F-100 Super Sabre
The mighty "Hun"
(and F-107 Ultra Sabre)

    I will not try and post a detailed history of the Hun (too many others have done that better), but will post photos with limited text.  Most photos are museum survivors, with a few additional aircraft in storage.  As time goes by I will add details and more photos.  Some of that will depend on digitizing old photos and shooting new ones.  In the meantime please enjoy!

The second YF-100A 52-5755 Super Sabre The second YF-100A 52-5755 Super Sabre
F-100A Sper Sabre 52-5759 F-100A Super Sabre 52-5773

    The first The second YF-100A (52-5755) is on display in the "Century Circle" just outside the main gate at Edwards AFB.  This photo was taken late in the day 4 November, 2012.   Originally the Super Sabre had a taller tail than the F-100A when it entered production.  It also lacks the "inside out" rudder that became a hallmark of the F-100 Super Sabre line.
    On display at Lackland AFB is this very early F-100A (52-5759), photographed in September, 2000.

    52-5773 is another F-100A, this one being displayed outside the Confederate, er, sorry, the "Commemorative" Air Force" in Midland, TX in September, 2007.  Note that all of these aircraft are missing the nose probes.  That seems to be rather common with Huns on outdoor display.

F-100A Super Sabre 53-1533 Melrose, NM
F-100A Super Sabre 53-1533 Melrose, NM
F-100A Super Sabre 53-1600 Tucumcari, NM
F-100A Super Sabre 53-1600 Tucumcari, NM

    Photographed on September 23, 2011 F-100A 53-1533 is painted in the markings of the 27th Tactical Fighter Wing and displayed in Melrose, New Mexico.  The 27th flew F-100D and F-100F versions of the Hun, not F-100A models.

    F-100A 53-1600 is on display in Tucumcari, NM.  Photographed the same day as 1533, it is not in nearly the same condition.

F-100C Super Sabre 53-1712
    The Grissom Air Museum has F-100C 53-1712 on display in what appear to be spurious 323rd Fighter Bomber Wing markings.  This aircraft was with NACA from September, 1956 until March, 1957 and according to the museum's website:

"The last pilot to fly our aircraft was Neil Armstrong who ferried JF-100C serial number 53-1712 to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, AZ for storage following the completion of inertial roll coupling flight research earlier that month."
    This F-100C (53-1716) was displayed at Luke AFB in 1982 as a Skyblazers member (54-2009).  By 2005 she was repainted in a drab SEA scheme and carried 58th TFTW markings.

F-100C Super Sabre 54-1752 F-100C Super Sabre 54-1752
F-100C Super Sabre 54-1752

      The 188th TFS, New Mexico Air National Guard, was one of the last units to fly the F-100C, converting to the A-7D in 1973. F-100C 54-1752 as it appeared at MASDC in 1979 with the "Tacos" wheeled road runner on the tail.  This aircraft was later repainted as "54-1753" in the markings of the 322nd Fighter Day Group before being placed on display at Dyess AFB.  The two middle photos of her were taken in August, 2001 and the last one in May, 2010.

F-100C Super Sabre 54-1753
F-100C Super Sabre 54-1753

    The actual "753" as displayed at the National Museum of  the United States Air Force (NMUSAF). This aircraft was christened the "Susan Constant" while with the 322nd Fighter Day Group, Foster AFB, Texas.  This aircraft has left the Air Force Museum and by 2004 was on display at the Southern Museum of Flight in Birmingham, Alabama where unfortunately this colorful scheme has deteriorated considerably.

F-100C 54-1786 displayed as a 188th TFS New Mexico
                Air National Guard aircraft at the March Field Museum.
F-100C 54-1786 on display at the March Field
                Museum F-100C 54-1786 incorrectly painted to represent an
                aircraft of the 308th TFS.

    F-100C 54-1786 on display at the March Field Museum, March Air Reserve Base, CA.The current scheme represents the aircraft when she deployed to Tuy Hoa Air Base, Republic of Vietnam in 1968.  At that time the 188th TFS New Mexico Air National Guard was activated and attached to the 31st TFW.  This is an an accurate scheme for this airplane.  Prior to that she had been marked to represent an aircraft of the 308th TFS/31st TFW (right). The 308th had been equipped with F-100D and F-100F Super Sabres.

F-100C Super Sabre

    Good Huns gone bad...  F-100C 54-1803, MASDC 1979.  In happier days, she had  served with the NM ANG.  Sometime after this she was exported to Turkey where supposedly she is on display at

F-100C Super Sabre 54-1823 at the Pima Air and
                  Space Museum
F-100C Super Sabre 54-1823 at the Pima Air and
                  Space Museum
F-100C Super Sabre 54-1823 at the Pima Air and
                    Space Museum

    F-100C 54-1823 was christened "Discovery" when assigned to the 322nd FDG and carried that name with the Arizona ANG (152nd TFS) when retired and for many years on display.  In 2008 she was repainted in the markings of the 58th TFTW.

F-100D Super Sabre 54-2299 at the Joe Davies
                Airpark Palmdale, CA
F-100D Super Sabre 54-2299 at the Joe Davies
                Airpark Palmdale, CA

    During 1959 the Thunderbirds made a Far-East tour.  Several F-100s from the 18th TFW  where chosen to be the aircraft used.  F-100D  54-2299 was one of them.  That Hun is now displayed in the Joe Davies Heritage Airpark in Palmdale, CA.  She looks pretty attractive in these photos taken in November 2012.

F-100D Super Sabre 55-3503
F-100D Super Sabre 55-3503 F-100D Super Sabre 55-3503
F-100D Super Sabre 55-3503

    A popular scheme for preserved Huns is in Thunderbird markings, even though most F-100s painted that way never flew with the team.  It is still a good looking scheme and 55-3503 at the Pueblo Air Museum looks good in the red, white and blue of a partial T-Bird scheme.

F-100D Super Sabre 55-3754 Thunderbirds Super
F-100D Super Sabre 55-3754 Thunderbirds Super
F-100D Super Sabre 55-3754 Thunderbirds Super
F-100D Super Sabre 55-3754 Thunderbirds Super

    The F-100D displayed at the NMUSAF was assigned to the Thunderbirds and probably carries the most accurate markings of anf Hun in T-bird markings.  55-3754 was flown by the 175th TFS , SD-ANG until retirement in 1977.  She was restored in her Thunderbird markings at Nellis AFB and flown to the museum for display.

F-100D Super Sabre F-100D Super Sabre
F-100D Super Sabre

     F-100D 56-2912 (Left) as she appeared in 182nd TFS (TX ANG) markings when photographed at MASDC in 1979, when she was being removed from storage for conversion to a QF-100.  In  October 1982 she was at Tyndall AFB (center).  By 1984 912 was based at Holloman AFB. (Bobby Porter)

F-100D Super Sabre
F-100D Super Sabre
F-100D Super Sabre

    F-100D 55-3665 of the 182nd TFS (TX-ANG) at MASDC in October, 1979.  

    The 118th TFS, Connecticut ANG repainted the tan in the camo to form a bird's head as a unique marking.  The F-100D (55-3665) has a more elaborate blue eyed bird, while the F-100F (56-3801)  is slightly more plain.

F-100D Super Sabre F-100D Super Sabre F-100D Super Sabre F-100D Super Sabre

    F-100D 55-2809, ex 175th TFS, SD ANG, on display at the 1982 Davis Monthan open house..  This aircraft was being "prepped" for QF-100 conversion.
    F-100D 56-2826, 113th TFS, Indiana ANG, MASDC 1979.

    F-100D 56-2827 184th TFS Arkansas ANG. MASDC 1979.
    F100D 56-2920 107th TFS, Michigan ANG. MASDC 1979.



F-100D Super Sabre
F-100D Super Sabre 56-3000 Triple Zilch
F-100D Super Sabre 56-3000 Triple Zilch

     F-100D 56-2978, 182nd TFS, TX ANG.  This aircraft had been "Spraylated" and is now being prepared to go into the QF-100 program..  MASDC 1982.
    F-100D 56-3000 of the 182nd TFS, TX ANG.  This bird had carried colorful markings as "Triple Zilch" with the 20th TFW during the 1960s.  Her last  station was Kelly AFB, where she is shown in May, 1980
...and again in 1982.

F-100D Super Sabre 56-3093 Georgia Air National
F-100D Super Sabre 56-3093 Georgia Air National
F-100D Super Sabre 56-3093 Georgia Air National

     F-100D 56-3093 128th TFS Georgia ANG.  An inscription on the nose of 893 reads "X THUNDERBIRD NO. 1", but in actuallity it never served with the Thunderbirds.  At some point the tail was damaged and replaced with the tail of a former T-Bird number one aircraft.  The green bird on the nose is a 49th FIS zap.  She has been zapped by 434 Squadron RCAF as well.

F-100D Super Sabre 56-3154 F-100D Super Sabre 56-3154 F-100D 56-3220 Super Sabre

    Another F-100 that has traveled after retirement is 56-3154.  Having served with the 182nd TFS she was placed on display at the Southwest Aerospace Museum outside of Carswell AFB in Fort Worth.  When that museum closed she was loaned to the Lone Star Flight Museum in Galveston, Texas.  The photo to the left was taken at the old location in March, 1988 and the second at the new location in December, 1999.

    56-3220 displayed at Holloman AFB in this October, 2006 photo.

F-100D super sabre 56-3417 at the wings over the
                rockies museum F-100D super sabre 56-3417 at the wings over the
                rockies museum
F-100D super sabre 56-3417 at the wings over the
                F-100 Super Sabre rockies museum
F-100D super sabre 56-3417 at the wings over the
                rockies museum

    The Wings Over The Rockies air museum has 56-3417 displayed in 354th TFW markings.  A very nice looking restoration that is only missing the afterburner petals to be complete. The display has been added to as time has gone by.  In the two photos on the left taken in August, 2008 is a B43 thermonuclear bomb (displayed beneath the aircraft), one of the nukes the F-100 carried during the Cold War.  The next photo, taken in September, 2010, the nuke has been moved, drop tanks added and the nose cowling opened.
    Displayed near this Super Sabre is a metal model of an F-100 built by the Colorado Air National Guard.

F-100F Super Sabre
F-100F Super Sabre
F-100F Super Sabre f-100 super sabre

    During the Viet Nam War the F-100F was selected for Forward Air Control role and several were converted for the Misty FAC mission, 56-3837 among them.  The aircraft was assigned to the 37th TFW and is now on display at the National Museum of the United States Air Force.

F-100F Super Sabre F-100F Super Sabre
F-100F Super Sabre

    The Hun was reaching the end of its service life with the Air National Guard when 56-3840 was photographed at Luke AFB in September, 1979.  This F-100F was proudly serving with the 113th TFS (Indiana ANG) at the time, but in a short while would be retired to MASDC.
     In this May, 2008 photo 56-3982 has been nicely restored and is on display at the Big Spring, TX airport.  This is the location of the former Webb AFB which closed in 1977.
    In contrast is 56-3855, an incomplete example on display at the Las Cruces International Airport (LRU) outside of Las Cruces, NM.  By April, 2010 this airframe had been moved to the Oakes Municipal Airport at Oakes, North Dakota.

F-100F Super Sabre
F-100F Super Sabre

    The ultimate Warbird... F-100F 56-3844 (N26AZ), painted in the markings of the 188th FIS, NM ANG.  This Hun is based at the El Paso International Airport.  (Photo: Jack Callaway)  3844 has later repainted in Thunderbird markings as in this 2005 photo.  In 2011 she was sold to the Collins Foundations and is sometimes flown at airshows.

    Another Hun on the civil registry is this F-100F, 56-3948.  The first photo shows her at Mojave, California in 1989 after importation for the QF-100 program.  She was not converted and was later sold on the civilian market.  The second photo was taken by Jack Callaway at the El Paso International Airport in March, 1999.  She still carries the registraion of N2011V.

    The same F-100F one year apart:  56-3904 at Holloman AFB in October, 1991 while part of the QF-100 program and a year later at Holloman while flying with the U.S. Army for use in missile development.

    56-3905 was another two seat Hun operated by the Army, photographed at Holloman in October, 1993.  After the end of the F-100 drone program some airframes became display aircraft. 

    This two seater (56-3812) is displayed in Duncan, AZ.

F-100 super sabre F-86 Sabre F-100 Super Sabre
F-100F Super Sabre F-100 super sabre

    Flight Systems inc operated several F-100s for target duties.  F-100F 56-3971 (N419FS) was photographed in formation with a Flight Systems F-86F (N89FS) at Holloman AFB in October, 1988 and again on the ground in October, 1995.

F-100C Super Sabre F-100 Super Sabre

    F-100C 54-1951 of the 4758th Defense Systems Evaluation Squadron over Southern New Mexico.  The 4758th DSES flew F-100Cs and Fs (along with B-57s) from Biggs AFB until 1966.  The Huns were a common site in the skies over El Paso during that time and flew over my house when I was a small child.  One of my earliest airshow memories is of my brother threatening to stuff me into the intake of a Hun.  (USAF)

What started as the F-100B, became the F-107A.

     F-107A 55-5118 at the Pima Air & Space Museum and   55-5119 at the United States Air Force Museum.
Three aircraft were built, but 55-5120 was destroyed during testing.

      During the time frame that many of these photos were taken, the storage facility at Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona, was referred to as the Military Aircraft Storage and Disposition Center (or MASDC).  Sometime in the 1980s the name became the Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center (AMARC).  More recently it has changed to 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group  (AMARG).  This is what many people call "the Boneyard".  The photos on this page and others that show MASDC in the caption were taken there.

F-100C 54-1744 carrying a Mark 7 Thermo-nuclear
                f-100 super sabre bomb. F-100D delivering a "lay down"
                thermo-nuclear weapon. F-100C performing a LABS (Low Altitude Bombing
                System) maneuver. Low Altitude Bombing System (LABS)

    Starting with the F-100C delivery of nuclear weapons became one of the F-100's primary missions.  The weapon types usually mentioned for the Hun include the Mark 7, B28EX, B28RE, B43, B57 and the B61.  The first photo above shows a Mark 7 carried on the left inboard station., which was the rule for that weapon.  The later marks were carried on the center line.  The second photo shows an F-100D delivering a B28RE.  The third photo is an F-100C performing a "Low Altitude Bombing System" (LABS) maneuver.  And the final photo is an illustration of the LABS maneuver.

F-100D 56-2904 ZEL system.
F-100D ZEL launch
ZEL launch Holloman AFB

    NATO had concerns about the survivability of runways in the event of war with the Warsaw Pact nations.  To address the "ZEL" (Zero Length) system was devised where a nuke armed airplane could be launched without the need for runways.  This was just a large rocket engine attached to the belly of the aircraft that would accelerate it off of a special trailer.  The booster would fall away and the aircraft continue on to its target.  The system was tested on straight wing F-84s and could be used with F-84Gs, F-100s and F-104s.  Specials sheds were developed to house the aircraft that were "cocked and ready".  Though successful for whatever reason it was never adopted in numbers.  The Soviet Union tested a similar setup on MiG-19s.

     In the first two photographs above we see 56-2904 at Edwards AFB prior to launch and just after launching.  In both photo there is a Mark 7 "shape" under the left wing.  The last photo shows 56-2947 launching from a protective shed at Holloman AFB.  It too carries a Mk.7 shape.  The shed in that photo is still in existence at Holloman.

YF-100A Super Sabre tail
F-100A Super Sabre original short tail
F-100A Super Sabre production tail
F-100D Super Sabre tail

    The tail of the YF-100A Super Sabre was taller than the tail that was used on the first production F-100A airframes.  It also had a solid rudder rather than the one with external ribs used on later airplanes.

    The tail chosen for production was reduced in height, which unfortunately also reduced stability.  This was a contributing factor in several crashes, including the one that killed George Welch.  This aircraft while sporting the shorter fin does not have the same rudder as used on later production F-100A's.

    The fin that was later used in production of F-100A and F-100C Super Sabres (and retrofitted to earlier aircraft) was increased approximately two feet in height.  This photo also shows the rudder with external ribs.

      The final fin was used by F-100D and F-100F Super Sabres.  It was both slightly taller and slightly thicker in chord.  The fairing covering the fuel dump is also larger.

And from the Intake:

F-100 super sabre intake
    This shows the "fish mouth" shape to the intake.  It was the same for all Huns.

Through the engine:

Pratt & Whitney J57 F-100 Super Sabre

    The J57 was used for a good number of the Century Series: F-100, F-102, F-101 and the Navy F-8.

To the exhaust:

F-100 super sabre afterburner
F-100 Super Saber afterburner
F-100 Super Sabre afterburner

    The original afterburner for the F-100 Super Sabre was made of several "petals" that slide together to open and close afterburner nozzle.  These would often bind and the burner would not light correctly, or function properly.  To alleviate this afterburner sections from F-102s were used in place of the originals.  This was possible as both the Hun and the Deuce used versions of the J57 engine.

F-100 Super Sabre afterburner
F-100 Super Sabre afterburner
F-100 Super Sabre

    The F-102 afterburner was first used by Air National Guard units and became the norm in later years.  The screen visible inside the exhaust in the second photo is to keep birds from nesting inside.  The three photos are of an F-100C (54-1823) on display at the Pima Air & Space Museum.

F-100C Super Sabre ejection seat
F-100D Super Sabre ejection seat

    F-100C and F-100D ejection seat illustrations from the F-100 Flight Manuals.

There are more F-100 Super Sabre photos posted on Photobucket, including some details.

Hard Points

Probe Folded           Probe Extended

Original      Production

        46' 2"               47'1"
       36'9" 14'5"                14'5"

        47'*                  53'11"
13'4"                15'6"

        47'*                  53'11"
                         15'6"         7

        47'9"*              54'3"
       38'9"                          16'3"

        52'6"                57'2"
       38'9"                          16'3"         7

    * The difference in length between the F-100A/C and the F-100D is due to the overhang of the larger (and taller) tail of the F-100D.  The Actual length from the lip of the intake to the trailing edge of the after burner is 44'5" for all three.

    For an airplane that has had as much written about it as the Hun it is rather odd that finding accurate dimensional data is rather difficult.  The Flight manual, often called the "Dash one", has different dimensions than the "Standard Aircraft Characteristics" (SAC) chart.  Many published sources also differ.  In the end I used data from the T.O. 1F-100C-2-1 and the T.O. 1F-100D-2-1 which cover the F-100C and F-100D respectively.  As those are maintenance manuals geared towards the airframe itself I hope that they are also the most reliable.

 12-11-14:  I plan to add Super Sabre details over the next few days.

To return to:


Your comments and suggestions:

My guest book is on the main page.

All photos are mine unless otherwise credited.

  Clifford Bossie.

Page created Dec, 2001 

Page revised 12-19-14