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Monday 12 may 03

you know what i really really reallllly miss right now? medical checkups. yes that's the one. where they weigh your height, your weight, check your eyesight, give you jabs. and all that other boring stuffs. it was great in secondary school. we would always drag the time by walking down really slowly, walking up really slowly, dilly dallying, do everything in slow-mo, piss the nurses off, and piss the teachers off. til there was the rule that we had to go down together, and come up as a class. i remember i hated primary school nurses. those grumpy middle aged nurses with horrible perms, bulging tummies, and horrendous makeup. i was always the tall skinny one (at least, until i reached jaysee). and they would always drag me out of the queue first coz i was the "problemetic" type and would require more time to "fix". every single year they tell me to drink milk. every morning after assembly i was made to drink a packet of full cream milk (i always preferred the chocolate over the strawberry. the plain ones made me sick). i remember this nurse called me down after school - just me, alone. and she grabbed me by my skinny arms, and told me "DRINK MORE MILK DRINK MORE MILK" and i cried. and that's just the only comment that nurses ever wrote in my health booklet "drink more milk". thank goodness i never developed a fear for milk. i like ice cream. i don't believe in frozen "i can't believe it's yogurt!" yogurt.

i've run out of things to say. no. wait. scribble sucks.

old stuffs