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Heart of Texas Emmaus Community
Brady, Texas

APRIL 2002

Next Monthly Gathering

MONTHLY GATHERING: The monthly gathering for April will be Tuesday, April 16th at the First United Methodist Church in Brady. The covered dish meal will be at 6:30 and worship will begin at 7:30 p.m.

WALK #978 The men's Walk #978 was absolutely the best walk ever! The team was awesome, the music was powerful and most importantly, God was and is good! God's presence made the walk a memorable and inspiring weekend for 27 pilgrims. Yes, only 27 pilgrims. The smaller number of pilgrims was truly a blessing. Each table had no more than 4 pilgrims. This enabled each table to bond and become a unit more quickly with a stronger connection. Praise the Lord for smaller numbers! We believe it should become the required number. The walk was held at the Highland Lakes Encampment on Lake Travis. The accommodations were very comfortable and the food was good. The scenery was beautiful. Thanks to each and everyone of you for prayers, food and agape. Without your unselfish support the walk could not be complete. A special thanks to those who made the trip for Candlelight. Your presence was very special for the pilgrims and team as well. Listed here are the new members of the Emmaus Community. As before their walk, your prayers are still valued as they make their way back into the real world: Kenneth Ahrens, Ricky Ake, Tyrel Chambers, Brad Childs, Clay Clark, Curtis Copeland, Dave Crowe, Jr., Jimmy De Moss, Ray Durham, Albert Ewing, Larry Farris, Jim Gerhard, Ambrose Gordon, Steve Gray, Christopher Guido, Roger Hembree, Nate Key, Kelley Mayo, Rob Nichols, Edgar Owens, Tom Perkins, Layne Smith, Wade Sparkman, James Stidham, Keith Stuart, Jim Stultz, Jay Winn. DeColores, Tom

WALK #1019 September 26-29, 2002 Mt. Wesley - Kerrville Plans for Women's Walk #1019 are underway. We already have 2 confirmed pilgrims! Team selection will be in May, so if God is calling you to serve on this walk, get your team application to me ASAP. If you need a team application contact me or you can pick one up at FUMC. Team meeting dates have been set for July 19-20, August 24 (this date has been changed from the 10th) and September 7. Please remember to keep Walk #1019 in your prayers. In Christ, Lorna

BOARD NOTES: The Heart of Texas Emmaus Community Board of Directors met in March. Some notes of interest to the Community include changes to be made to the Newsletter distribution. For the past several months we have been emailing and mailing only to those who have requested to continue to receive the newsletter. This was to help cut the cost of printing and postage. However, it seems that monthly attendance at the gatherings has declined. So we will begin mailing out the newsletter to all on the mailing list. We are suggesting that you make an annual donation of around $10.00 to help offset the cost. The Board feels that with the little extra help of this donation we can continue to send out the newsletter and increase our attendance at the monthly gatherings. Also, the Board voted to confirm Lorna Moore as Lay Director for Walk #1019, scheduled for September 26-29, 2002 in Kerrville. Ronnie Aston was confirmed as Lay Director for the men's walk in 2003. The Board submitted a request to the SWTC to have the Baptist Encampment at Lake Brownwood approved for a future walk site. The recommendation has been forwarded to the Site selection committee of SWTC.

CHRYSALIS: Dates for Chrysalis flights sponsored by Concho Country Chrysalis Community are: Girls #16 June 20-23, 2002 , Boys #17 July 11-14, 2002 and Girls #18 August 8-11, 2002. All of these flights will be at Christ the King Retreat Center in San Angelo. The cost is $120.00. If you have any questions about the Chrysalis contact Monte Owens.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

If you have any information to contribute to the newsletter or have an address, birthday or anniversary update please contact: Lorna Moore * 1213 S Bridge St * Brady, TX 76825 * Fax: 915-597-5227 *

Heart of Texas Emmaus
c/o First United Methodist Church
PO Box 1030
Brady, TX 76825

More Information on the Walk To Emmaus

Heart of Texas Emmaus Community
The Upper Room
Walk to Emmaus
