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This page is by no means the opinion of
all The Loud Pipes.
As a matter of fact I'm probably gonna
get hell for it. Oh well.
Its only Information... Form your
own opinions.

I wont go blindly along and
you shouldn't either!
luv, roxie
Last Update: Wednesday July 10th

Human Trafficking

In this months issue of Vanity Fair
there's an article by Sabastian
about the Trafficking
of Women from the former
Soviet Republics. While this
is a Huge step in the right
direction it remains an
International Problem!
There is a 42 minute documentary
produced by the Global Survival
entitled Bought & Sold .
In it they release undercover
footage of meetings with the
Russian Mafia about trafficking
operations into the United States,
Japan and Australia.
It includes interviews with women
who were trafficked overseas to
countries including Germany,
Spain, and China also the
perspectives from international
experts about how
to address the problem.

Here are some other links:

central Asian woman targeted
trafficked women in Israel
Radio Free Europe

My good ole' friends at the NRA!

I can understand the initial suprise of my friends
when they find out I'm a card carrying member of
the NRA. I don't appear to be the giant hotwheels
truck drivin' gun totin' hick that one would usually
associate with the NRA. But SURPRISE! Li'l ole roxie is
a full fledged Member and Proud of it! What
I can't understand however is why anyone would want
the same government that trys to control our bodies,
our children, our information and our money to control our basic right of protection. The Right to Bare Arms. I mean think about it, if guns were illegal only the criminals
(and the Gov.) would have access to them, there by relinquishing them to the people we should fear access to them the most... make sense?
To steal Jesse's favorite Quote:

"The Fear of Guns everywhere will
protect the common man from
the tyranny of government"
-Thomas Jefferson

Loud Pipes Fans look out for Jesse Jerks Acoustic
Album Featuring his hit "lost my baby to the NRA"

Here's some Links:
Both sides;
Gun City, USA


The Following is just a few of the
things you might not be hearing on Fox,
With all the focus on Israel and Sharon
the National media is missing the point.
i.e. Israels illegal occupation of the West Bank & The Gaza Strip.

Heres some interesting links.

Palestine Media Watch

Jerusalem Times
Palestine Affairs Councils
Institute for War and Peace Reporting
Indy Media


for Dan :)
While were not out on the weekends liberating Minks
we still care for our animal friends.
Here's some links that if nothing else will d
definitely ruin your appetite, Bon apitit!

the other side of the argument;

Reefer law on Nevada Ballot

under this proposal small amounts of
marijuanawould be sold in state licensed
shops and itwouldbe legal for Adults to
posses small amounts of grass!
Amazing considering Nevada's Current
position on the possession of Pot.

Another reason this November to

If you've got an idea for this page,
or want to tell me to fuck off.
email me at:
or hit up the message board

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