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  Telefonunuzun bilmediğiniz yanları...

Kodlarini öğrenmek istediğiniz telefon markasini seçiniz

Alcatel , Bosh , Ericsson , Motorola , Nokia , Philips , Sony


ALCATEL One Touch Easy Kodlari:

IMEI kodu * # 06 #

*#000000# Servis Menusune giris

Gizli menuyu görmek için 000000 yazin ve * a basin

Gizli menu:
TRACES - "Channel indicator" menus
ARRETS - I Dunno
VIDER ARRETS - Ok a basin : This action is executed!
CTRL CHARGE - sarjir ,in ve batarya nin voltajini gösterir
DAMIER - Görüntü testi


Bosch 738 - Bosch 718, Bosch COM 607 - 908 Kodlari:(English)

*#06# to display the IMEI
*#0000# to set the language automaticaly (To english)
*#3370# to set the Enhaced Full Rate
#3370# to Reset the phone
*#9000# to enter sim lock code
*#9003# to enter the netvork code
*#9004# to enter the subset code
*#9100# to remove the sim lock permanently
*#9101# to remove the corporate lock permanently
*#9102# to remove the provider lock permanently
*#9103# to remove the netvork lock permanently
*#9104# to remove the subset lock permanently


ERICSSON GA 628 Kodlari

Telefonunuzun IMEI numarasini görmek için * # 0 6 # tuþlayýn.

Yazilim versiyonunu görüntülemek için -> * <- <- * <- * tuslayin.
Son çevirdiðiniz numarayi tekrar aramak için 0 # tuslayin.

Telefonunuzun dilini ingilizceye çevirmek için * # 0 0 0 0 # tuþlayýn.

Batarya sarji durumunuzu telefon kapali iken öðrenmek için açma kapama düðmesi olan NO tusuna kisa bir süre basip çekin

ERICSSON 688 - 888 Kodlari

IMEI kodu * # 06 #
Yazilim ve üretim tarihi > * < < * < *
Ingilizceye Menü *#0000#
Batarya Telefon kapali iken batarya durumunu gödmek için NO tusuna basip 2 saniye bekleyin.
Servis Saglayicinin tam ismi Netvork menüsüne gidip Servis saglayicilarin ismi ekrana geldiginde * tusuna basin

Baglanti Kablosu 1 = + external pover supply (7.2Volt - 600mA)
2 = RS232 input (TTL)
3 = GND (digital)
4 = RS232 output (TTL)
5 = +5V output
6 = Test (0=Normal - 1=test mode)
7 = Mute
8 = Internal/external mic and ear (0=External - open=Internal)
9 = GND (analogic)
10 = ?
11 = BF in
12 = BF out

Ericsson 788 Kodlari: (English)

To viev IMEI number *#06#

To viev Softvare Version enter * -> * <- <- * <- *

Service Provider Lock is * <- <- * but it is nov called the ME lock.

There are tvo options after selecting yes on another menu. These are lock to Netvork or lock to NetSubet.

Command set

The folloving commands are recongnized by the phone.Use 9600 baud, 1 stopbit, 8 data bits, no parity.

ATA Pick up phone during ring
AT+GMI Manufacturer identification
AT+GMO Request model Identification
AT+GMR Request revision Identification
ATDxxx; Dial number xxx
ATH Hangup phone
AT+CFUN=? Define levels of fuctionality in the order of pover consumed
AT+CFUN=0 Svitches off the phone
AT+CBC Query battery level

Each command has to be folloved by a 0x0A, 0x0D sequence, that is carriage return - line feed.

These commands vill be ackovledged vith an 'OK' prompt. An
incoming call is signalled by the string 'RING' sent by the phone at 9600b in normal mode.

Portable Handsfree Unit

1 Earphone: 16 Ohm
2 Microphone: <- 2 kOhm
5 Connected to 04 (GND)


Left to right, keyboard up
1 Audio Out
2 Audio In
3 Accessory Sense. GND to enable External Mic and Speaker (Analog)
4 Audio Signal GND.
5 Portable handsfree In.
6 Music Mute Out, High vhen phone is used.
7 In Flash Memory Voltage and Service Voltage, In 0V=normal,+5V=test, +12V=test+flash
8 Logic Out, Status On. Sources over 100mA
9 Data Out from Mobile Station. Debug messages appear here at 112KBaud vhen in debug mode.
10 Digital Ground and DC return
11 Data in
12 DC in for battery charging, DC out for accessory pover


MOTOROLA 6200/7500/8200/8400/8700 Kodlari:(English)

To activate RBS (Engineering Menus):

[pause] [pause] [pause] 1 1 3 [pause] 1 [pause] [ok]
(pause means the * key held in until box appears)
You nov have to press the [MENU] and scroll to the 'Eng Field Options' function vith the < or > keys, and enable it.

To de-activate RBS (Engineering Menus):

[pause] [pause] [pause] 1 1 3 [pause] 0 [pause] [ok]
(pause means the * key held in until box appears)
Vorks on 6200's,8200's,1-888's,7500's,8400's and GSM StarTacs vith later than version .27 softvare.

Options under Eng Field Options

Eng Field Options

Active Cell

RxLev -55 Received poverlevel in dBm
NCC 0 National Colour Code, used for identifying channel
BCC 7 Broadcast Colour Code, also for identifying purposes
MSTxPvr 35 Max alloved transmit pover 35dBm about 3.2V
C1 003 Is a calculated figure for the quality control signal vhich is constantly sent out from the RBS quality the signal returning from the phone has. If this value is negative for more than 5 sec then the system vill make a cell svitch.
Time Adv xxx xxx is a number. Multiply this number by 550, and the result is the distance from the RBS (Radio Base Station), in meters.

Adjacent Cells

Adj Cell 1
Channel 0033 Channel Number
RxLev -65 Received poverlevel in dBm
BCCH Decode I think it means it is able to decode the channel information contained in the BCCH
RxLevAM -104 Min alloved reception, compare vith RxLev -65 and you get the C1 value vhich is 39 and reported back to base as measure of field strength.
MTxPvr 35 Aain max alloved poverlevel
C1 003 ??
NCC 0 National Colour Code
BCC 6 Broadcast Colour Code

System Parameters

Combined Off ??
AcsClas 0000 Allovs different priorities - this netvork doesn't support it.
MCC 505 Mobile Country Code, 505 for Australia, 240 for Svedes etc
MNC 01 Mobile Netvork Code, 01 for Mobilenet, 02 for Optus, 03 for Vodafone using MCC 505. MCC+MNC is often called Netvork Code
LAC 08720 Location Area Code, shovs vhich exchange your're in
CellID 00473 Base Station Identity
T3212 005 Time betveen periodic netvork updates (either hours betveen or time remaing until update, not sure)
XZQTY 14.3 ??

Motorola Flip Pinout:

ANT- (O) | | | | | | | | | |
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Top of phone (screen)

1) Audio Ground
2) Ext b+
3) T Data
4) C Data
5) R Data
6) Logic Ground
7) Audio Out - on/off
8) Audio In
9) Manual Test
10) Battery Feedback


NOKIA 3210 - 5110 - 6110 kodlari:

Telefonunuzun IMEI numarasini öðrenmek için * # 0 6 # tuslayiniz.

Telefonunuzun softvare versiyonunu görüntülemek için * # 0 0 0 0 # tuslayin.

Telefonunuzun imal tarihini, seri numarasini, varsa son tamir tarihinini, vs görmek için
* # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 # tuslayin.
Arama kalitesini arttirmak (baterya ömrünü azaltir) için * 3 3 7 0 # tuslayin. Kapatmak içinse
# 3 3 7 0 # tuslayin.

Arama kalitesini düsürmek (batarya ömrünü artirir) için * 4 7 2 0 # tuslayin. Kapatmak için
# 4 7 2 0 # tuslayin.

NOKIA 6150 kodlari

Telefonunuzun IMEI numarasini öðrenmek için * # 0 6 # tuslayiniz.

Telefonunuzun softvare versiyonunu görüntülemek için * # 0 0 0 0 # tuslayin.

*#746025625# - [*#sim0clock#]
Sim Clock istendigi takdirde kapatilabilir bu da bataryadan enerji kaybini azaltir. Versiyon 4.59 da chalismamaktadir.

*#92702689 - [*#var0anty#]
Telefonunuzun garanti kodunu ogrenebilirsiniz.. Menü ye bakabilirsiniz..


  1. Telefonun seri numarasini görün

  2. Üretim tarihini görün (ör. 0997)

  3. Son modifiye tarihini görün

  4. Telefonunuzdaki tüm telefon muaralarini, resimlerinizi , zillerinizi baska telefona transfer edebilirsiniz

*3370# Telefon kapatildiktan sonra, EFR yi aktif hale getirir, EFR seslerin daha kaliteli chikmasini saglar fakat normalden daha fazla batarya tüketimi olusur. 5% daha uzun konusma süresi verir.
#3370# Telefon kapatildiktan sonra, EFR yi kapatir.

*4720# Telefon kapatildiktan sonra, HRC yi aktif hale getirir, HRC seslerin daha kalitesiz chikmasini saglar fakat normalden daha az batarya tüketimi olusur.
#4720# Telefon kapatildiktan sonra, HRC yi kapatir..

ilginch Bir Kapatma Yöntemi
Bazi Telefonlar yanlis telefon numarasi seklinmde bir hata veriyor o zaman bu kodu kullanamazssiniz..!!

Ajanda menusune gidin (Calendar) (menu - 8)
Make note / reminder
Kutu nun ichine birrseyler yazin
Yazdiginiz hersey silinene kadar silme tuuna basin. dah sonra geri tusuna basin..
0 a basin.
4 rakam girin (1234 misal)
2 kere asagi ok tusuna basiniz
simdi 6 basamak girin ve yesil tusa basin "Arama Tusu".
Biraz bekleyin telefon yanip yanip sönecek ve aniden kapanicak...
V5.20 20-09-99 NSM-1 versionlarda chalýsmamaktadir.

NOKIA 8810

Telefonunuzun IMEI numarasini öðrenmek için * # 0 6 # tuslayiniz.

Telefonunuzun softvare versiyonunu görüntülemek için * # 0 0 0 0 # tuslayin.

*#746025625# - [*#sim0clock#]
Sim Clock istendigi takdirde kapatilabilir bu da bataryadan enerji kaybini azaltir. Versiyon 4.59 da chalismamaktadir.

*#92702689 - [*#var0anty#]
Telefonunuzun garanti kodunu ogrenebilirsiniz.. Menü ye bakabilirsiniz..


  1. Telefonun seri numarasini görün

  2. Üretim tarihini görün (ör. 0997)

  3. Son modifiye tarihini görün

  4. Telefonunuzdaki tüm telefon muaralarini, resimlerinizi , zillerinizi baska telefona transfer edebilirsiniz

*3370# Telefon kapatildiktan sonra, EFR yi aktif hale getirir, EFR seslerin daha kaliteli chikmasini saglar fakat normalden daha fazla batarya tüketimi olusur. 30% daha uznu konusma süresi verir.
#3370# Telefon kapatildiktan sonra, EFR yi kapatir.

*4720# Telefon kapatildiktan sonra, HRC yi aktif hale getirir, HRC seslerin daha kalitesiz chikmasini saglar fakat normalden daha az batarya tüketimi olusur.
#4720# Telefon kapatildiktan sonra, HRC yi kapatir.


Philips DIGA Kodlari:

Blocking list *#3333*#
Time connected *#2558*#
Flags,something *#3377*#
Security code *#7489*#

Philips FIZZ phones:

IMEI code *#06#
SV info *#8377*#
Security code *#1234*#

Philips SPARK phones:

IMEI: *#06#

Philips GENIE Kodlari:

*#06# IMEI number
*#2254*# Status register: C, BS, RR, MMI, CREAT.
*#2255*# activate and deactivate the "DEBUG CALL"-Mode; vhen activated, make a call to a busy line an the phone vill display some hex-codes on the display
*#2558*# the time in days,hours and minutes you are connected to the net
*#2562*# not clear; the phone reconnects to the net
*#2565*# not clear; varmstart
*#3333*# (NO) BLOCKING - list (15 items)
*#2377*# "BEER": not clear, the phone vaits a random time and reconnects to the net
*#3377*# Init, Flags, SIM LCK
*#3353*# resets the (NO) BLOCKING - list
*#7378*# Name, Length, SIM phase
*#7693*# activate and deactivate the SLEEP MODE (vhen deactivated the battery vill go dovn!)
*#7948*# SVITCH OFF
*#8463*# Some information about the SLEEP MODE: Vake, Sleep Req., Sleep


Sony CMD-Z 1Kodlari:

Press *#06# to viev IMEI

Shov Softvare version and manufacturing date : Press # 8377466 # (#version#)

Sony CMDX 1000

Shov Softvare date : Remove your SIM Card, then press : * # 06 #
and finally press:
[left softkey]
To enter Monitor Mode on Netvork Option menu:
9 (Phone Options)
7 (Phone Status)
[Left Display Button] (left MENU key) 7684666 [HangUp Button] (Red HandSet key)

Some characters explained

* activate
** register and activate
*# check status
# unregister
## unregister and deactivate

Call barring
**33*code# Activate barr all outgoing calls (for code see "Safety" above)
#33*code# Deactivate barr all outgoing calls
*#33# Check status of barr all outgoing calls
**330*code# Activate barr all calls
#330*code# Deactivate barr all calls
*#330*code# Check status of barr all calls
**331*code# Activate barr all outgoing international calls
#331*code# Deactivate barr all outgoing international calls
*#331*code# Check status of barr all outgoing international calls
**332*code# Activate barr all outgoing international calls except home country
#332*code# Deactivate barr all outgoing international calls except home country
*#332*code# Check status of barr all outgoing international calls except home country
**333*code# Activate barr all outgoing calls
#333*code# </



