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= All Forum Visitors Please Read =


This forum has been created for all fans of the actor Richard Hatch
to meet, chat, share gossip and have fun.

Everyone is welcome at the Richard Hatch Forum -
longtime fans, new fans, those who've met Richard
at conventions or have attended one of his workshops or seminars.

While we hope all visitors find their time
at the Richard Hatch Forum a pleasant experience,
please let it be known that this forum is moderated on a
regular basis.

If it is your sole intention just to visit the
Richard Hatch Forum to post obscene or abusive messages
or to stir up trouble with the regular visitors, please
don't even bother.

All unecessary messages will be promptly deleted
and the offending poster banned from the forum.
We'll reconsider letting any banned posters back into
the forum if they can assure us that they'll behave
themselves in future.
If not, sorry, no second chance.

To participate in the Richard Hatch Forum
you'll need to become a registered user at Delphi.
Signing up to become a registered Delphi user is simple
and it's free.
You can still visit the Richard Hatch Forum
without signing up at Delphi, but to be able to
join in discussions, post messages or participate in
any forum chats, then you'll need to be a registered user.

If you have any questions about the Richard Hatch Forum
or would like to contact the forum administrator
or moderators, then please send an email to:

We hope you'll enjoy your time at the Richard Hatch Forum
and visit and post often.
We look forward to seeing you there real soon.

= A Few Simple Forum Rules For All =

1: No flaming of any of the people who visit the
Richard Hatch Forum, and definitely no flaming of Richard.

2: Please try and keep the profanity to a minimum.
As stated previously, all obscene/abusive messages
will be promptly deleted.

3: Please, no advertising or spamming.
If you are unsure about posting something at the forum,
please check with the forum administrator or a moderator first.

4: Have fun and enjoy yourself.
This forum was created especially for all fans of
Richard Hatch to relax and meet with other fans.

Many thanks for your time and attention.
Have a great day! Supporting the Battlestar Galactica Featuring Richard Hatch's The Great War of Magellan project