~ * A Whore, An Idiot....And Richelle * ~


~ * All about Rachel * ~

~ * All about Kati * ~

~ * All about Richelle * ~

~ * Our friend's website...(Corey's there, but Pip's better than Corey!!) * ~

~ * Greatest Rap/Hip-Hop artist there is...Rachel's Bf * ~

~ * Kick Ass Clothes! (Guess who picked this one) * ~

Hey Everyone..Thanks for visiting our site...and wasting minutes of your life...

...Hey this is Rachel! Whats up? Our sites pretty shitty right now but it will improve no worries! We'll have actual pics of us (although the current ones are extremely sexy we know!). This is the shit page, we spent more time on our own pages cuz we couldnt agree on shit so this page is crap. Thanks for visitin' our site, whats up to all my freinds who visited, and if you arent my freind and your visiting the site well..I dont know how the fuck you got the address but Hey! Also sign our guestbook! And dont forget to check out my page! Buh-Bye ;)

Hey this is...Kati!! I know you like my pic the best, i must say i have to be the sexiest one on the site...yes i know. BUT don't you remember the time when we went fishing and then the green alligator swam up and ate our food, even tho we didn't have any on us becuz Rachel ate it all and then Richelle came screaming cuz someone stole her underwear while Rachel and Stupider were in MY FREAKING hiding spot doing god knows what and meanwhile richelle's visiting various malls to see a certain someone who likes to shop for SHOES!! GUESS WHO!! and THEEEENN...this old man came up to us and asked us if we knew how to have a good time - we were all like ok well he obviously doesn't so we will show him how! We started playing various games of cards, smoking about a carton of smokes, watchin' movies....and i dunno lets add a couch in there for rachel. SO then he's like WAAAHHH!!! i'm gonna join y'all...don't you remember that time??? damn....cuz i don't either. You better sign our guest book...AND visit my part of this site...cuz i know your some-what bored considering your at this site...ENJOY!

"Hey whats happening, this is Richelle talking, (no not the idiot or the whore...just Richelle)i just wanted to tell u all who came....that this site sucks ASS....but its all good....i mean it took us....what ...a half an hour to figure out how the fuck this shitty thing works...but anyways...we do have lives...we were just really really really bored one night...and thought....hmm maybe we should do a web page...so we did...anyways..i got to jets...catch ya later..." i dont care what any of you say...this site kicks ass...and if you all have anything to say to that...'contact' us on icq...Rachel = 33143071, Richelle = 40709209, Kati = 112360555...Here are some Pic's of us!!! I HOPE YOU ENJOY THEM!!
*AND OUR CUTE COUPLE (Rachel and Corey)*

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Email: yellowducky666@hotmail.com