Papa: Well folks... this next one has quite a bit of history behind it... as two ICONS of the sport joined the GTW a few months ago... X-Citing Xian Xaiver, and Steve Holler, AKA The Saxist. Upon joining, the Sax and XXX found themselves with something in common... both HATED the GTW World Champion, Ice. Since XXX and Sax had been both partners and enemies before, they knew each other very well. They both teamed up several times against Ice... but it was a tag team match against Ice and Brian Blade where things turned sour...

*** Black and white highlights play of Sax and XXX arguing during the match... and finally, XXX clocking Saxist with a right hand, leading to Blade and Ice's victory. ***

Papa: The uneasy alliance was broken... and the Saxist was not one to just let it go...

*** Shots of the Saxist attacking Xavier with his saxaphone, among other weapons... chairs, the UOWN title belt... XXX strikes back with weaponary of his own... and it all ends with a CRYSTAL saxaphone being shattered over the Saxist's skull. ***

Papa: With battles fought every week, and the war far from over... Saxist pulled out his trump card...

*** Another flashback... this time, to just two weeks ago... when XXX's longtime friend and partner, the seven foot, three hundred pound "Silent but Violent" Bruce Cornell, shocked the world by CHOKESLAMMING his friend, before it was announced that SbV was the new bodyguard of the Saxist! As the highlight reel ends, we go to ringside... where the gigantic pole has been erected... and the Saxist's saxaphone of choice, a 2002 model stainless steel black laquer Yamaha Alto Saxophone.

*** Papa: Well folks, this is going to be one hell of a contest... we've got two seasoned veterans in here... two ICONS if you will, and they will be going at it, going at it like there's no tomorrow... this one isn't about a championship, it isn't about being a contendor... it isn't about pinning your opponent, it isn't about making him submit... this my friends, is personal... there is a lot of emotion involved in this match, and we'll be running the gauntlet of the heart here, I'm sure...

Crocker: Papa what the hell are you talking about?

Papa: Shut up Crock. Let's go to Ben Richmond...


Ben Richmond: Ladies and gentlemen... this match... is a SAXAPHONE ON A POLL MATCH!!!

*** Pop ***

Richmond: The rules are simple... the first man to climb the pole in the corner and grab that saxaphone can use it as a weapon against his opponent!

Crocker: Papa, does that mean that if Sax gets the instrument, that XXX can't use it?

Papa: Of course not! Both men can use it!

Crocker: But... Ben just said it, the FIRST MAN to climb the pole can use it... and in my scenario, the Saxist is the first man...

Papa: Zip it Crock.


*** The crowd boos as "Sing, Sing, Sing" starts up. ***

Richmond: He hails from Valrico, California... weighing in at 224 lbs., standing at 5'11"... he is accompanied to the ring by his bodyguard, "Silent but Violent" Bruce Cornell... he is a musician, a technician, and a wrestling legend... THE SAXIST!!!

*** Every person in the arena is on their feet as the Sax makes his way out to the ring. Wearing a pair of sunglasses, we can't see his eyes, but a wide grin goes from ear to ear. He enters the ring, climbing the turnbuckles in the corner with the pole... he points directly up to the black saxaphone... and then to his t-shirt, which reads... AMAZING STUPENDOUS OMNIPOTENT RING BEAST, while mouthing off to the crowd. The silent giant, Cornell, stands in the middle of the ring, his arms crossed. ***

Crocker: Ha! Look at how confident the Saxist is! He's not scared of Xavier one bit!

Papa: Well gee Crock, I wonder why he's so happy... maybe it's because he has a god damn GIANT in his corner??? What the hell is Cornell doing out here anyway??? This is a NO DQ match from my understanding of the rules... he has NO BUSINESS out here!

Crocker: No BUSINESS??? Papa, he's Saxist's bodyguard... what if somebody tries to attack him???

Papa: Tries to attack him my ass... Cornell is out here for no reason other then to interfere and get the Saxist the win... the fact that he's even ALLOWED at ringside... just goes to show how adamant our "commisioner" is about allowing a fair fight! He couldn't give a damn!

Crocker: Hey! Watch how you talk about the commis--- I mean HERR Commisioner!

Papa: Whatever...

Richmond: And his opponent...

*** Pop as "Seamless" by American Head Charge starts to play... ***

Richmond: From Elmira, New York... he weighs in at 248 lbs... X-CITING XIAN XAIVER!!!

Papa: Well... Xavier is walking to the ring... with a lot on his mind, no doubt... the odds here... they are stacked against him... but he might just be able to pull it out...


Papa: And here we go!!! Xavier going right in there... BAM!!! Rocks the Saxist with a right hand! BAM!!! There's another!!! Third time... BOOM!!! Saxist lands flat on his ass!!!

*** Big pop as XXX screams at the Saxist to get up ***

Papa: The Saxist now... sliding over to his corner... the referee holding XXX back... Saxist being slapped on the shoulders by Bruce Cornell there... and he finally decides to get up... Xavier... charges at Sax again... OH!!! Sax strikes with a nice kick to the midsection! Sax with a couple of right hands... has Xavier by the head... taking him to the corner... going to bang XXX's head against the turnbuckle... NO!!! XXX blocks it! And... BAM!!! He rams Saxist's head into the turnbuckle!!! BAM!!! Again!!! BAM!!! Again!!! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM!

Crocker: Hey!!! What the hell kind of wrestling is this???

Papa: The Saxist is seeing stars!!! He stumbles out from the corner... XXX waiting for him... BAM!!! Another right hand!!! Saxist falls against the ropes... XXX charging and... WHAM!!! Clothesline sends the Sax over the top rope and HARD onto the arena floor!!!

*** The crowd pops as XXX raises his hands! ***

Papa: Xavier taking Sax to the wood shed here this far... as the Sax lies, knocked silly, on the arena floor... Cornell is tending to him... and XXX is trying to get out there!

Crocker: Yeah ref!!! Hold him back!! Hold him back!

Papa: Referee Evan Crocker warning XXX to stay on the inside... the Sax getting some much needed recovery time... he needs to regroup!

Crocker: Yeah... see, that's what they call a rope-a-dope tactic Papa... he's trying to tire XXX out by making him come after him... it's ingenious really! I mean... he's not just a super stupendous omnipotent ringbeast... he's a super stupdendous omnipotent and OMNISCIENT ringbeast!!!

Papa: Oh quick, get some duct tape so we can add that word to his t-shirt... give me a break... as the Saxist is milking this for all it's worth here... finally getting back onto the apron... sort of goading XXX towards him... XXX comes over... and Sax jumps off of the apron to the arena floor! Come on!

Crocker: Ha!!! Bait him in! That's it Sax!

Papa: Bait him in... would you give it up Crock!? The Saxist is nothing but a damn PUSSY!!!

Crocker: Papa!!!

Papa: I'll say it and I won't regret it Crock... we're on Pay Per View, after all... but the Sax really needs to get in that ring! XXX coming over... Evan Crocker still holding him back... and... HEY!!! The Saxist has XXX by the boots!!! He pulls his feet out from under him... and he's dragging him out of the ring!!! Come on!!!

Crocker: HA! I told you Papa, baiting him! Papa: Yeah... you'd know all about baiting Crock... in fact, I heard that you're a MASTER at it...

Crocker: You bet your... hey, wait a second...

Papa: The Saxist now kicking the crap out of XXX as he lays on the arena floor!!! This is ridiculous!!! Referee Evan Crocker out there now... pushing the Sax off of the X-Man... Saxist arguing with the ref... and... HEY!!! Behind the ref's back... Cornell is stomping away on Xavier!!!

Crocker: Yeah!!! That'll show him to use those illegal closed fist punches!

Papa: Cornell now picking XXX up... high overhead... gorrilla press slam.. and... OH MY GOD!!! He drops Xavier neck-first onto the guardrail!!! The referee turning around... Cornell has backed off, so Evan doesn't suspect a thing... and now the Saxist is stomping on Xavier again!!! Sax lifts the X-Man up... BAM!!! Throws him right into the ringsteps!!! Xavier crashes over them... Saxist now... takes a running start... to the steps... leaps over them and... BAM!!! Legdrop onto Xavier!!!

Crocker: Nice move!

Papa: The Saxist just showboating now... he knows the advantage that he has here... and now... he enters the ring... heads to the pole... he's going to go for that saxaphone!!!

Crocker: He's got it! He's gonna knock Xavier's block off with that thing!

Papa: The Saxist climbing the turnbuckles... he's got to shimmy up that pole... wait a second... Xavier... in the ring... he's heading over to that corner... he wraps his arms around the Saxist in a waistlock... and... WOAH!!! Belly-to-back superplex!!! The Sax crashes to the mat!!! Xavier now... getting to his feet... and making a cover!!!

1... 2...

Papa: And the Sax kicks out!!! The saxaphone almost didn't get involved in this match! Xavier pulls the Saxist up... sends him into the ropes... and... WOAH!!! Flapjacks him!!! Now... climbing the turnbuckles... LOOK OUT!!! SPLIT-LEGGED MOONSAULT!!! Xavier makes another cover!!!

1... 2...

Papa: And the Saxist kicks out once again! Xavier now... into the ropes... and... HEY!!! Cornell grabs him by the foot!!! XXX turns around... the referee over there, questioning Cornell... XXX trying to take a shot at him... but... this is allowing the Saxist... time to get to his feet... and... BAM!!! Dropkick to the inside of the knee!!!

Crocker: Ouch!!!

Papa: Xavier crumples into a heap on the mat!!! And Saxist grabs the leg he just dropkicked... BAM!!! Rams it into the canvas!!! BAM!!! Again!!!

*** The crowd boos as the Saxist smiles... ***

Papa: The Saxist now... lifting Xavier up... Xavier hobbling on that leg... and... WOAH!!! Sax takes him back down to the mat with a legwhip!!! Holding that leg up... BAM!!! Nails it with a kick! BAM!!! There's another! Now... dragging him over to the ropes... setting that leg up in between the bottom and second rope... and... BAM!!! Saxist drops all of his weight onto the leg!!! Again!!! Again!!!

Crocker: The Saxist is tearing that leg apart!!! XXX will be tapping in no time!!!

Papa: Maybe tapping is not what the Sax is looking for... perhaps he just wants to make sure that XXX can't climb the turnbuckles!!! The Saxist now... has XXX in a waistlock... and... OH!!! Shinbreaker!!! XXX down on the mat... that leg is in some serious pain here... and the Saxist... he's going to go for the saxaphone again!!!

*** Crowd boos as the Saxist begins climbing the turnbuckles adjacent to the pole... ***

Papa: XXX down... using the ropes to pull himself to his feet... he's on the other side of the ring though... the Saxist... now on the tope ropes... going to climb that pole... and... WAIT A SECOND!!!! XXX dives across the ring... brings his weight down on the top rope!!! The rope moves under the Sax's feet.... and... he loses his balance!!! OH!!! He crotched himself on the top turnbuckle!!!

*** Crowd pops as the Saxist yelps in pain. ***

Papa: The Saxist falls down to the mat... Xavier... on his feet now... pulls the Saxist up... and it's time... for the steel city spike!!! He hooks the arms and... WOAH!!! Saxist strikes with a knee to the midsection!!! He uses his strength... BAM!!! SUPLEX!!! With a bridge!!!

1... 2...

Papa: WOW!!! XXX kicks out... GREAT MOVE by the Saxist!!!

Crocker: Finally Papa, you see the super stupendous omnipotent ring beast tendencies of the Saxist!!!

Papa: No... I'm just doing my job Crock... being IMPARTIAL.

Crocker: What's that mean?

Papa: XXX is down on the mat... still feeling a lot of pain in that worn-out leg of his... the Saxist is up though... and he's going to that leg again... wrapping XXX in a figure-four leglock.... NO!!! XXX counters with a boot to the face!!! The Sax falls back... XXX is up... Sax getting back to his feet as well... he charges to XXX... jumps for a high cross-bodyblock... NO!!! XXX ducks!!! Sax up... and... BAM!!! XXX with a clothesline!!! The Saxist is down!!! XXX now.. limping... limping towards the corner... he's going for the saxaphone!!!

Crocker: NO WAY does he get this!

Papa: XXX... climbing the turnbuckles... slowly... that leg has got to be killing him... but he's up there... on the second rope.. and... he's reaching... reaching... WAIT A SECOND!!! On the apron... BRUCE CORNELL!!! He heads over to the corner... reaches up... GRABS XXX BY THE NECK!!! And... WHAM!!! CHOKESLAM TO THE MAT!!!

*** Crowd boos as Cornell hops off of the apron. ***

Papa: And now... Evan Crocker... screaming at Cornell... and...

*** Big pop. ***

Papa: Evan has just EJECTED Cornell!!!

Crocker: What!?!? Can he do that???

Papa: He just did!!! Cornell isn't going anywhere... Evan has ordered him out though... AND HERE COMES SECURITY!!!

Crocker: He can't be ejected!! He's the Saxist's bodyguard!!!

Papa: Security is here... and they are escorting Cornell backstage... the big man is GONE!!!

Crocker: This is a load of crap!

Papa: The Saxist... complaining to the referee... Evan Crocker wants to hear none of it... the Saxist... obviously frustrated... as he lifts XXX up... into the ropes... NO!!! XXX reverses!!! Saxist off the ropes... HIGH BACK BODYDROP!!!! Xavier now... lifting the Sax up to his feet... WHOOOOOOO! What a chop!!! BAM!!! A right hand!!! Now whipping the Sax into the corner!!! BAM!!! Hard against the turnbuckles!!! XXX... charges in... STINGER SPLAS--- NO!!! Saxist dodges!!! XXX goes headfirst into the top turnbuckle... and... Saxist... charging to the corner... hops off the ropes... LOOK OUT!!! FLIP FOLDER!!!

Crocker: He got him!!! Pin him!!!

Papa: XXX down from the Flip Folder... but the Saxist... isn't going for the pin!!! He's going for the saxaphone!!!

Crocker: Yes!!! Even better!!!

Papa: The Sax is tired... slowly making his way up those turnbuckles... XXX is pulling himself to his feet... as the Saxist now... taking a breather... standing on the top rope... he thinks he's got it made!!! But... from behind... XXX... is climbing the ropes as well!!! Both men on the top rope there!!!

Crocker: Knock him off!!! Knock him off dammit!!!

Papa: They are trading shots... staning on the top rope... barely maintaining their balance... as... XXX has the Saxist... no... Saxist has XXX... and... and... LOOK OUT!!! WOW!!! THEY BOTH FALL TO THE ARENA FLOOR!!! THAT'S TEN FEET ONTO CONCRETE!!!

Crocker: Jesus!!!

Papa: Jesus is right... as the Sax and XXX both just took a hard spill there... both men on the arena floor... BOTH MEN down!!! Crocker: But look at the Saxist!!! He's still getting up!!! You've got to admire his heart!!!

Papa: XXX seemed to take the brunt of that fall... plus his leg is bothering him... things don't look good for the X-Man!!! The Saxist however... has pulled himself to his feet... he's in the ring now... climbing those turnbuckles... and... HE'S GOT IT!!! HE'S GOT THE SAXAPHONE!!!!

*** The crowd boos as the Sax raises his instrument of destruction up high... ***

Crocker: Kill 'em Steve!!!

Papa: The Saxist... has the Sax... hops down... to the arena floor... where XXX is on his feet... and... WHAM!!! He nails XXX in the gut with the saxaphone!!! XXX down... and... BAM!!! Sax cracks him across the back with the sax!!!

Crocker: Ha ha ha... I'm lovin' this!!!

Papa: The Saxist now... BAM!!! BAM!!! BAM!!! Beating on that leg!!! This is CRAZY!!!

*** The crowd boos as the Sax raises his sax up high, smiling from ear to ear... ***

Papa: The Saxist now... rolling XXX into the ring... pulls him over towards the corner... and... what the heck.... he's wrapping XXX's leg around the Sax and... now around the ringpost... don't tell me he's going to....

Crocker: YES!!! What a move!!!

Papa: SWEET JESUS!!! Sax applies the figure four around the ringpost... with the saxaphone jammed against XXX's leg as well!!! This is insane!!! XXX's career may be in jeapordy here!!!

Crocker: It's over Papa!!! It's over!!!

Papa: Evan Crocker... usually quick to break that hold, but since it involves the saxaphone, he's letting it go... XXX is SCREAMING in pain!!! This is out of control!!!

Crocker: Heh heh heh... I love it! Papa: The Saxist... finally letting that nightmare of a hold go!!! And look at him... strutting around on the arena floor.... strutting around like he's just won the GTW title or something!

Crocker: Shake it baby! Shake it! Super stupendous---

Papa: If I hear that nickname one more time... I'm... I'm... ahhh FORGET IT!!! The Saxist... entering the ring... and... WAIT A SECOND!!! XXX has the saxaphone!!! Sax in... he doesn't realize XXX has it... WHAM!!! XXX Nails him in the face!!!

*** Huge pop ***

Papa: XXX pounding the hell out of the Sax with that saxaphone!!! He's got that strap now... choking the life out of the Saxist with it!!!

Crocker: That's not fair!!! Why does he get to use a weapon???

Papa: Jesus Crock... XXX now... removing that strap from the saxaphone... and... he's WHIPPING the Saxist with it!!!

*** Big pop as the Saxist gets strapped!!! ***

Papa: The Saxist... welts on his back... busted open from that saxaphone shot... and now... XXX... is climbing up top!!!

Crocker: NO!!!

Papa: YES!! Taking aim... for... THE X-CUTIONER'S AXE!!!

*** Everybody rises... ***

Papa: The fans on their feet here... as XXX takes aim... and... FLIES!!! BA--- NO!!! SAX ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY!!!

Crocker: HA!!!

Papa: And... WOW!!! He rolls right into a figure-four leglock!!! Dead center in the middle of the ring!!!

Crocker: He's done!!! XXX's leg is shot!!! He'll tap!!!!

Papa: XXX... about to pass out from the pain... his back is flat on the mat... and Evan rules it a pin!!!

1... 2...

Papa: NO!!! XXX gets a shoulder up!!! The Saxist... has that hold locked on... XXX is in trouble... barely concious... the crowd though... getting behind him...

*** Big "X... X... X" chant... ***

Papa: The folks in this arena not going to let XXX go down... not going to let him tap out... XXX... feeding off of their energy... and... and... YES!!! He's turning the Sax over!!!

Crocker: How the hell is he doing that!?!?


Crocker: Let him go!!! Let him go dammit!!!

Papa: The Saxist... crawling over... crawling to the ropes... and... NO!!!! XXX DRAGS HIM BACK TO THE CENTER OF THE RING!!!

*** BIG crowd pop!!! ***

Papa: XXX... has the Sax locked in!!! The Saxist screaming... Evan Crocker... in front of the Sax, asking him if he wants to quit!!! The Saxist not giving up... but he's got nowhere to go!!! WAIT!!! He grabs Evan by the collar with his left hand... and... BAM!!!! RIGHT HAND TO EVAN CROCKER!!!

Crocker: YEAAAAH!!!

Papa: What the... Tristan... that's your little brother... not to mention the DAMN REFEREE!!! How the hell does the Saxist get away with this crap???

Crocker: Ha ha... he's a good citizen Papa!!! The comish lets him off for good behaivor!!!

Papa: Good behavoir my ass... as the Saxist... is still locked in the sharpshooter... and... LOOK AT THAT!!!! He's tapping!!! This one should be over!!!

Crocker: Ha ha!!! No ref to make the call Papa!!!

Papa: The referee down... and... wait a second... coming to ringside... CORNELL!!!

*** Crowd boos as SbV runs back out to the ring!!! ***

Papa: Cornell was ejected!!! He shouldn't be out here!!! But he's got the saxaphone... and... WHAM!!! NAILS XXX IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD!!!

Crocker: YEAH!!!

Papa: The Saxist now... I don't believe this... the Saxist has been set free... and now... now... he's grabbing the saxaphone!!! And... he's ordering Cornell to pick XXX up!!!

Crocker: Yes... this is it Papa... this is it right here!!!

Papa: Cornell... holding XXX up... in position... as Sax.. has that saxaphone in his hand... and... charges... NO!!! XXX DUCKS!!! WHAM!!! SAX NAILS CORNELL IN THE HEAD!!! Cornell falls back against the ropes... XXX... BAM!!! Nails the Sax with a kick to the gut!!! He's got the saxaphone... turns around... and... WHAM!!!! Knocks Cornell out of the ring with the saxaphone!!!

*** Pop! ***

Papa: XXX turning around... sax in hand and... WOAH!!! STEVE HOLLER JUST VAN-DAMINATED the saxaphone into XXX's face with a spinning heel kick!!!

Crocker: A ha!!! I knew he had him!!!

Papa: Referee Evan Crocker... finally coming to... as Sax lays the saxaphone on the mat... and... he's got XXX... and he's singnaling for...

Crocker: THE SYMPHONY!!! YES!!! This will do it!!!

Papa: The Saxist... I can't believe it... he mounts XXX onto the top rope in a sitting position... he's going to take him out with that superhurricurana!!!

Crocker: Say goodbye to the X-Man for good!!!

Papa: XXX is up there... the Saxist now... climbing as well... he's standing on the top rope... his crotch in XXX's face... and look at him... gyrating... he's trying to EMBARRES the X-Man!!!

Crocker: Yeah!!! He'll think twice about messing with the Saxist!!!

Papa: The Saxist now... smiling to the crowd... as... OH!!!! XXX WITH A LOWBLOW!!!

Crocker: WHAT?!!

Papa: Saxist still standing on the top rope... and... WOAH!!! XXX grabs him by the tights... and... BAM!!! PULLS THE SAXIST HEADFIRST INTO THE POLE!!!

Crocker: Hey!!!

Papa: Sax just went headfirst into that pole that the saxaphone was attached to... and now... dazed... but still standing on the top rope... held by XXX... and... wait a second... XXX has Saxist and... OH MY GOD!!!

Crocker: NO!!!!

Papa: I DON'T BELIEVE!!!! XXX... with a SIT-DOWN SUPERPOWERBOMB... onto the saxaphone!!!! Evan Crocker is awake... FOR THE COVER!!!

1........... 2............. 3!!!!!


Ben Richmond: Your winner... X... X... X!!!

Papa: I don't believe it!!! XXX out of nowhere... he got Sax with that super powerbomb!!!

Crocker: NOOOOOOO!!!!

Papa: XXX... barely able to stand... but he was the winner here today... question is though folks... is this war over??? Or is it just beginning....

*** Fade out as we see the referee raise XXX's tired arm... ***