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"Steel is the coinage of the warrior. With it he purchases what pleases him."
Marauders of Gor

A warrior of Treve, wearing the crimson tunic of the Caste of Warriors,
made with the best fabrics, with the most schrewed of intelligence, and
hands finely trained in the Arts of War. He is the carrier of the one,
and only, true Sword of Treve, gifted to him when he took the position
of En'Sword. The Master of a grand tarn estate. A man never bested in
a true challenge. He rode his trademark, a sable tarn with gilded talons.
A true elite of Gor. Master of women. Warrior of the skies.

"...But never have I crossed swords with one such as he.
There is a swiftness, a sorcery, a savageness in his steel
which in a hundred fights to the death I have never encountered."
Beasts of Gor

Events lead to his leaving of the walls of Treve, to set out upon
the face of Gor in a journy to see it's people and lands. When
out, he wears his Caste clearly with an arrogant pride, though
the city is always conveniently from sight, even the ring upon his
finger normally is clad beneath a leather glove used for tarn riding.
To go where he pleases, when he pleases.

(Unfortunately Gor isn't Gor to the letter anymore)
(This brings my RP creditability for him to be able to be among others)

"...Rask of Treve does not buy women, for he is of Treve. My price could have
been an arrow point or a copper tarn disk, but his answer would have the same.
He takes women. He does not buy them."
Captive of Gor

(To play is to consent. If you can only think insults, don't play. If you speak insults, esp. slaves, you've just consented your char's death.)
(Will not accept little one hit poison kills)