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HP 5 Review

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Reading: The Mists of Avalon - Marion Zimmer Bradley
Eating: Nothing
Listening: Missy Elliot - Gossip Folks
Feeling: The current mood of at



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Harry Potter Fan Episode: Counteragent Fan! Syd/Vaughn Fanlisting Harry/Hermione Fanlisting Whose Line Is It Anyways? Fanlisting

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Hey guys. i saw this rally funny page and I thought that I should add it to my site. This shit is hilarious!!! Enjoy!

While reading "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" I couldn't help but notice a few quotes and passages that you could take brilliantly out of context. I was alert by my HP boardmates and my friend and I complied this list. Please remember that I'm not taking any of this seriously. This is for humor puporposes only.

(Pg.9)"He let out a long, slow breath and stared up at the brilliant blue sky. Every day this summer had been the same: the tension, the expectation, the temporary relief, and then mounting tension again...and always, growing more insistent all the time, the question of why nothing had happened yet."

(Pg.10)"Panting, Harry fell forwards over the hydrangea bush, straightened up and stared around. There were several faces peering trough various nearby windows. Harry stuffed his wand hastily back into his jeans and tried to look innocent."

(Pg.13)"...I know you did Mark Evans two nights ago-" "He was asking for it," snarled Dudley.

(Pg.14)"What d'you mean, I'm not brave in bed?" said Harry, completely nonplussed.

(Pg.14)"Running to Daddy now, are you? Is his ickle boxing champ frightened of nasty Harry's wand?"

(Pg.15)"I heard you last night," said Dudley breathlessly. "Talking in your sleep. Moaning."

(Pg.26)"What did he do to you, Diddy?" Aunt Pentunia said in a quavering voice, now sponging sick from the front of Dudley's leather jacket. "Was it-- was it you-know-what, darling? Did he use-- his thing?"

(Pg.53)"Ah well...wand still in your jeans?"

(Pg.68)Harry snorted. He walked around the room again, looking anywhere but at Ron and Hermione. "So what have you two been doing if you're not allowed in meetings?" he demanded. "You said you'd been busy."


(Pg.85)"...screwing up her eyes each time with the same pained expression she had worn back in Harry's bedroom."

(Pg.121)Ron was lying sprawled on his back with his mouth wide open.

(Pg.154)"Quite astonishing, the way you contrive to wriggle out of very tight holes."

(Pg.156)...and Fred, George, and Ginny were doing a kind of war dance to a chant that went "He got off, he got off, he got off...."

This is what I was listening to when I wrote this update! The White Stripes - We're Going To Be Friends
Wednesday, August 13, 2003

You gotta show some love for Flo and Ankris, becaus ethye are nice enough to host this little site here. They are gonna give me some space on their server and host; Thank God! It took 3 years, and now I am hosted. HAHAHAHA! U SUCK! (I say that to the people who didn't think that i could get hosted)
Anyways, I'll move into my new home soon. I'm akin a new layout, and I will introduce you to my new family and all!!!! YAH!
This is what I was listening to when I wrote this update! Korn - Got The Life

Saturday, August 2, 2003
Hey guys. Today was pretty busy. I woke up, I went to art class, then I sat around all day and did notihing. Yep! My life is pretty hectic right now, I really don't have enough time to update the site... Just kidding, this site is like my only thing to do each day, except counting down to the Dune Marathon on Monday. OMg I am so excited about that marathon. The Space Channel is going to play the Dune miniseries (which is like 6 hours long) then they are playing the Children of Dune mini-series, then to top it off they are playing the 80s version of Dune. Can you imagine all that Dune in one day!!!!
Anyways, I just went to see a new movie that just came out. I want to tell you something. I don't want any of ypou guys to ever in your life consider going to see this movie. To tell you the truth I don't know why I went to see it. But please don't ever go and see the new movie GIGLI....It was so bad!!!! Jennifer and Ben were so terrible that I just realized that I can never get back those 2 and a half hours of my life. The movie was completely and utterly devoid of any plot, character development and ANY LOGIC WHATSOEVER!!! Those are my comments for the week. Enjoy~!
This is what I was listening to when I wrote this update! Paul Oakenfold - Ready, Steady, Go

Thursday, July 31, 2003
Today isn't a good day. I need to get out of the house. I don't fucking understand why I am so alone here. Everyday is so fucking stupid. I do nothing, and shit just still seems to find its way to me. Fuck it!
This is what I was listening to when I wrote this update! Nothing

Saturday, July 26, 2003
Well guys, I'm back from my week long vacation and I am back from being on hiatus. Let me just tell you that it was absolutle hell being without my site. I really missed it and I wanted so bad to go back and write in my blog. But I have started another site called Irridescent. And it is a graphics site based on all of the layouts and graphics that I have made, and guess whats, they are all for YOU!!!
I am working on a bunch of different layouts, I worked on the National Liberal Youth website for John Manley, it was really cool, but he unfortunetly dropped out of the race for the leadership of the Liberal party, so now I am out of a job. Oh well! It'll give me more time to work on my site and to find a HOST!! Omg! I am looking for a host and I think I found someone, Don't worry I'll figure out how to make my site work without those stupid Angelfire ads!
This is what I was listening to when I wrote this update! Korn - I Did My Time

jt112 | The current mood of at

Wednesday, July 2, 2003

As much as it pains me to say, I have to say it. But I won't say it, I'm sorry I can't. I don't believe it. Sirius isn't dead.

He isn't gone.

I am like Harry. I can't accept his death. He is my favorite character, and I just can't accept that he won't be here. Secretly, I know from the moment that we see him cooped up in Grimmwaulf Place, and we see the peak of is character, I knew that something was going to happen. But I could have never has guessed that it could ever be his death.
His life was hard, full of pain. And with the short years of fun that he had at Hogwarts with the Marauders, those years were soon shattered by the deaths of Lily and James. Now, he too, has gone, saving the one thing that mattered to him the most; Harry.
Harry has to now deal with his anger, frustration and emotions, and I feel exactly the same. Siriud was my friend, more than that... He was like a father to me. I, too, am like Harry. He has no father, but has a million father figures. He has Sirius, Hagrid, Dumbledore, Mr. Weasley and Remus. Now, he lost Siruis. And I, just as Harry, have to deal with what that means, as hard as it may be.
I think that I didn't make this update before now because I simply didn't believe that Sirius was dead. I couldn't accept it. But now I guess I have to, and this is one step in accepting was has already happened.
This is what I was listening to when I wrote this update! Audioslave - Show Me How To Live

jt112 | The current mood of at

Friday, June 27, 2003

Hey guys, I know this update is a little late, but I was busy reading Harry Potter and writing the amazing review. LOL. So anyways, I have to tell you that I, jt112, went to the MMVAs!!!
Yes I know that you are all so jealous and you want to kill me and torture me very slowly. Well let me cheer you up by saying that they weren't really that good.... What I can't kid myself they were THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD. Can you guys believe that I MET THEORY OF A DEADMAN, DISTURBED, THE SALADS, RAY ROMANO, MICHELLE BRANCH, SUM 41, OUR LADY PEACE, SIMPLE PLAN AND ALEXISONFIRE.
At the red carpet, I was going crazy because when Disturbed stepped out of their limo, I couldn't take it anymore. i got all of their autographs and I was talking to the lead, Dave Draiman, and he was so nice. I was saying how great their music is, and how I am so obsessed. He said that he like fans like that. LOL. I was in complete heaven.
This is what I was listening to when I wrote this update! Disturbed - Believe
jt112 | The current mood of at

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Well, I got my Harry Potter on Saturday, and it arrived at my door step at exactly 3:10 pm. To my surprise, I found that the book was indeed very large, and full etc....OMG I HAVE HARRY POTER!!!! OMG OMG OMG! I CALLED EVERYONE THAT I KNEW AND LEFT A MESSAGE ON THEIR MACHINE TAHT SOUNDED LIKE THIS "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. BYE!"
Anyways, I got the book and I wa sso excited. I can't believe I have the Order of the Pheonix in my hands. So I started to read and I got up to page 300 by the end of Saturday and then all the way up to the 500 on Sunday, so I thought I was going to finish it on Monday, but I had to work so, I finished it on Tuesday at exaclty 5:13pm. Well, as any Harry Potter book, the story was completely origonal and moving, but to really express what I think about this book, I am going to give you guys my whole review on it. It is also featured on my HP site called HH Heaven. Well here it is and I dare say that it is very long. So please enjoy and give me lots of feedback!

The Review

This is what I was listening to when I wrote this update! Radiohead - There There
jt112 | The current mood of at

Thursday, June 12, 2003 (again)

Hey guys, before I start my update, you all have to see what my friend Monique wrote on my guestbook. It was so good that I had to add it to my update. It is priceless:

"um... well, other than the fact that jessie is talking about my dad's dick and me losing my virginity...i think it's really cool!! ...really!! and, um... whats with natalie?? jk... so, i think jessie should really get her tv fixed 'cuz she doesn't get show case and after 11, there are some really interesting stuff!!lol! TALKING ABOUT MY SHIT!!!! omg, i spent the day at meaghans and i finally, for the first time saw the first lord of the rings movie! and we saw slc punk, and it was really funny!! i was like "why is it rated R?" then the guy in the movie was like "fuck america!!!" lol! it was funny! and then... duh, we cant forget "so, i was at the beach, and this girl, kiki, she was all like uhh! and i was like ya whatever!!!" lol! "'cuz this is my united states of whatever!" lol! ok, so i was talking to you on the phone and i was like " omg, im craving beer!" and you couldn't stop laughing! haha! well, you know you want it too!!! and........all the sex that comes with it!! but then you puke a shit load of shit the next day! ok, i should shut up now!! well, luv ya!

I'm on the phone with Monique and we are talking. lol. She told me that her little sister accidentally saw her dad's "thing" and she thought that it was a tail. lol. She is so cute. And I think that Monkey was wondering what it looked like!!! I just kidding. I love you Monique. Ya I need to say a couple of things.
- Monique needs to POKE THE PILLOWS!
- Monique's dad has a nice tail
- I don't wanna be VIRGIN anymore
- Monique wants to "jack" off
- Chloe may be the cutest person in the world but you are the funniest!!!!!!!!!!!

I just saw this awsome movie called "Hollywood Homicide, and it's with Josh Hartnett and Harrison Ford. For what the movie was, it was pretty cool. I mean it was all action, but I gotta say the script was very well done. I mean the characters were much better done than movie like Rush Hour or Showtime, there were some really dunny moments, but it was still shit. There were two things that I will love from the movie, where Harrison Ford says "Well...Fuck you very much!" and when they playes Missy Elliot, Gossip Folks for a chase scene. Go and see for that!
This is what I was listening to when I wrote this update! Liam Lynch - United States of WHATEVER
jt112 | The current mood of at

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Hey guys I just finshed my science exam. I thought that it was going to be so hard, like I was going to fail it, but fortunetly I didn't. Yah! There were two parts; one was practical and the other was theory. Thank God I got the chemistry part of the practical, I saw the people who did the physics one, some of them were crying because the stuff was so hard. But I'm happy!!!!! lol
Guess what? I have new some new fanart for you guys. I mixed it up, instead of always having Alias fanart, I made of Star Wars Episode 2 and 1 art. Plus some random art from Children of Dune (an amazing book). I hope you like them. I've been trying something different instead of just brushes, I'm mixing it up with new features from Adobe Photoshop. Please give me some feedback!!!
This is what I was listening to when I wrote this update! finger eleven - Good Times
jt112 | The current mood of at

Saturday, June 7, 2003

Hey! I am so sad and I am so happy. Yesterday my brother graduated from High School. He looked so good in his suit on the way to the Formal (Prom) and in his neon blue gown. I took so many pictures and I cheered so much. I was so happy even though our school gym (where the draduation was held) was a million degrees. When they were anouning all the awards. I got up and cheered, yelling for him :) He got a lot of them, but the most prestigious one was The Headmaster's Award. It's given to the student who has a aboce 90 average in the top 6 OACs, who is very involved with the school, shows immense leadership and can be reconized as one of the academic students in the grade. LOL. I WAS SO HAPPY. Plus he got a Math Methods award, a Bookman Award and two other that I don't remember. But he is so smart and I am so happy for him. I have this picture of him when he is in his blue gown. He is so cute!!
In honor of my brother's graduation, I made a new layout in his honor. It features Padme Amidala from Star Wars Episode 2. He is completely obsessed with Star Wars, like I am with Harry Potter. Well I hope you like the layout.
I love you, Brett and I hope you have a good time at University (in the United States). I'm gonna miss you a lot!!!!!
This is what I was listening to when I wrote this update! finger eleven - Good Times
jt112 | The current mood of at

Layout © by jt112. Images created byt jt112 and used without permission. This is a personal website, and is no what oriented with a company or major site.