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Moderator Actions

Modifying/Deleting A Post
Moving A topic
Locking A topic
Deleting A topic

Modifying/Deleting A Post

You can alter a post by clicking the "modify" button on it. It is advised that you always give a reason why you had to alter the post. If a post is in violation with any of the rules, you can decide to delete only that post by clicking the "delete" button on the post, next to where you located the "modify" button.

Moving A topic

When you feel a topic isn't suitable for the board it was posted in, you can move it to another board of the forum by selecting the "move topic" button at the bottom of the topic. A message where the topic was moved to and whom moved it will replace the original message so users know that it has been moved to another location.

Locking A topic

You can close a topic, so nobody can reply to it anymore, by clicking on the "lock topic" button at the bottom of the screen. You can unlock it by clicking the same button. We advise you to give a reason why the topic has been locked.

Deleting A topic

If you feel a topic has no use, or is in direct violation with the agreement, you can delete it by clicking on the "remove topic" button, located near the bottom of the display page. Please be very careful about your decision, because once deleted, a topic cannot be retrieved.