Wrestler's Name: Brian Blade
Allignment: Face
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 201 lbs
Hometown: Denver, CO
Entrance Music: "Wisconsin Death Trip" by Static-X
Finisher: Cutting Edge
Description of Finisher: FameAsser
-SwitchBlade (Blade puts his leg over opponent and has a hold of his right arm. He quikly swings the arm over making the opponent's body turn around quickly and legdrops on thier neck)
-Final Cut (Walls of Jericho except Blade steps on the opponent's head)
-Shooting Star Press
-Pendulum (Unprettier)
-4D (w/Jack Frost)
-Tornado Backbreaker
-Springboard Tornado DDT
Ring Style: Cruiserweight
Looks: Shoulder-length black hair with blue eyes. Wears a black pair of cargo pants with red stitching, a black half-zip sleeveless shirt, pair of tennis shoes, and black fingerless gloves.
-Former GTW World Champion
-Former UOWN Universal, International, Online, Light-Heavyweight, and Tag Team champion.
-Former WWCW Hardcore Champion
-Former IWA United States and Cruiserweight champion
Manager?: Yes
Manager's Description: Dana Davis