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Courtney |  D.C. | Darnell's Girl

woulDOM P :: visuald be the basics. I am in love with D.C. and my boyfriend Darnell. He is the light of my life, and i dont know what i would do without him. we have constant problems, but uh WE GON MAKE IT. nbsp;

i.AM/a.. .

libra ¦ perfectionist ¦ silly ¦ hustler ¦ trustworthy ¦ spontaneous ¦ honda chick ¦ ph0to happy ¦ m.a.c-whore ¦ shop.a.holic ¦ j-ro's baby © ¦ baby phat, cadi escalade, onion shaped culo, lip glass, jay-z, & diamond lover ¦ ambers french vanilla crotchet ¦ starburst addict.. .. 


AiM: iady entice 

BP / MIGENTE: Eivsu Thongz

JOINED: < # cocoablogz! ? >

WISHLIST: right here




cam: intel  | sucks:  

{10 second refresh}



recent snaps.. .


chocolate covered strawberry dipped in cool whip, yum.


strawberry . chocolate . cool whip





call meh now fer yer free readin!




   pink platinum is a journal/blog site. I come here and type whatever happens to be on my mind at the bored moment I come here to blog. This is an outlet for me- nothing more. I am not in competition with anyone, nor am I seeking your approval/acceptance. I am simply here stating whatever comes to/is on my mind. best viewing: ie 5.0+, 800x600



bebe . mookie . tonya

accepting hostees? maybe.

OG.BOOK: click ¦ pp.previous? [1] . [2]

f u c k blogger :)


 i-loca supreme14k urbankittay heather sanci baby percy anna nastii lika  digital 2k she doin it joanna scandelous shorti melissa jai  dream mami hypercande that.bitch seekstah



From here on out changes will be very few. Today was an umm aight day. i feel like rambling. i went to turn in job applications :-O, i know u cant believe it right, those who know im spoiled rotten. umm umm umm. thats all. damn what a boring day.




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