Papa: Alright folks... before we get to this one... let's take a look at the story here... which is quite a crazy one... one filled with broken bones, pools of blood, and a battle for not only a title... but RESPECT. Take a look!

*** Shots play... in black and white... of a match from over a month ago, where Red Rodney takes on Enrique DeMarco... ***

Papa: ... and the Rod charging in... and... WOAH!!! DeMarco sidesteps and grabs the Rod by the arm!!! He pulls him down to the mat... rolls over him and... FUJIWARA ARMBAR!!! The Rod is down... screaming at the top of his lungs in pain... and... and.... CRACK!!! Papa: OH MY GOD!!! Enrique DeMarco just broke Red Rodney's arm!!!

*** We see DeMarco smiling as the arena echoes with the sickening crack of the Rod's skeleton... he doesn't let go of the hold... and we zoom in... and see that the smile is not a smile... but more of a gritting of the teeth... as DeMarco, like a demon, isn't HAPPY to break Rodney's arm... but more like... fufilled. Fufilled that he has completed his job... his job of BREAKING someone. ***

Papa: Enrique DeMarco is an animal!!!

*** A few clips of DeMarco's brutal streak... and then... we see a match the week after Rodney is injured... as DeMarco wrestles Dr. Satanico Jr....

*** CRACK!!! ***

Another fight, another injury... and then... the next week...

*** CRACK!!! ***

Big Bertha Brown goes down at the hands of DeMarco...

*** CRACK!!! ***

And... the arm snap heard round the world... when DeMarco broke the arm of Dana Davis... ***

Papa: And now Dana!!! There will be hell to pay with Blade!!!

*** Papa's voice echoes as we see the face of Blade... ENRAGED as he watches his girlfriend get carted off in an ambulence... ***

Papa: Blade's gonna kill him!!!

*** We see Blade attacking DeMarco... and DeMarco, in turn, attacking Blade... all culminating... in an I quit match!!! NEXT!!! ***

Papa: Well folks... you can see the intensity between these two... the Showcase title is one prestigious strap... but it's almost an afterthought in this match... because here tonight... for Enrique DeMarco, it presents the greatest challenge he's ever faced one-on-one... Brian Blade is a former GTW World Champion... and he's gone toe-to-toe with all the greats... and beaten many of them. Jack Ryder, XXX, the Saxist, Stevie Graham, Steve Simpson... Blade's been in there with all of them... and if he didn't win... then he looked damn good. DeMarco on the other hand... he's been called the King of Fighters... but to be quite honest, he's far from the King of the Wrestlers... and this could very well be the biggest match of his career! And NOTHING would be better for DeMarco's career... then to BREAK THE ARM of Brian Blade and make him QUIT!

Crocker: Alright Papa... you've said what this match means to DeMarco... what about Blade?

Papa: Well... Brian Blade has nothing to PROVE here... but it's a PERSONAL matter... DeMarco broke the arm of Dana Davis... Blade's girlfriend... and, well, you know how protective Blade is of Dana... and how much she means to him... plus... Red Rodney... a good friend of Blade's... so for this match... for Brian Blade... it's about REVENGE.

Crocker: Heh heh heh Papa... and see, that's just where Blade's going to fail... you see, physically, DeMarco is a MACHINE. But what many people don't know about him... is that he is much of a threat MENTALLY. He's the one with the momentum going into this match... and with Blade's foolish and sloppy ways... DeMarco is going to DESTROY him here and take that next step up the GTW ladder!

Papa: Well... whatever happens, it's sure to be one hell of a match... let's go down to ringside...


Ben Richmond: Ladies and gentlemen... this next SHOWCASE TITLE MATCH... is an I QUIT MATCH!!!

*** Big pop from the crowd ***

Richmond: The rules are simple... there are NO PINFALLS... NO SUBMISSIONS... NO COUNT-OUTS... NO DISQUALIFICATIONS... the only way to win... is to make your opponent scream out two words... I QUIT!!!

*** Another pop ***

Richmond: Introducing first... THE CHALLENGER!!!

*** HUGE pop as "Wisconsion Death Trip" by Static-X begins to play... ***

 Richmond: He hails from Denver, Colorado... weighing in at 201 lbs... BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIAN BLADE!!!!!

:: Everybody's on their feet as Blade walks out to the ring, putting a black pair of sleeveless gloves on... he rolls into the ring, and brushes off the referee, Bob Chesnut. Chesnut tries to remind Blade of the rules, as he does every match... but Blade ignores him, crouching into a ready position... waiting for his opponent... ***

Richmond: And his opponent... THE CHAMPION... from Mexico City, weighing in at 265 lbs... ENRIQUE DEMARCO!!!

*** The crowd boos as DeMarco appears at the top of the ramp, wearing his championship belt and a towel with the words KING OF FIGHTERS 2001 emrboidered in blood-red. DeMarco ignores the fans... walking out towards the ring where--- ***

Papa: WOAH!!!! Blade suicide dives over the top rope onto DeMarco!!! AND HERE WE GO!!!


Papa: Blade lands right on top of DeMarco... taking the champion down... WHAM!!! WHAM!! WHAM!!! Right hands!!! Blade is laying it into DeMarco here!!!! Now picking up the champ... and... BAM!!! Throws him right into the ringsteps!!!! DeMarco hits the steel hard!!!

Crocker: This isn't fair!!! Blade isn't giving DeMarco a fair chance!!!

Papa: Well, in a match like this, Blade can do whatever the hell he wants... as he has DeMarco back up again and... OH!!! Belly-to-back suplex onto the arena floor!!! There's an inch of padding there... but still... that's gotta hurt!!!

Crocker: Take it in the ring Blade!!!

Papa: Blade is taking advantage of these rules here, that's for sure... as DeMarco lays on the arena floor... Blade's got a steel chair!!!

*** Big pop as Blade raises the chair high ***

Papa: Blade's got the chair... charges DeMarco and... NO!!!! DeMarco rolls out of the way!!! Blade's swing of the chair misses high... hits the ring apron... DeMarco now... rolling to the side... on his feet... Blade turns around... another attempt with that chair... NO!!! He misses again!!! This time he hits the guardrail!!!

Crocker: Ha!!! Quick as a cat, that DeMarco is!!!

Papa: DeMarco now... BAM!!! Rams his shoulder right into Blade's abdomen... Blade dropping the chair... DeMarco up onto his feet... BAM!!! BAM!!! BAM!!! Some right hands of his own!

Crocker: DeMarco's a human weapon!

Papa: Blade now reeling back... as DeMarco unstraps his belt... and... WHAM!!! He nails Blade in the face with the belt!!!

Crocker: Nice!!!

Papa: Isn't that cheating Crock???

Crocker: No way!!! Like you said Papa, in the rules!

Papa: Exactly... damn hypocrite... DeMarco now, kicking the crap out of Blade as he lays in a heap on the floor... grabbing that steel chair now... and... WHAM!!! Right into Blade's arm!!!!

Crocker: He's gonna do the armbar!!!!

Papa: DeMarco setting up for that Fujiwara armbar, no doubt... as... WHAM!!! Another shot with the chair! Blade clutching at that arm... as DeMarco... throws it down... lifting Blade up... up to his feet... and... OH!!!! Drops him neck first onto the guardrail!!! Blade bounces off, to the floor, holding his neck... and... DeMarco's got the chair again... BAM!!! Another shot to the arm!!!

Crocker: I bet Blade's wishing he just let that attack on Dana go!! DeMarco's gonna kill him!

Papa: Well, Blade has always been resourceful... as DeMarco pulls him up again and--- WOAH!!!! Blade with a shot to the balls!!!

Crocker: Hey!!!

Papa: Ha!!! Brian Blade... dirtiest player in the game if I ever saw one!!! DeMarco doubled over... BAM!!! Blade with an uppercut!!! He's got that steel chair now... OH!!! Rams it right into DeMarco's gut!!! DeMarco on his knees... and... WHAM!!! Blade cracks him across the back!!!

Crocker: Dammit!!! Can't Blade be a man and fight with his hands!!?

Papa: Not with an animal like DeMarco, apparently... as Blade throws the chair into the ring... now picking DeMarco up... and rolling him into the ring as well... entering the squared circle himself... the referee moving out of the way... he's got that microphone in his hand... and once the opportunity is presented... he will shove that mic into somebody's face and ask them if they quit!

Crocker: And it won't be DeMarco that says is Papa... that man has NEVER given up anything in his life... and he won't start tonight!!!

Papa: Well... it may be the case... DeMarco HAS never quit anything in his life... or in the GTW, at least... and to be quite honest... I don't know what Blade is going to do to make him quit!!! But if anybody can make DeMarco give up a fight... Brian Blade is the man!

Crocker: Heh heh heh... I'd put DeMarco breaking Blade's arm happening first over Blade getting DeMarco to quit... so the way I see it, Blade doesn't have a chance!!!

Papa: Well, right now Blade is in control... in the ring... trading shots with DeMarco... the two lock it up... Blade with the advantage... sends DeMarco into the ropes... OH!!! Hits him with a well-placed clothesline!!! Heading over to the corner... to the top rope... and.... is this wise???

Crocker: Hell no!!! How's this going to get DeMarco to quit???

Papa: Blade is up there... and... LOOK OUT!!! SHOOTING STAR PRE--- NO!!! DeMarco rolls out of the way!!! I don't even know why the hell Blade tried that move!!

Crocker: Cause he doesn't know what he's doing! It's obvious!

Papa: Wait... DeMarco rolls back over... and... he's got Blade's arm... the one he was beating on with the chair....

Crocker: YES!!! YES!!!

Papa: OH NO!!! FUJIWARA ARMBAR!!! DeMarco has it locked on!!! Blade's in trouble... Chesnut with the mic... he's asking Blade...

Chesnut: What do you say Blade??? Do you quit???


Crocker: Is that a yes or a no?

Papa: Blade not giving it up yet... he lays next to the ropes... but the ropes can't save him here!!! If he grabs them... DeMarco WON'T have to release the hold!

Crocker: I love that rule Papa!

Papa: Blade in pain... but... he reverses his weight!!! It's enough to escape the hold!!!

Crocker: Dammit!!!

Papa: Close call for Blade there... as it's a good thing he has so much energy left... if we saw that move applied later on in the matchup... there's no way Blade would have escaped!

Crocker: Damn right!

Papa: Blade on the mat, holding his arm... DeMarco is up though... WHAM!!! Hard kick right to Blade's back!!! WHAM!!! Another!!! Blade crumples into a heap on the mat... DeMarco now... going back for that steel chair... waiting for Blade to get to his feet... and... NO!!! He misses with the chair!!! Blade up... BAM!!! Pops him in the face!!! DeMarco drops the chair... doubled over... Blade off of the ropes... CUTTING EDG--- NO!!!! DeMarco moves!!! Blade falls right onto the chair!!! DeMarco now... DRAGON SLEEPER!!!

Chesnut: Do you quit Blade??? Do you give up???

Blade: NOOOOOOOO!!!!

Papa: Blade caught in that Dragon sleeper... and... WOAH!!! Swings his leg up and kicks DeMarco right in the face!

Crocker: Yikes!

Papa: Blade as limber as anybody... able to break free of that hold... as he now wraps his arms around DeMarco's... going for his own version of the Unprettier... BAM!!! The pendulum!!! DeMarco's down... and Blade... sits on his back... applying a camel clutch!!!

Chesnut: What do you say DeMarco??? What do you say???

DeMarco: -Hemph-... NO... -ugh-

Papa: DeMarco's not going to quit that easily... Blade realizes this and releases the hold... running off the ropes... and... BAM!!! Low dropkick to DeMarco's face!!! DeMarco holding his nose there... as Blade... grabs ahold of the legs... he's going for... THE FINAL CUT!!!

Crocker: No way will he get DeMarco to go out to this!!!

Papa: Trying to roll DeMarco over... and... NO!!! DeMarco rolls over... and... trips Blade up... Blade down... and DeMarco... LEGLOCK!!!

Crocker: Yeah!!! That's it!!!

Chesnut: You gonna give it up Blade???

Blade: HELL NO!!!!

Papa: Wait... DeMarco... locking his legs around Blade's... reaching up with his arms... and... STF!!!!

Chesnut: Now Blade???


Crocker: Dammit!!! Give it up Blade!

Papa: DeMarco is frustrated... he lets Blade go... and now... pulling Blade up to his feet... OH!!! Rockets him into the turnbuckles!!! Charges in... NO!!! Blade moves out of the way!!! Grabs DeMarco... NECKBREAKER!!! Blade going back for that chair now... he props it in between the second and top rope... grabs ahold of DeMarco... charging to the corner with him... going to ram DeMarco into that chair headfirst... NO!!! DeMarco slips out and sends Blade into the chair!!!

Crocker: Nice counter!

Papa: Blade falls down in the corner... but DeMarco... lifting him up... oh no... climbing the turnbuckles... and... LOOK OUT!!! DIAMOND DUST!!!

Crocker: WHOOOOOO!!! He's out now!

Papa: And now... with Blade down... and perhaps out... DeMarco... is once again... GOING FOR THE ARMBAR!!!

Crocker: He's done!!!

Papa: Blade's head pops right up as he's screaming in pain...

Chesnut: Do you give up Blade? Do you???


Papa: DeMarco's not letting go of that hold... Blade is in a hell of a lot of pain here...

Chesnut: What do you say Blade??? Gonna quit???


Papa: Blade's not gonna give up!

Crocker: Then DeMarco will break his damn arm if he has to!

Papa: Blade... trying to reach for the ropes... but they'll do him no good here... wait... Blade... is... is... he's fading!!!

Crocker: Yeah!!!

Papa: And... Blade... Blade's not moving!!! I think that he's passed out from the pain!!!

Crocker: It's over!!!

Papa: No... no it's not!!! If Blade's passed out... he can't give up!!!

Crocker: What!?!

Papa: The referee... explaining this to DeMarco... DeMarco... heads outside... he grabs a pitcher of water... and he splashes it onto Blade's face!!! Blade has been revived!

Crocker: Punish him some more!

Papa: Blade... barely aware of where he is... and... DeMarco slaps the armbar on again!!!

Crocker: HA!!!

Papa: Wait... Blade was on his knees... and... DeMarco... doesn't have total control of the hold... Blade rolls out of it!!! He escapes the hold... and... wait... he's got that steel chair... DeMarco on his feet... BAM!!! BLADE NAILS DEMARCO RIGHT IN THE FACE WITH THE CHAIR!!!

*** Applause as Blade stands on his feet, chair in hand, holding his injured arm... ***

Papa: Blade looking over his fallen opponent... and... grabs ahold of the legs... he's going to do the final cut!

Crocker: No way!!!

Papa: Wait a second... coming out to the ring... Sandito Cardente!!! What the hell is he doing out here???

Crocker: He's not alone!!!

Papa: Wait... you're right... behind him... pushed along by one his thugs... DANA DAVIS!!! And the thug has a knife to her neck!!!

Cardente (Pulling out a microphone): Alright Mr. Blade... now, that's just about enough... so... why don't you... just give it up now... give it up for Mr. DeMarco... face it Blade... you've lost this match... the only chance you've had... is that piece of metal you hold in your hands right now... so now... for my sake... your sake... Mr. DeMarco's sake... and perhaps most importantly... Miss Davis's sake... just give it up Blade. Quit.

Papa: What the... Cardente is trying to pressure Blade into quitting!!!

Crocker: Ingenious!

Papa: Cardente wants to keep that Showcase title in his camp... DeMarco... still down on the mat... and Blade... sees the seriousness of the situation... raising the microphone to his lips...

Blade: I... I...

Cardente: Say it!!!

Blade: I...


Crocker: What!?!

Papa: Dana has that thug by the neck... BAM!!! STUNNER!!!

Crocker: NO!!!

Papa: But.. DeMarco is up now... hops onto Blade's back... and... Blade rolls with it!!! He has DeMarco by the legs... and... and... FINAL CUT!!!

Crocker: NO!!!

Papa: Blade has DeMarco locked in his own version of the Walls of Jericho!!! And... the ref... puts the mic up to DeMarco's lips....

Chesnut: What do you say DeMarco???


Papa: DeMarco not giving it up!!! Blade... rearing back harder on that hold...

DeMarco: NO!!! I FIGHT!!!

Papa: Blade... applying the pressure!!! DeMarco has nowhere to go!!!

DeMarco: NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!

Papa: Blade has it cinched on!!! DeMarco's not going anywhere!!!

DeMarco: I... I... I... I... ENOUGH!!!


 Papa: I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!! DeMarco gave it up!!!

Crocker: NO!!! That must have been somebody else!!! DeMarco never would have given up!!! Papa: He did it!!!

Richmond: Your winner... and NEW GTW Showcase champion... BRIAN BLADE!!!

Papa: Brian Blade... he did it!!! He beat DeMarco!!!

Crocker: What the... DeMarco... he's been disgraced!!! I can't believe that Blade did this to him!