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This page is a dedication to the people who have died of the terrorist attack in NY and Washington As well as everyone who felt it all over the nation I LOVE YOU AMERICA AND YES WE ARE STRONG



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My name is Jason Needer,

And My Heart Goes Out To All Of The Families in NY And DC

Let Our Tears Fade But Let Us Never Forget.




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U2:Wishes For Peace thanks to HFS In MD


Click here if you have real player its a tribute from HFS in MD

Click here for a tribute by 98 rock in MD you need a mp3 player




With these images and the song that I have placed you can't help being overcome with sadness



==Let this NEVER happen again==

Most of America's world, crumbled

=This page is just beginning,

if you have pictures or comments send them to

you can copy and paste this address or click it

please dont hesitate to mail me pictures that you might have or find

God Bless



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May This Encourage Americans on a day like today. This is a Tribute from Canada that was recieved to many people by Email

  A Tribute From Lycos

Bush Calls For A Day Of Prayer, Click Bush To Read


This Is The Newest Tribute, A Great Movie That Can Be Viewed In Quicktime Or Shockwave A Great Tribute


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