Wrestler's Name: Dana Davis
Allignment: Face
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 176 lbs
Hometown: Denver, CO
Entrance Music: "Brackish" by Kittie
Finisher: D-Day
Description of Finisher: Stone Cold Stunner
-Five Star Frog Splash
-Crippler Crossface
-Snap DDT
-Shattered Dreams Corner Nutshot
Ring Style: Cruiserweight
Looks: Wild shoulder-length streight red hair and green eyes. Wears a blue and green camo women's tank-top and a pair of silver-blue leather pants. Has a pair of black boots and one fingerless silver-blue glove on her left hand.
History: Brian Blade's main squeeze, who has been training for years to get her chance in the ring.
Manager?: Yes
Manager's Description: Brian Blade and Jack Frost