Ben Richmond: Ladies and Gentlemen... it is now time... for tonight's MAIN EVENT!!! This match is scheduled for one fall... and is for the GTW World Heavyweight Championship!!! Introducing first... THE CHALLENGER...

*** BIG Pop as "Violence Fetish" by Disturbed begins to play... ***

Richmond: He hails from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania... weighing in at 325 lbs... THE PROPHET OF PAIN... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOULKEN!!!

*** The crowd is on their feet as the near-seven foot monster walks out onto the entry ramp, stopping to survey the area. He looks around, spits out... something... and adjusts his wrist tape. He sticks out his tounge, revealling a painful looking piercing, and walks out to the ring. His long reverands coat makes him look like an even MORE imposing figure... and he discards it upon reaching the ring to show that he does not need the coat to intimidate. Referee Bob Chesnut pats the monster down, who looks only to the entrance ramp... ***

Papa: Man oh man... look at the SIZE of this guy!

Crocker: I'll admit Papa... XXX is a great champion... but even I don't know what he's going to have to do to take SoulKen down... the UOWN definately won't be involved... so I think the X-Man is going to need a trick up his sleeve to get this one done!

Papa: We'll find out... certainly, I'll agree, SoulKen is nearly impossible to beat, physically... so the X-Man is going to need some sort of mental edge... and trust me... if anybody has that mental edge... it's Xavier. He's been around this game a long time! SoulKen has as well... so this is sure to be one hell of a contest.

Richmond: And now... introducing... THE CHAMPION!!!

*** Crowd boos as the arena lights dim... and the house is lit by the GTW-tron, blazing with one letter repeated twice... X. ***

Richmond: He hails from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania... weighing in at 248 lbs... the GTW World Heavyweight Champion... and a member of the UOWN... X-CITING XIAN XAVIER... X... X... X!!!

*** The crowd is booing, but some cheer out of respect for the champ. He stands at the top of the ramp, SoulKen's eyes locked dead on him... XXX shakes his fear off, cranks his neck, and walks down to the ring... ***

Papa: Wow... this is going to be one hell of a contest here... as XXX... enters the ring... handing standing on the turnbuckles... simply raising his hands... not the usual cocky swagger we see from XXX!!!

Crocker: Well Papa... this may be the biggest match of X's career!!! He's taking it seriously... and trust me... there is nothing in this world that the X-Man wants more... then to walk out of here with that title STILL around his waist.

Papa: Well... we'll see if XXX can do just that... as he hands the belt off to Bob Chesnut... and we're ready to go here!!!


Papa: XXX and SoulKen... circling each other as they pace around the ring... and... XXX DARTS IN!!! Looking for a lockup... he and SoulKen go collar and elbow... and... XXX pushing himself in there... but SoulKen is just too powerful... WOAH!!! Tosses XXX aside like he was nothing!

Crocker: Wow.

Papa: XXX... lands hard on the mat... but back on his feet... he charges for another lockup... SoulKen grabs ahold... WAIT!!! XXX slips behind him... waistlock... BAM!!! A forearm to SoulKen's lower back!!! BAM!!! Another!!! And... grabbing ahold of the leg... pulls SoulKen off of his feet!

Crocker: There you go!!!

Papa: SoulKen... down on the mat, looks back up at a smiling Xavier... the X-Man proving he can hang!

Crocker: XXX shouldn't worry about proving himself Papa... he's already the champ... just win this sucker and get the hell out of here, that's what I would do!

Papa: Well... everybody knows XXX has an ego problem Crock... and he's not going to compromise that here... as now, that monster SoulKen is back to his feet... XXX charges towards him... OOH! SoulKen ducks a clothesline attempt!! XXX on the rebound... BAM!!! Nails SoulKen with a dropkick!!! But the Prophet of Pain is still on his feet... so XXX bounces off of the ropes again... and... HIGH CROSS BODY!!! But SoulKen catches him!!!

Crocker: Wow! A powerhouse!

Papa: SoulKen standing, holding XXX like he was a baby... and... BAM!!! Drops XXX's ribs right across his knee!!!

Crocker: Geeze Papa... those knees... are pretty big! XXX might have had a rib broken!

Papa: I wouldn't be surprised... or at least bruised... as SoulKen now... a couple of stomps to the X-Man while he's down... and... oh no... STEPPING RIGHT ONTO XXX's NECK!!!

Crocker: Hey!!! That's a choke!!! That's illegal!

Papa: And SoulKen steps off!!! XXX getting back to his feet... holding his neck... and SoulKen... walks back over... OH!!! XXX drops down... drop toe-hold!!! It trips up SoulKen... and... OH!!! SoulKen goes face-first into the bottom turnbuckle!

Crocker: That'll break a nose!

Papa: SoulKen's down... as XXX pops back up... stomping away on SoulKen's back... and now... climbing the turnbuckles... OH!!! From the second rope, a kneedrop to SoulKen's back!!! XXX now... charging off the ropes... as SoulKen is getting to his feet... OH!!! CATCHES XXX WITH A SPINEBUSTER!!!

Crocker: Calm down Papa!!!! That was no LAVIN Spinebuster!!!

Papa: Granted... but enough for SoulKen to go for a cover!


Papa: Not even a two-count! XXX kicks out! SoulKen now... pulls the X-Man back up... going for a belly-to-back suplex... NO!!! XXX flips out of it!!! And... off the ropes... BAM!!! Nails SoulKen with a bulldog!!! And now... look at XXX... on his feet... I knew the cocky side would come out!!!

*** The crowd boos as XXX stands on the bottom rope, taunting the fans... ***

Papa: OH MAN!!! XXX doesn't see him... but SoulKen got right up from that one!!! He turns around... and... WOAH!!! SOULKEN's got him!!! BALDO BOMB!!!

1... 2...

Papa: NO!!! XXX escapes by banging his legs against SoulKen's head!!! Man... we ALMOST had a new GTW champion there!!!

Crocker: ALMOST Papa... doesn't count in wrestling!!! Especially not against XXX!!!

Papa: SoulKen got his bell rung by XXX's pin escape there... but the big man is still working his way to his feet... meanwhile... XXX... got the wind knocked out of him there... he's still getting up though... off the ropes... and... BAM!!! Nails SoulKen with a forearm smash!!! The big man knocked back down... and... OH NO!!! He's getting back up again!!!

Crocker: I hate when he does this!!!

Papa: XXX looks as surprised as you Crock! SoulKen... shaking off the attack... coming at XXX now... and... OH!!! XXX meets him with a kick to the gut!!! Looking for a DDT... WAIT!!! SoulKen isn't going down... he lifts XXX up... has him flung over his shoulder... and... WOAH!!!! Backdrop right over the top rope to the floor!!!

*** Pop as XXX takes a nasty looking bump to the floor. ***

Papa: SoulKen... not letting up for a second... stepping out of the ring... on the apron... sizing XXX up for an elbow drop... NO!!! XXX rolls out of the way!!! SoulKen hits the concrete hard!!!

Crocker: XXX is doing a good job of avoiding SoulKen's offense here!

Papa: SoulKen... holding that elbow... as XXX... is standing on the guardrail... and... LOOK OUT!!! MOONSAULT ONTO SOULKEN!!!

Crocker: Beautiful!!!

Papa: XXX got SoulKen there... and now... lifting the big man up... and... OH!!! Sends him into the ringsteps!!! The big man goes knee-first into them!!! XXX... following up... charging Ken... and... BAM!!! Clothesline!!!

*** The crowd boos as XXX stands on top of the announce table!!! ***

Papa: Well... XXX standing here on our table... acting like he's already got this match won... but there is a ways to go, X-Man, I'm afraid... XXX now... getting off of the table... and... hey... wait a second... getting a steel chair...

Crocker: Ha ha... finish him X!

Papa: Well... XXX is going to cost himself the match here...

Crocker: But keep the title!!! He can't lose it by DQ!!!

Papa: True enough... but wait... referee Bob Chesnut... he's out there... grabbing ahold of the chair... he and XXX now struggling for it... as SoulKen is back up!!! SoulKen... charging and... OH MY!!!! WHAT A HELLACIOUS CLOTHESLINE!!! XXX... flipped onto his back... and now SoulKen... SoulKen rolls the champ into the ring!!!

Crocker: Oh man...

Papa: SoulKen may be able to end it right here... as he climbs the ropes... WOW... this is amazing folks... SoulKen on the top rope... look out... SENTON SPLASH!!! And the cover!!!

1... 2...

Papa: NO!!! XXX gets a foot on the ropes!!! SoulKen though... obviously has a lot of gas left... lifting the X-Man up... and... WAIT!!! XXX grabs ahold of the top rope!!! SoulKen... stumbles... XXX wraps his arm around SoulKen's neck as he falls... BAM!!! Into a DDT!!! Cover!!!

1... 2...

Papa: KICKOUT!!! Xavier... getting up... looking a little nervous... as SoulKen gets to his feet... BAM!!! SUPERKICK!!!

Crocker: Taking a page from Stevie Graham's book!!!

Papa: Indeed... as SoulKen falls back down to the mat... and now... Xavier is heading up top!!! This could be trouble!!!

Crocker: Is he going to drop the aXe???

Papa: No... it doesn't seem that way... his back turned... SPLIT-LEGGED MOONSAULT!!!

1... 2...

Papa: And SoulKen kicks out of that one!!! XXX... getting a little frustrated here... as SoulKen is getting up AGAIN... XXX... off the ropes... leaps over SoulKen... sunset flip!!!

1... 2...

Papa: WOAH!!! SoulKen... SITS UP... and... he's got XXX by the neck!!!

Crocker: This looks like trouble!!!

Papa: SoulKen... whips XXX into the corner... oh my... SoulKen... now... mounting XXX on the top rope... and... it looks like... he's setting for a superplex!!!

Crocker: This is going to be one hell of a fall for XXX if SoulKen gets it!!!

Papa: SoulKen... has XXX in position... and... WAIT A SECOND!!! XXX with a hard shot to the gut!!! SoulKen... stumbles back... and... XXX PUSHES HIM OFF!!!

*** Crowd gasps as SoulKen hits the mat, HARD. ***

Papa: Oh my... XXX... now... standing on the top rope... and... he's ready... ready to drop THE AXE!!!

Crocker: Yes!!! This is it!!! Do it X!!!

Papa: XXX... leaps... and... BAM!! X-CUTIONER'S AXE!!! The best damn elbow drop in the business!!! Cover!!!

1... 2...

Papa: I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!! SoulKen kicked out!!!

Crocker: WHAT!?!? Nobody kicks out of that!!

Papa: XXX... is visibly pissed... he rolls out of the ring... and once again... going for the steel chair!!!

Crocker: Yeah!!! Show him whose boss X!

Papa: XXX... has got the chair... Chesnut again, out to meet him... and... they are arguing on the arena floor... as... HEY!!! Wait a second!!! Walking down to ringside... it's The Saxist!!!

Crocker: Yes!!!! He'll set this thing straight!!!!

Papa: O'Banion's not supposed to be out here!!! NO UOWN MEMBERS are supposed to show their face!!! Longly ORDERED it!!!

Crocker: Yeah... but what's Longly gonna do Papa... jump out of his hospital bed to stop them???

Papa: Well... the Saxist... on the apron... climbing the turnbuckles... and... LOOK OUT!!! TOP ROPE SOMMERSAULT LEGDROP ONTO SOULKEN!!!

Crocker: HA!!! Picture-perfect!!!

Papa: The Saxist slides out of the ring... XXX... drops the chair and hops back in... the cover... and Chesnut is there to count it!!!

1... 2...

Papa: KICKOUT!!!

Crocker: WHAT!?!?

Papa: SoulKen has kicked out again!!!

*** The crowd pops as SoulKen gets back to his feet! ***

Papa: The Saxist... livid on the arena floor... XXX... arguing with the referee... and... SoulKen... oh my... he grabs XXX's legs... takes them right out from underneath!!!

Crocker: Oh no...

Papa: He's got ahold... and... coming up... GIANT SWING!!! THE VORTEX!!!

Crocker: That move is so stupid!!!

Papa: SoulKen releases XXX... and... it's enough to get him dizzy... XXX stumbling to his feet... and... SoulKen... throws him into the ropes... SoulKen... off-balance... BIG BOOT--- NO!!! XXX sidesteps... grabs SoulKen's leg... and rolls him up!!!

1... 2...

Papa: KICKOUT!!! SoulKen kicks out again!!! Both men... getting to their feet... XXX... goes for a suplex... and.... NO!!! SoulKen... pushes XXX out... wraps his hand around XXX's back... full nelson... into... BAM!!! DRAGON SUPLEX!!!

1... 2...

Papa: HEY!!! The Saxist just pulled the referee out!!!

Crocker: Yes!

Papa: Chesnut... didn't even realize Saxist was at ringside... and... he's telling Saxist to get the hell out of here!!! And... wait... OH GOD!!! SAXIST JUST DECKED THE REFEREE!!!

Crocker: Oh man... if there is one thing I'll miss about GTW, it's gotta be when the Sax does that!

Papa: Chesnut is down... and now...

*** Crowd on their feet... booing... ***

Papa: On their way to the ring... O'Banion and Cornell!!! The Saxist entering the ring as well... and XXX... getting back to his feet... SoulKen... slinking back into the corner...

Crocker: He's surrounded!!!

Papa: SoulKen in trouble here... as the UOWN creeps closer... wait... SoulKen... reaching into his boot... and... WHAT THE!?!? He throws something to the Saxist...

Crocker: Oh no...

Papa: YES!!! IT'S THE DOG COLLAR!!! It latches around Sax's neck!!! And... with the chain attached to it... SoulKen charges at XXX... WHAM!!! Clotheslines the X-Man with the chain!!! He wraps the slack around his wrist... and... WHAM!!! NAILS CORNELL WITH A PUNCH!!!! And now... takes the chain... wraps it around the ringpost... Saxist is stuck in the corner!!! Corner: Dammit!!!

Papa: SoulKen... looks at the UOWN down... except for...

*** Crowd pops... as SoulKen turns around... eyes locked DEAD on... O'BANION!!! ***

Papa: YEAH BABY!!! Brian O'Banion... in trouble here!!! SoulKen... grabs ahold of OB... BAM!! Nails him with a right hand!!! And... throws him over the ropes... onto the apron... SoulKen onto the apron as well now... right in front of us...

Crocker: Umm... Papa... I think we should move...

Papa: I think you're right Crock... as SoulKen... lifts O'Banion up... OH MY GOD!!! JUMPING POWERBOMB RIGHT THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!!!

*** The crowd pops and the "HOLY SHIT" chants start up as O'Banion lays amongst the splintered table! ***

Papa: SoulKen... getting back into the ring... and... WAIT... XXX... he has a chair behind him... I don't think SoulKen is aware... as XXX leaps to his feet and... WHAM!!! RIGHT ACROSS SOULKEN'S SKULL!!!

Crocker: YES!!!

Papa: And... the big man down!!! XXX... falls on top for the pin... and... Chesnut is BARELY there to count it!!!

1... ......... 2............. 3!!!


Crocker: WHOO HOO!!!

Richmond: Your winner... and STILL GTW World Heavyweight Champion... X-CITING... XAIN... XAVIER!!!

Papa: I don't believe this!!! SoulKen... got distracted by the UOWN... and destroyed them... and XXX is still making out with his title!!!

Crocker: He deserves it Papa!!! Best champ the GTW has ever seen!

Papa: Well.. that is certainly debateable... as XXX... unwrapping that chain from the ringpost... and Cornell... is carrying O'Banion away... SoulKen is slowly getting to his feet... and trust me... the UOWN does NOT want to be around when he is up!!!

*** The UOWN leaves, smiling, as SoulKen finally reaches his feet, blood running down his ANGRY face. ***

Crocker: Well Papa... I guess... that's it, eh?

Papa: Indeed folks... ladies and gentlemen... this is the part where I say "See you on Slam!"... but... tonight... I gotta say Tristan... THANKS... thanks for the memories!!!

*** Papa rises to his feet... ***

Crocker: Alright Papa... Brian... I'll miss you man... and more then anything... I'll miss these fans!

*** Crocker extends his hand to Papa... they shake... and then pull each other in for a hug! ***

Papa: Alright... folks... for the last time... Brian Papa... and Tristan Crocker... wishing you... GOODNIGHT!!!

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