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Images Of Terror - World Trade Center

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This page is here for one purpose; To show people the real life horror that took place on September 11th, 2001.

On the following pages you will find various images of the World Trade Center towers, the victims thereof, and of Osama Bin Laden himself. You will also find various links to other pages of this sort including the FBI website, and various news broadcasting websites so that you may keep up with the lastest news on the subject.

If you would like you may e-mail me with your opinion on the events that happen. Once i receive enough feedback i will be adding that portion to this website aswell and you may very well find yourself as a part of that area if you so wish. Be advised, there is some graphic content on this site. Most of which is in full color images of the events that happen. As a disclaimer if you are suffering Survivors Grief do not go any further into this site because it may make your illness worse.

I thank you for taking the time to look at this site, and again any feedback you may wish to share is welcome. Also, if you have any images you would like to share with me for the site you may do so via e-mail and i will glady put them up on the site and notify you upon doing so. You may find my e-mail address at the bottom of this page.

All images were taken and scanned from GLOBE magazine: issue - October 2, 2001 and they are copyright pending.