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The same thing happend to this that happend to dave mirra 2, i had it done and i went to preview it and then i went and hit back to go fix some things and the page had expired, so that sucks Anyways, the game is pretty fun. It is a car/combat, but it has racer it in. And it dosent really make you race, but more or less you want to race. This is the first game that i played that has done that to me. expecially since iam not a huge fan of racing games. The one mission that they had on their was really laid out well, it had flow. the missions are challenging, and you have to usually do it over again to get it done. but that is not nessarly a bad thing, since i was haveing so much fun that i would push start before the time expired and restart to play it over agian for the fun of it. But if i forgot to push start it would just start me at the main menu deal and i would go straight back to spy hunter. i really like this game, its fun going down a city street going 130 dodgeing civilain cars and shooting the bad guys.