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Skeleton Mastery
Better skeletons and revived creatures

Prerequisites: Raise Skeleton

Level 1
  Skeletons: Life: +7
  Skeletons: Damage: +2
  Monsters: Life: +7%
  Monsters: Damage: +2%
Level 20
  Skeletons: Life: +140
  Skeletons: Damage: +40
  Skeleton Magi: Improved Missile Damage
  Monsters: Life: +140%
  Monsters: Damage: +40%
  Skeletons: Life: slvl*7
  Skeletons: Damage: slvl*2
  Skeleton Fire Magi Minimum Damage: (slvl*2) + 2
  Skeleton Fire Magi Maximum Damage: (slvl*2) + 6
  Skeleton Cold Magi Minimum Damage: slvl + 1
  Skeleton Cold Magi Maximum Damage: slvl + 4
  Skeleton Lightning Magi Minimum Damage: slvl + 1
  Skeleton Lightning Magi Maximum Damage: slvl + 7
  Skeleton Poison Magi Minimum Damage: slvl + 6
  Skeleton Poison Magi Maximum Damage: slvl + 6
  Monsters: Life: (slvl*7)%
  Monsters: Damage: (slvl*2)%

Raise Skeleton
Reanimate skeletal warrior from target corpse
Life: 21
Damage: 1-2

Level 1
  1 Skeleton Total
  Mana Cost: 6
Level 20
  20 Skeletons Total
  Mana Cost: 25
  Skeletons: slvl Total
  Mana Cost: slvl + 5

Clay Golem
Creates a golem to fight for you
Clevel 6
Defense: 20

Level 1
  Life: 100
  Damage: 2-5
  Mana Cost: 15
Level 20
  Life: 765*
  Damage: 15-38
  Mana Cost: 72
  Life: (slvl*35) + 65*
  Minimum Damage: (slvl*0.7) + 1.3
  Maximum Damage: (slvl*1.75) + 3.25
  Mana Cost: (slvl*3) + 12
  *This value is NOT multiplied by Golem Mastery; only the initial 100 is.

Golem Mastery
Enhances speed and life of golems
Clevel 12 - Prerequisites: Clay Golem

Level 1
  Life: +20%
  Walk/Run Speed: +6%
Level 20
  Life: +400%
  Walk/Run Speed: +33%
  Life: +0% (+20%)
  Walk/Run Speed: 44*[(slvl)/(slvl+6)]%

Raise Skeletal Mage
Reanimate skeletal mage from target corpse
Clevel 12 - Prerequisites: Raise Skeleton
Life: 61

Level 1
  1 Skeleton Mage
  Mana Cost: 8
Level 20
  20 Skeleton Mages
  Mana Cost: 27
  Skeleton Mages: slvl
  Mana Cost: slvl + 7

Blood Golem
A golem that shares life and damage
Clevel 18 - Prerequisites: Clay Golem
Life: 201
Defense: 90

Level 1
  Converts 31% Damage to Life
  Damage: 6-16
  Mana Cost: 25
Level 20
  Converts 38% Damage to Life
  Damage: 45-122
  Mana Cost: 101
  Converts Damage to Life: 11*[(slvl)/(slvl+6)]% + 30%
  Minimum Damage: (slvl*2.1) + 3.9
  Maximum Damage: (slvl*5.6) + 10.5
  Mana Cost: (slvl*4) + 21

Summon Resist
Summoned monsters gain resistances

Clevel 24 - Prerequisites: Golem Mastery

Level 1
  Resist All: +28%
Level 20
  Resist All: +66%
  Resist All: 60.5*[(slvl)/(slvl+6)]% + 20%

Iron Golem
Creates a golem from an item
Clevel 24 - Prerequisites: Blood Golem
Life: 306
Defense: 111
Damage: 7-19
Mana Cost: 35

Level 1
  Thorns Damage: +0%
Level 20
  Thorns Damage: +420%
  Thorns Damage: 0% at level 1, then (slvl*15)% + 120% afterward

Fire Golem
Creates a golem of fire
Clevel 30 - Prerequisites: Iron Golem
Life: 313
Defense: 160

Level 1
  Absorbs 36% Fire Damage
  Fire Damage: 10-27
  Mana Cost: 50
Level 20
  Absorbs 88% Fire Damage
  Fire Damage: 57-155
  Mana Cost: 240
  Absorbs Fire Damage: 82.5*[(slvl)/(slvl+6)]% + 25%
  Minimum Fire Damage: (slvl*2.5) + 7.5
  Maximum Fire Damage: (slvl*6.75) + 20.25
  Mana Cost: (slvl*10) + 40


Raises a monster to fight for you
Clevel 30 - Prerequisites: Raise Skeletal Mage and Iron Golem
Duration: 180 seconds
Mana Cost: 45
Life: +200%

Level 1
  1 Monster
Level 20
  20 Monsters
  Monsters: slvl



Fires barbed teeth

Level 1
  2 Teeth
  Magic Damage: 2-4
  Mana Cost: 3
Level 20
  21 Teeth
  Magic Damage: 21-23
  Mana Cost: 12
  Teeth: slvl + 1
  Minimum Magic Damage: slvl + 1
  Maximum Magic Damage: slvl + 3
  Mana Cost: (slvl/2) + 2.5

Bone Armor
Creates a damage absorbing bone shell

Level 1
  Absorbs 20 Damage
  Mana Cost: 11
Level 20
  Absorbs 210 Damage
  Mana Cost: 30
  Absorbs Damage: (slvl*10) + 10
  Mana Cost: slvl + 10

Poison Dagger
Next dagger attack poisons target
Clevel 6

Level 1
  Poison Damage: 7-15
  Over 4 seconds
  Attack: +15%
  Mana Cost: 3
Level 20
  Poison Damage: 168-217
  Over 23 seconds
  Attack: +205%
  Mana Cost: 7.7
  Maximum Poison Damage: Unknown
  Minimum Poison Damage: Unknown
  Duration: slvl + 3 seconds
  Attack: (slvl*10)% + 5%
  Mana Cost: (slvl/4) + 2.75

Corpse Explosion
Turns a corpse into a bomb
Clevel 6 - Prerequisites: Teeth
Damage: 60-100% of Corpse Life

Level 1
  Radius: 2.6 yards
  Mana Cost: 15
Level 20
  Radius: 8.6 yards
  Mana Cost: 34
  Radius: (slvl/3) + 7/3 yards
  Mana Cost: slvl + 14

Bone Wall
Creates an impassible barrier
Clevel 12 - Prerequisites: Bone Armor
Duration: 48 seconds
Mana Cost: 17

Level 1
  Life: 19
Level 20
  Life: 109
  Life: (slvl*4.75) + 14.25

Poison Explosion
Turns a corpse into a poison gas bomb
Clevel 18 - Prerequisites: Poison Dagger and Corpse Explosion
Mana Cost: 8

Level 1
  Poison Damage: 25-50
  Over 4 seconds
Level 20
  Poison Damage: 120-240
  Over 19.2 seconds
  Minimum Poison Damage: (slvl*5) + 20
  Maximum Poison Damage: (slvl*10) + 40
  Duration: (slvl*4/5) + 3.2 seconds

Bone Spear
Summons a deadly spike of bone
Clevel 18 - Prerequisites: Corpse Explosion

Level 1
  Magic Damage: 16-24
  Mana Cost: 7
Level 20
  Magic Damage: 168-176
  Mana Cost: 11.7
  Minimum Magic Damage: (slvl*8) + 8
  Maximum Magic Damage: (slvl*8) + 16
  Mana Cost: (slvl/4) + 6.75

Bone Prison
Creates a barrier of bone around target
Clevel 24 - Prerequisites: Bone Wall and Bone Spear
Duration: 48 seconds

Level 1
  Life: 19
  Mana Cost: 27
Level 20
  Life: 109
  Mana Cost: 8
  Life: (slvl*5) + 14
  Mana Cost: 28 - slvl

Poison Nova
Emits an expanding ring of poison
Clevel 30 - Prerequisites: Poison Explosion
Mana Cost: 25

Level 1
  Poison Damage: 50-75
  Over 8 seconds
Level 20
  Poison Damage: 145-217
  Over 23.2 seconds
  Minimum Poison Damage: (slvl*5) + 45
  Maximum Poison Damage: (slvl*7.5) + 67.5
  Duration: (slvl*4/5) + 7.2 seconds


Bone Spirit
Releases an undead specter
Clevel 30 - Prerequisites: Bone Spear

Level 1
  Magic Damage: 20-30
  Mana Cost: 12
Level 20
  Magic Damage: 324-334
  Mana Cost: 21
  Minimum Magic Damage: (slvl*16) + 4
  Maximum Magic Damage: (slvl*16) + 14
  Mana Cost: (slvl/2) + 11.5



Amplify Damage
Amplifies damage taken by enemies
Damage Taken: +100%
Mana Cost: 4
Target Physical Resistance: -100%

Level 1
  Radius: 2 yards
  Duration: 8 seconds
Level 20
  Radius: 14.6 yards
  Duration: 65 seconds
  Radius: (slvl*2/3) + 4/3 yards
  Duration: (slvl*3) + 8 seconds

Dim Vision
Reduces vision of monsters
Clevel 6
Mana Cost: 9

Level 1
  Radius: 2.6 yards
  Duration: 7 seconds
Level 20
  Radius: 15.3 yards
  Duration: 45 seconds
  Radius: (slvl*2/3) + 2 yards
  Duration: (slvl*2) + 5 seconds

Reduces damage done by enemies
Clevel 6 - Prerequisites: Amplify Damage
Target's Damage: -33%
Mana Cost: 4

Level 1
  Radius: 6 yards
  Duration: 14 seconds
Level 20
  Radius: 18.6 yards
  Duration: 59.6 seconds
  Radius: (slvl*2/3) + 16/3 yards
  Duration: (slvl*2.4) + 11.6 seconds

Iron Maiden
Enemies damage themselves
Clevel 12 - Prerequisites: Amplify Damage
Radius: 4.6 yards
Mana Cost: 5

Level 1
  200% Damage Returned
  Duration: 12 seconds
Level 20
  675% Damage Returned
  Duration: 57.6 seconds
  Damage Returned: (slvl*25)% + 175%
  Duration: (slvl*2.4) + 9.6 seconds

Monsters run away in fear
Clevel 12 - Prerequisites: Weaken
Radius: 2.6 yards
Mana Cost: 7

Level 1
  Duration: 8 seconds
Level 20
  Duration: 27 seconds
  Duration: slvl + 7 seconds

Monster attacks random targets
Clevel 18 - Prerequisites: Dim Vision
Mana Cost: 13

Level 1
  Radius: 4 yards
  Duration: 10 seconds
Level 20
  Radius: 16.6 yards
  Duration: 48 seconds
  Radius: (slvl*2/3) + 10/3 yards
  Duration: (slvl*2) + 8 seconds

Life Tap
Enemies return life to attacker
Clevel 18 - Prerequisites: Iron Maiden
Heals: 50% of Attack Damage
Mana Cost: 9

Level 1
  Radius: 2.6 yards
  Duration: 16 seconds
Level 20
  Radius: 15.3 yards
  Duration: 61.6 seconds
  Radius: (slvl*2/3) + 2 yards
  Duration: (slvl*2.4) + 13.6 seconds

Monster becomes universal target
Clevel 24 - Prerequisites: Confuse
Radius: 6 yards
Mana Cost: 17

Level 1
  Duration: 12 seconds
Level 20
  Duration: 80.4 seconds
  Duration: (slvl*3.6) + 8.4 seconds

Greatly slows and weakens enemies
Clevel 24 - Prerequisites: Terror
Mana Cost: 11
Target Speed: -50%
Target Damage: -50%
Target Physical Resistance: -50%

Level 1
  Radius: 2.6 yards
  Duration: 2 seconds
Level 20
  Radius: 15.3 yards
  Duration: 5.8 seconds
  Radius: (slvl*2/3) + 2 yards
  Duration: (slvl/5) + 1.8 seconds

Lower Resist
Lowers enemies' resistance to magic
Clevel 30 - Prerequisites: Life Tap and Decrepify
Mana Cost: 22

Level 1
  Radius: 4.6 yards
  Duration: 20 seconds
  Resist All: -31%
Level 20
  Radius: 17.3 yards
  Duration: 58 seconds
  Resist All: -62%
  Radius: (slvl*2/3) + 4 yards
  Duration: (slvl*2) + 18 seconds
  Resist All: -49.5*[(slvl)/(slvl+6)]% - 25%