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Oh Canada - "The Nylons" 



Below I have listed a number of sites that I have found on the net that address the September 11, 2001 tragedy, in New York, Washingon and Pennsylvannia. The first links are organizations that are providing information, whether it be spiritual, how you can help financially, or just places where I have found some answers.

The second section will be sites that have been made by me or members of Special Times Community, websites of friends, and other's that I have just found while surfing, that are memorial sites.

I pray for all those that lost  loved ones, that they may find comfort and strength in the Lord,  I pray that the leader's of our countries continue to call upon God for direction in how this evil called "terrorism" can be brought to justice, and I pray that we do not make this a war of race, religion, or politics, that we see this for what it is good versus evil.

Information Sites












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Support relief efforts! Help the Red Cross. is deeply saddened by the tragic events of September 11.
To help out, we  removed our homepage and replaced it with the Red Cross. 

(For services that were previously on our homepage click here.)



Memorial Sites

If you have a site you would like linked here please email me at 



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