and I felt right at home immediately.
But that is how everyone at DBC is…like one big family!
J E N N J U I C E R O C K S!!!

Oh, by the way, the meaning of my
nick, SuomiBlue: Suomi is Finland in Finnish (which I
am) and Blue is the color of my eyes!!