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We dedicate this site especially to Mr. Masi, who inspired us to take our silence to the next
level. Although we were the ones who had world domination on our minds to begin with, you
called us your quiet ones throughout the year. Thinking of this title, we decides to create a
society of silence, The Quiet Ones. And The Quiet Ones shall grow into a great nation. We've
introduced new members so that we may increase our chances of reaching our goal, the goal of
world domination!

Remember the Good Times:
-Lindsey's monkey and other toys
-Shammy's attitude
-The Mandy, Kristen, Britney Bunch
-Joe's big words and his talent to "ovulate" money
-Dina's loud mouth
-Mat's confusion on when to talk and when not to
-All the nicknames (Topher, Bobert, Blonde Bombshell, etc.)
-Masi Bucks (We got 'em!)
-Go, New York Giants!
-imploding soda cans (not beer cans)
-Where did the water go?
-penny pyramids
-Hydrogen=H, Helium=He, Lithium=Li, Boron=B, Carbon=C, and then there are all those other elements!
-that nasty thumb story
-where ducks walk on fish
-Masi doing push-ups?!
-the really early surprise birthday party
-paper airplanes (Ha ha Kris! Nice job Cassie!)
-fart machine
-the Lee Waters Show, he was able to pull a tablecloth out from under dishes without them breaking
-Shammy held a book in mid-air
-hell on earth
-rocks with crystals
-"I'm gonna hit you so hard with my right hand, you're gonna pray for a left!"
-Mr. Masi in a bunny suit (on paper)
-"weird" band names (so Mr. Masi thinks)
-Austin J.'s dream
-Missy, not first "people" to visit Venus, first "spacecraft"
-sexual education (hall of the sex talk)
-The Quiet Ones, and so much more to look back on and smile!

Thanks, Mr. Masi! We love you! Don't forget us or the class of 2001! And please stop smoking! *a man takes a puff, then starts coughing and wheezing, then dies* Nooo...! Don't treat yourself like that! Keep visiting the site! We'll miss you so much! Spread the word of The Quiet Ones to the class of 2002! The class of 2001 rules!!!!!!!!!!

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