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..shinYe's coRner..



 Biography | Favorites | Picture gallery | Cool links | E-mail me | Guestbook



       Harlo everybody.......welcome to shinYe's coRner...... hope you enjoy         surfing through it and know more about me. :-)  Eemmm, I'm a  simple person who is a good listener( gimme a call whenever u want ), have good understanding, easy going   ( I guess), and  kind hearted (of course I am).....;-p

       Some of my friends said that i look very fierce and serious, but when u know me more and get along with me, you'll discover that actually I'm such a friendly gal..   ;-p

       So, enjoy surfing!!!!!!!!

       As this is only my first time doing my own  page,  your comment or opinion, whether  good or bad is much appreciated as I need your comments  to improve my page....Most of all, don't forget to sign the guestbook  and my mailbox is waiting for your E-mails... ;-)



                                                                                                     shin yee




Biography | Favorites | Picture Gallery | Cool links | E-mail me | Guestbook

@ 2001 shinYe's corner