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Welcome to Troop 155's Homepage!

Welcome to Troop 155's Homepage!

What? No navigation bar to the left? You came here through an incorrect link. Please click here! If it is there, don't click the link!
Tennessee USA BSA Sequoyah Council

Do you live in the Kingsport, Tennessee area and want to join scouting, the adventure of a lifetime? E-Mail the Webmaster to get joining details as a more detail specific page about the subject will be added soon!

Winter Camping 1/20/02
Added a great winter camping section!

Jacob Fields

New Navigation! 11/3/01
Added a great new flash navigation bar to the left! Let me know what you think!

Jacob Fields

Upcoming Events 8/31/01
Added the current fall 2001 schedule as of 8/30/01.It's gonna be a busy fall! Thats All!

Jacob Fields

Pictures! 8/9/01
Added pictures from our 2000 Creeper Trail Ride. Thats all for now!

Jacob Fields

First Aid 8/4/01
Added the First Aid Section. This can be a useful resource for scouts trying to earn Tenderfoot, Second Class or First Class! I will add more to it tomorrow. Hope it helps!

Jacob Fields

Frames 8/3/01
Added frames to the site. If you came here through /index.html , you can't see the frames so you can't navigate the site! Please Click Here to got to the frames version!

Jacob Fields

Scroll Bar 8/2/01
Added the color to the scroll bar on the far right-->
Need some feedback on the color! Please e-mail me what color YOU think would go best there!

Jacob Fields

Troop Roster 8/1/01
Completed the Troop Roster with names, ranks, and leadership position. May see another update later tonight!

Jacob Fields

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Site Started- 7/28/01 and today is:
Home of Troop 155 of the Boy Scouts of America!