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A Special Word to Our Friends of Other Faiths and Cultures

For those of you who may not have a like faith in Jesus Christ, I want to extend a hearty welcome. We have more in common than might be obvious to the casual onlooker. We are all intimately connected. We all share in the mystic oneness of the divine within. One hope of ours is that the participatory style of an open meeting in the silence may appeal to others of other faiths and cultures, even as it does to us. Please feel free to meet with those whom you feel most comfortable with, in the silence, wherever you are, and whatever you believe. Held in the Light we will meet together.

Recently, while meditating on a Biblical prophecy about all people knowing God I had a daydream. I saw all humankind, meeting in groups all around the world, people of every nation, tribe, and tongue, and various religions, waiting in silence. Simultaneously, all around the world, out of that silence came direction and divine solutions to the challenges of the human condition. Working together as one, problems like starvation were easily dealt with. The universal good will that was accomplished and obvious to all, freed people everywhere from fearful accumulation, to a liberal distribution to those in need. Business became a means for provision rather than profit. One man's abundance became a supply for another's lack, for he knew in turn that another's surplus would be available for any future need of his own. It was beautiful to consider.

It seems worthwhile to share this image of a world aware of the divine, sharing in a universal consciousness. I believe the future will be much more wonderful, even than this, beyond imagination, but perhaps this could be a stepping stone to something better, for the peoples of the earth.

We conclude with a link to a page from the Quaker Universalist Fellowship.
It is entitled The Quaker Dynamic: Personal Faith and Corporate Vision.
May our oneness be a blessing to each other and to all humankind.
              Dean Johnson

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