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Lastest updated on "July/17/2005" in "Fun Stuff"

(7-19-05) finally got the updates in the right (as in how I want it) alignment, Im getting ready to start making the big changes now, new colors, and maybe a new page, Links as you know has nothing in it, so will get to work on that, should be done by the end of the day.

(7-17-05) Alright I have already made a few changes to my site.
· Made new descriptions for my Friends (Friends Page) ·
· Updated the Poll (Fun Stuff)
· Made font size smaller (all pages)
. Working on new site colors and picture gallery

(7-13-05) Wow, I guess that "I will update more often" was a bunch of bull, err sorry about that, if anyone even cares, or if anyone even looks at this page at all. Anywho, Im planning on adding a "photo section" and other new stuff. I will try to update regulary, but of course I cannot promise it will be soon.

(11-07-04) Hey, I am back after 3 mounths of nothingness, anyway, becuae of this I am beging updates on my site, so there will be a few changes... First of all my friends list is updating, I will be adding more people to it as well. I will also be working on General stuff and making a new poll, mystery pic, etc...

(8-11-04) New Poll out there in Fun Stuff, I added another band in General Stuff.
Okay here is another thing that happend,
My Birthday pasted on the 26th of July, yeah... one year older then I was before, heh... yeah...

(7-16-04) I deleted my old profile and I put in a new one. Enjoy.

(3-24-04) Ok I have another update, woo-hoo!
-Site proofread!!

(3-23-04) Rest of my updates for today, enjoy.
- Deleted Rick's old pages in LINKS and added others
- FRIENDS section updated
- Feedback thingy added in CONTACT section

(3-22-04) Updated quite a bit today, I will tomorrow as well... enjoy.
-Text added on LINK page
-New poll in FUN STUFF
-New Mystery picture in FUN STUFF

(2/2/04) ok maybe I didn't update... any at all... but I'll try to now...

(9/9/03) Alrighty, the picture thing is now open in Fun Stuff, enjoy...

(11/2/03) Hey, It seems I skipped a month, heh, well, ok... I'm still updating so keep checking!

(9/9/03) Alrighty, the picture thing is now open in Fun Stuff, enjoy...

(8/25/2003) I'm adding some new stuff in Fun Stuff, I may also add some more stuff... so keep your eye on the "Last Updated" thing.