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...whoz tha gurl...
Last tyme i checked mah name was britney bka queen bitch, mah infatuation iz bein tha pain in yo ass. im reppin strait from illmatic cali.bay area. you fuck wit meh ill blow on you lyk a fuckin whistle. as krystle would say ..
lol i luv uz ma! id be matt'z lil bangin mamii =X i have brown hair5'5 with hazel eyez [caramel complextion] smile lyk the sun rise.. hell yea. I am a lip gloss freak. especially my strawberri and vanilla favorz. i have a thanq fo my dawgz, 420, singin [even tho i kant], Gz, muzik,mah krew, blu, red, blak, EMINEM,DMX, ALLEN IVERSON, damn tha boy iz a fyne muthafucka, mah hott boiz, sportz, blah blah tha list goez on.
i hate biterz, hataz, playaz, bein bored, stupid hoez, purple, robert, britney spears, posers, pop princessez, preps, cheerleaders,*[except alexa n mina]*want more?email me meh....
aim-dymond handcuffz
aim-supreeme biitch

Heavily in rotation
Dmx- Who We Be
Faith Evans- You Gets No Love
Mr. Cheeks- Lights, Camera, Action
Bishop- You Know You Ghetto
Ludacris- Roll Out
Mary J. Blige- No More Drama
Busta Rhymes- Break Ya Neck
Juvenile- She Get It From Her Momma
Aaliyah- Rock The Boat
No Doubt- Hey Baby

12-08-01 9:00p.m.
I'm sittin' hea: doin jack shit
wantin: dmx..
thiz Sista iz feelin': HELLA BORED N FRUSTRATED
Watching: bet
I got on: pjz!! hell im comfy
My hair is: afroish [juz took a shower]
Singing: jayz-girls girls girls

» friday, 1-11-02 «

i'm Cherry flavoured! bored. took thiz quiz today[got it from].i duno how i got to be a cherry. kuz i aint THAT sweet. but wutever thats how it came out..
-bitch by tha queen-

» friday, 12-27-01 «

gone fo awhile.. hope yall had a tiight xmas myne waz koo at leazt up until i got kinda drunk n light headed from all tha wine my kuz' kept givin me. lol. dayum.
-bitch by tha queen-

» Saturday, 12-21-01 «

oh lawd itz been awhile. ive been lazy, frustrated wit my damn internet service.. [piece of shit by tha way], n ive been buzy at the same time wit school n work. i finally gotz myself a damn host.siobhan check her site @ but it mite be awhile kuz she duno how to host yet. ive been thinkin of a webname[i guess u would call it] sumen lyk caramelized, dymonds, mz dymonds, sexified, i wanted queen bee but itz been taken by marilla @ i-loca*shrugz* i duno ill think up of sumen. todayz been a tiring day wit gettin up early for a bball tournament[which by the way we lost hella bad], then going to the moviez wit mah gurl mina and saw Vanilla Sky. it was an alriite movie. a lil confusin at first[one of thoze movies u have tu pay cloze attenion too], n borin at sum points. but i guess all n all it was a good LONGmovie. ima roll out. im tiredz. nitey nite..
-bitched by tha queen-

» Monday, 12-10-01 «

I am 81-100% Ghetto


lmao. i juz took tha test today cuz i waz bored n had nuthen elze tu do. i no ryan would be lyk omfg tha iz thaz perfect fo meh. my lil theme song from him iz "you kno you ghetto" by bishop. gotta love tha song. now wen u hear it youll think of mwahz. i gotta whole new layout. lyk it? if u dun then thaz juz too damn bad fo u. kuz it be stayin. thnx elena fo helpin meh wit mah site. much luv tu uz! i gott bored today[as usual]so i made to more snz. damn people theze dayz! u think of a niice sn. they blow it by takin it. so i kept haven tu fix my new aim sn n i came up wit supreeme biitch. then afta i gott it goin i fergot mah damn passwerd. aint i a smart bitch. lol. i finally rememberd it so itz all good now. im outt..
-bitched by tha queen-

» Saturday, 12-8-01 «

damn it why tha hell doez angelfire has tu be tu frustraten, n mah comp makes it even worst for meh by being slow. ne ways.. last nite i saw tha movie black knight with martin lawrence in it n it waznt all tha bad.. kuz all i heard was it was bad kuz tha only funi partz in it were tha previews. o fuckin well i thought it was good.
tonite waz funi.. rii de?! lmao we got to bitch at sum nigga who thought he waz all tha n a bag of chips. meh n her were lyk oh hell no. so we bitched him out. n i also got a new nick name..bon bon..lmao .. gotta love thiz kinda shit. de weve done our job breakin tha foo up wit hiz gurl.. thas all i gotta say.
-bitched by tha queen-

» Saturday,12-1-01 «

dayum. tha otha day waz tha worst. i felt lyk shit. tha nite before i didnt get to bed til bout 3ish n i woke up at 7. then as tha day went on tha mah sleep caught on. i was koo in tha morin but then round 10ish bam! i was redi tu sleep. so i did end up sleepin in one period. then at basketball tryouts.. i did so damn bad. i missed lyk all mah shots [except fo mah layupz]n i slipped twice! i was lyk awe man! afta tryoutz i went home n plopped on tha couch n turn on tha tv tu bet n it was mah lil drama sho 'oh drama'. it was talkin bout black womanz bluez. so i watched it. sum of tha pplez bluz were funi n not az bad az mah day was so it made meh feel lil betta. i waz juz happy tha tha day waz almost ova.
-bitched by tha queen-

» Tuezday, 11-27-01 «

ah aohell iz such a bitch.. keepz kickin meh off.. n i qotz a slowwww modem.nuthen special happened today cept mah teacher callin mah mama tellin her shes worried bout one damn test. lmao. wat a bitch. i was lyk wtf are u worried bout.. itz just one muthafuckin test. oy vey. mah ma didnt kare really.. juz tha same damn speech (im shure ne parent would give) i no u kan do betta .. try lil harder .. blah blah blah.. i salute ju..sha-wing lmao i luv waynes world. kinda off tha subject but meh n mah friend colleen kept doin it durin class. dun lyk it?! so sue meh.
-bitched by tha queen-

»Tuezday, 11-13-01 «

im bakkkkkk.. damn itz been a hella while. sorriez tryin tu find a host got meh diddley shit. so i was juz lyk fuck it ima juz get one of thiz host then get mah own damn domain. n bout a day or two im get a new layout n shit. btw niice layout nique im soo happy today was a half day. [all diz week baby!] but tha dumbass teachers still give uz hella homewerk damn! today kinda sucked becuz i had tu be a bitch at tha basketball "coach" if thas wha u wana call him.. he fuckin sux were all hella tired after runnin hella liners then tha damn basterd givez us more to do! i was lyk fuck this shit n was redi tu walk out. newayz.. thiz site mite look lyk strait up shit but i gave it a shoot.. n ill improve mah skilz as we go ill get all tha html sum day.. hehz well ima bounce kuz itz layte n im runnin outta shit tu say kuz nuthen rely happend laytely so laytez.
-bitched by tha queen-

» Thursday, 10-18-01 «

queen bitch. what bitch you know be thuggin' like this? Imagine if I was a dude hittin' cats from the back no strings attached yeah nigga picture that . . .
Dayum was today borin..had work.. im tired of scoo.. nuthen to do. school was boring as usual. today i was actually niice tu tha dickz in tha scoo a first where no bitchyn was needed.. except fo all tha dumbass teachers. gawd i hate them! mah whole history class had tu have detention kuz we annoyed tha teacha tu much.*rollz her eyez* dumbfuckz.. i want to fynd a new domain fo mah site.. hometown sux major dick.. yea sorrie it took awhile ther fer meh to write .. tha damn hometown aint workin fo meh. ne wayz tha partay on friday kick sum fuckin ass! i loved it. got mah freak on n shit.tha only reason why i did it on hea kuz i couldnt find a domain tu uze n im a fuckin dumb blonde wit codez.. but ima try tu learn. hehz. ima tri tu find a betta domain than thiz shit. i wont be on fo a few dayz kuz ill be in tahoe .. chillen wit mah peepz so have fun in scoo tomorrow! hahz layta niqqaz
-bitched by tha queen-

» Sunday, 10-07-01 «

juz got bak from softball practice n im so fuckin sore.. it sux dick then layter i have a volleyball game. no point n goin we pretty much suck but owell go trojanz! lol trojan man! this weekend was soo fuckin borin u have no idea.. it was fun bein n talkin wit mah boo hehez [matt] luv yeaz*mwahz* dayum it serenay we didnt hook up wit christian n pietro. well it wouldnt have been good ne wayz fo us too go wen we needed titiana.. lol oopz tatiana mah bad. gawd dayum im still cold matt where are u too keep meh warm?! lol..ah i feel fuckin sick..bleh but ill still be tha crazy ass mofo biatch. d=P laytaz
-bitched by tha queen-

» T.G.I.Friday 10-05-01 «

dayum im soo fuckin bord hea thaz why im typin shii rii now n puttin sum new shit out on da page fo yea.. not much but sum. hometown iz rely pissen meh off it wouldnt let meh update mah page at first n juz this whole bunch of shiit happenin..omffffgg i want thiz man [darkman x] lol.. dmx one hott mofo..hahaz dun worrie matt ur a hott mofo too lmfao =x . woooooooohooooooo food came yea! bout dayum time it got hea.. took too fuckin long ..sorrie lil HIIGHper .. damn wut tha fuck tha putten in thoze baby bottle popz...*loox at her blizt* ahh tha basterd iz on .. RC4UCUM69WITME.. some1 hold me bak .. thiz bitch iz bout tu explode on hiz peraaaadeeeee. well i gottz tu bounce *mwahz*
-bitched by tha queen-

» Thrusday, 10-04-01 «

hey sup yallz itz mz qween bee rii hea.. juz updating mah site. i had anotha one but it krashed n i was too lazy to re do it but i aint bein tha lazy ne mo. well ima try at least. the only real reason im doin thiz shii rii now cuz im madd bored yo .. lyk alwayz. thnx tata fo this aaliyah layout u made meh. iz tite yo! im still workin on diz site so if u see it n therez lyk nuthen there thaz kuz i had tu do sum otha shiitz... rii now im listenin tu Rza "La Rhumba" .. lyk u soo fuckin pissed! all mah dayum cdz got stolen.. so now i got tu buy all deze fuckin cdz again, or burn em but thaz guna take a fuckin one in tha mo0d fo stalkin?! thiz dayum niqqa iz pissen tha fuck outta me.. i no i shouldnt do thiz but hez an ass who deservez it. Sn-RC4uCuM69WiTmE Name-Robert Lokate-510 kali.. i alr got mah boi chriz on him.. ne one elze wana take a stab at tha fuckin basterd? i noe serenay would.. lmfao =x ::im such a crazy ass mofo bitch:: ne wayz i g2 bizounce.
-bitched by tha queen- addiktionz...
http://babymely143 http://scandelous http://femmina http://bebe http://soul-reflector http://deliciouslydown http://icyblu