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Starcraft Clan: The Extermination Squad

The Clan's Desktops

Misc. Page

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Misc. Info
All the pictures that have my clan's logo in it was made by a fellow member, MonkeyGod[tEs]. Many thanks for the pictures.

Tuesday, November 6, 2001
Hello. I've finally been able to get off some school time to update some things. Well, I put a link to a 56k Pride website, and I also put up a profile for Melk[tEs]. If you want your profiles up, email me it. I uploaded the best Final Fantasy Video I've seen. Look in the Anime Music Videos section.

Note: I stole more code off Shinji's website to make the profiles. Geez, I have no skill. Many thanks, Shinji! ...where ever you are...

Sunday, October 21, 2001
I haven't done much updating to my site. I've been playing Starcraft most of the time during my free time on the weekends. Recently, I've been able to meet all the new members except Ramah[tEs]. Well, I'll be adding a few pictures and names to the members page soon. So keep a look out. Okay, time for homework.

Monday, October 15, 2001 By: NeoGouken
YOYOYOYO!!!!! This is another update and hack of my lil Bro's site! This site is quite sucky...... Anywho... yeah.... umm.. nothing new to add...


a link to my old page.. hehehehe
You can get to it through this link

Wednesday, October 10, 2001
My brother got ahold of my password for angelfire and pulled THIS little prank on me. It's kinda funny but whatever. I'm going to leave the page like this for a week just because it's interesting.

Since most people set their monitors to 800 x 600, I am optimizing this website to display better on 800 x 600. That's all I did today. Just make stuff smaller. And I guess that's it. Time to go find a costume with a buddy for Halloween. It's candy time!

Wednesday, October 10, 2001 By: NeoGouken
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! YES!!! THIS IS NOT HE WHO USUALLY BABBLES!!! I AM HE WHO HAS BEEN HERE... err... hehehe.... oh well.. that was kind of auspicious! hehehe.... yeah.... this site sucks ass... the only thing good is NEOGOHAN'S banner and the background.... EHEHEHEHEHE!!! yes... and my sig!! HEHEHEHEHE!!!! EVERYONE COWER BEFORE ME!!!! FOR I AM......

Tuesday, October 9, 2001
Okay, I worked my butt off, and I have some of the pictures up for the clan members. However, there are no profiles yet. After adding all the pictures and gathering all the information, I will begin to write each member's profile. Umm...I realized that this page is best viewed on 1024 x 768. So...sorry if any of you use anything less. Well, I'm off!

Sunday, October 7, 2001
Ahh......whew. I added a few links to Shinji's homepage and a friend's homepage. That's basically it. I'm so slow at doing these things. And I added a little section in the tEs section.

Saturday, October 6, 2001
Yippie! Yahoo! I finally got my own website! Oh geez! I don't know any HTML, so I ended up stealing most of my code off a friend's website. My brother helped me make the background(the little Chaos from Sonic Adventure) and the banner. Good 'ol Photoshop! I spent the whole day on this, and I only have a few links, too. ::sighs:: Eek! I need to learn HTML fast or this site is never going to be done. ^_^

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