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Weapons, Items Tricks/codes

Weapon With Super Stats:
Equip a mag, armor or shield first, then a weapon, unequip the first 1 uequiped, then u should be in super stats with weapon.
Note: equip 1 then the weapon then take off the first 1 after.

How to make ++ and -- weapons:
When you create/mod items with your GS/XploderDC (using the Item Mod code), you need to overlay one over another. After doing so you'll notice that when you overlay a weapon, you change the attributes of the weapon you create. Use this as a guidline:

Overlay a +5 weapon to get a ++
Overlay a +12 weapon to get a --

How to make God/TP++:
1) Buy a weapon from the shop with high %'s.
2) Put it at the top of your inventory with (2) Trimates or Monomates etc. below it and save game.
3) Use the Item Mod code with God/TP item digits, and you will have a God/TP++.

How to make God/HP++:
1) Put a Priest/Mind++ or Elf/Arm ++ in slot one in your invintory and make sure to put (2) Trimates or Monomates etc. below it and save game.
2) Load up your GS/XploderDC with the Item Mod code with God/HP digits and you will have a God/HP++.

How to make God/Mind--:
1) Take a weapon with - (negative) %'s (no positive) and put it in the first slot in your invintory with (2) Trimates or Monomates etc. and save game.
2) Load up GS/XploderDC with your Item Mod code with God/Mind digits, and you will have a God/Mind--.

Spell Disc Modify Trick:
1) Put a spell disk you want to change the level of in slot 1 of your inventory with (2) Trimates or Monomates etc. and save game.
2) Load up your GS/XploderDC with the Item Mod code, but use 00??0203 as the last line of the code.

If the ?? is replaced with 00 the disk will become level 1.
I the ?? is replaced with 0E the disk will become level 15.

Weapon Properties %:
1) Buy a weapon from the shop with stats (%'s) that you want.
2) Put it at the top of your inventory with (2) Trimates or Monomates below it and save game.
3) Now load up your GS/XploderDC with these codes:

a)Enable Code (Must Be On)
b)God Of Grinding
c)Grind Weapon To Change Its Attribute
d)Super Item Usage/Duplication
e)Item Modifier Slot 1 Only (with the lastline set for trigrinders)
Note: The old item usage code only worked on multiple item and would let you teck unlike the new one.

4) Start the game with these codes on. you should have trigrinder in the first slot if not go to the store and buy anything this should triger the code to kick in.
5) Now drop a trigrinders one at a time till you fill the room
6) Then pick them up and use them you cant just use the 1 in slot one they wont do anything. The weapon should start cycling through difrent types instead of changing lvls after about 40 tri grinders it will change to a ????(whatever)
7) Go to the tecker and have him teck it check the % before you tell him yes you can get it to go up any were between(+ or -) 5-10% when you get it to go up tell him yes and it will change to what ever.
8) Make more grinders and repeat till your happy.

It will take about 1/2 hour to get it to go up to 60% . you can go beyond this but the item will be an illegal.
You can also use this meathod to bring an item down in %. the max % is 125% the max you can use online is 60%. you can take a weapon all the way up to level the 125 to get the stats to match and than back it down.