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Welcome to Jesus Heals all Pain!

If you are hurting or struggling with life,
then you came to the right place.
I have set up this website to show
you that there is hope and healing
for all of your needs. The solution is simple,
and only takes making a decision to
accept Jesus Christ into your life.
If you would like to do that now,
then please click HERE.

I will guide you step by step
on how to accept Jesus into your heart.
It only takes a moment to
to affect the rest of your life.
Please take this moment now and
change it for the better.
I promise you will be
so glad you did.

Also I have many other pages
for you to visit on healing and hope.
Please feel free to visit them and learn
how Jesus changed my life, and how He can
change yours.

May you hear Jesus knocking
on your heart today, and may you
open the door to the healing
found only in Him.
God Bless

Please enter HERE for my sitemap.

Artist's credits for this page - Jean Paul Avisse. And picture of Jesus by Christine Kerrick
I am not trying to claim copyright to these images or sell them. I am merely trying to give glory to Jesus Christ through them. Thank you.