We start our PPV in the front parking lot of the building, where a long black limo pulls up to the arena and parks...out walks a very calm, cool, and sharply dressed Trevor Longly...looking around the arena, while a graphic saying "earlier today" shows at the bottom of our screen...

Longly: AHHH!!!! Today is a good day...I can feel it...yes...huh?

Trevor looks over and sees Thomas Stonfan inspecting a garbage dumpster...As soon as Thomas realizes that Stonfan is watching he runs right over...

Stonfan: Have you seen him???

Longly:Huh? Who???

Stonfan:(Frantic) Brimstone!!! I expect him to come out of anywhere...have to be prepared...have to know where he is...he could come from anywhere you know...Have you seen him?

Longly: No...I haven't.

Stonfan: Oh...well...back to searching!!!

Stonfan scrambles off as Longly looks at him weird...

Longly: Tighter security, yes...much tighter...not to keep anyone out mind you...but to keep the crazies in...

We fade from Trevor pondering the situation to scenes from the GTW...scenes of Justin Storm almost grabbing the GTW World title...only to be powerbombed from the ladder by Mad Dog...We see Mad Dog face a crimson mask, giving the dry well to William Lavin...William Lavin doing his world famous Spinebuster on Ice...and Ice coming back with the Sub-Zero on Trevor Longly...We see Davison brutalizing Satanico and his family...and we see Satanico getting back into the ring and giving his first Hell Plunge in months...We see Thomas Stonfan hitting the Nightmare...and later going through a flaming table...We see Nightcrawler getting a pin on Ken Davison...And Brian Blade proudly holding the GTW World title...only to be replaced by Trevor Longly's out streached arms...slowly truning into a flaming bird...a flaming bird flying into the night sky...and leaving us with a burnt in message in the screen...

Grand Tour Wrestling Proudly Presents

In Association With: And You Thought You Were Crazy LTD

The fans go crazy once again as the fireworks go nuts...leaving many asking, where the hell does Tristan get this kind of money??? Anywho, the fans could probably care less from the sounds of it, as we shoot over to our announcing crew...

Brian Papa: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to GTW: From the Ashes!!! This is Brian Papa, calling all of the hot action for you tonight, and with me as always is...

Tristan Crocker: Tristan Crocker.


Crocker: No Brian, tonight, we got too much action to cover, and I am too damn excited!!!

Papa: Well then...let's get this party started!!! I am ready for the first match of night, aren't you?

Crocker: Yeah…I can’t wait for Storm to end the career of Mad Dog!!!

Papa: Not what I meant, but…

Ben Richmond: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to GTW FROM THE ASHES!!!! This first match of the night is for the Hardcore championship of the world….and it involves some audience participation!!!! Introducing first, the challenger, from Chicago, IL, he is a member of the triple threat, and a former two-time GTW hardcore champion, and former GTW tag champion…JUSTIN STORM!!!!

Enter Sandman plays and the boo’s start from the crowd…but Justin Storm doesn’t seem to mind…Kendo stick in hand, he seems focused on his task at hand…

Richmond: And his opponent, the current GTW Hardcore champion, and a man who has held numerous tag title and Hardcore championship reigns, hailing from the hard streets of NYC…MAD DOG!!!!

The fans explode for Mad Dog as KRS One’s Hot plays…but one can barely tell from the cheers!!! Storm, however, doesn’t notice any of it…as he rushes down to meet Mad Dog on the ramp!!!


Papa: And here they go!!! Both men exchanging blows back and forth…and neither man can seem to get the upper hand!!!

Crocker: God…this is intense!!!

Papa: Yes, and this is only the opening match!!! Mad Dog finally getting the best of Storm…sending him down the ramp with heavy rights and lefts…Storm backed up to the ring apron…and Mad Dog gets the first weapon of the match…a baking pan!!!

Crocker: Let the chaos commence!!!

Papa: Mad Dog rearing that pan back…OH!!! BAM!!! Right against the skull of Justin Storm!!! Storm knocked loopy…and look at the dent in that Pan!!!

Crocker: Well…it’s no cookie sheet under the ring…I’m still trying to find out when they hold the bakeoffs…

Papa: You never stop do you Crock? The fans really behind Mad Dog here…but Mad Dog taking time early to bask in the glow from the fans…

Crocker: This will come back to haunt him, you watch…

Papa: I don’t even think it’ll take that long…as Storm grabs a putter from a fan…and cracks it across Mad Dog’s back!!! Mad Dog goes down…and Storm lines up his shot…OH!!!

Crocker: FORE!!!

Papa: Exactly!!! However, I’m not sure those balls were regulation size…

Crocker: BRIAN!!! I am…shocked…but pleasantly surprised.

Papa: Thanks…been waiting to use that one. Storm now down choking the life out of Mad Dog with that golf club…and he’s got the upper hand here!!

Crocker: Yes…but Storm needs to remember he can no longer go toe to toe with Mad Dog…and so he needs to use his new speed…

Papa: Yes…Storm giving up on the choke…and seeking a new method of beating on Mad Dog…like a fan’s chair!!! BAM BAM BAM!!! Storm just punishing Mad Dog with blows!!! Storm now setting up the chair…sending Mad Dog towards it…WAIT…Mad Dog reverses…and BAM!!! Drop Toe Hold into the chair!!!

Crocker: Dammit!!! Too early!!! I said Storm had to watch that old hardcore mentality!!!

Papa: Yes…Storm looking more like a Lightweight champ then a hardcore one…As Mad Dog now getting a deadly weapon from a fan…a fork!!!

Crocker: A fork??? A Fork is a deadly weapon????

Papa: Mad Dog waiting for a woozy Storm to stand…BAM!!!! Right into the head with the fork…and blood starts trickling down from the head of Storm!!!

Crocker: Leave it to you to prove me wrong, Mad Dog…

Papa: He’s been proving critics wrong since day one Crock! Mad Dog now really ripping at the forehead of Storm…and he’s bleeding all over the place!!!

Crocker: OH NO!!! Don’t get it on the mat…I paid good money for that!!!

Papa: I don’t think either man cares…As Mad Dog goes looking for something new…Oh…here we go…Mad Dog getting an umbrella from a fan!!! Storm however…getting up…and grabs his Kendo Stick…and we have a standoff!!

Crocker: Hmm…I wonder how this will end???

Papa: I don’t know…OH! Here they go!!! Both them “fencing” back and forth…and it looks like Storm has more of an idea what he is doing with his kendo stick then we might have given him credit for!!! Both men’s weapons tied up in each other, a lot of twisting going on…and Mad Dog’s umbrella flies into the audience!!!

Crocker: The self proclaimed master of the Kendo Stick!!!

Papa: Yes…and I think he proved it…At least his doesn’t open up into a real sword…

Crocker: Hmm? What are you talking about?

Papa: I think you must have selected memory loss Crock…I really do. However…Mad Dog paying too much attention to watching his Umbrella fly away…and gets clocked with that Kendo stick in the gut…and now one right to the head!!! Mad Dog goes down…and Justin goes for a cover!!!


Crocker: Eh…Storm will have to do more pounding than that!!!

Papa: Yes…he’s seeing something in the crowd that peaks his interest…and he’s going to go get it!!! Storm coming back to the ring…and he’s got a Jack-o Lantern!!!

Crocker: Well, I’d be damned what people consider “weapons”…

Papa: Quiet Crock…Mad Dog just getting to his feet…and look at this!!! He’s put the jack-o lantern on Mad Dog’s head!!! Mad Dog walking around in a daze with that pumpkin in his head…god this is ridiculous!!!

Crocker: Hmm…well, you know, I always thought Mad Dog needed a new look…and this it the way to go, I think!!!

Papa: Crock…I hardly think…Nevermind. Storm taking a sip of a fan’s beer as he watches Mad Dog fumble around in that Pumpkin head…Storm now kicking Mad Dog…and sending him into the safety railing…Mad Dog goes up and over!!! Now Storm is pulling that safety rail to the ring apron…what is he thinking???

Crocker: Just watch and wait Brian…it’ll all be revealed soon enough…

Papa: Storm up on the apron…waiting for Mad Dog to stand up…OH!!!! STORM JUST MOONSAULTED INTO THE CROWD!!!!!

Crocker: Taking the new wrestler “Pumpkin head” with him!!!

Papa: Yes…taking MAD DOG with him…OH!!! Storm back up…Stomping that Pumpkin head away now…and Mad Dog’s head as well…now covered in Pumpkin goo…Storm looking for something new to use…OH NO!!! He’s got a staple gun!!!


Papa: What about your mats?

Crocker: NO!!! WAIT!!! DON’T DO IT!!!!

Papa: TOO LATE!!! OH…Mad Dog bleeding like a stuck pig…And man, we’re starting off tonight on a rather violent note!!! Storm now getting up Mad Dog…Dragging him back to the steel guardrail…Storm goes to bounces his head off the railing…OH!!! Mad Dog with an elbow…and Storm tastes the steel!!!

Crocker: Oh god…here we go again…

Papa: Mad Dog back in charge…AND BAM!!! Beer cup to the head!!! Another!!! Another!!!!

Crocker: This man has a serious drinking problem…

Papa: Mad Dog now rolling Storm into the ring…Mad Dog on the Apron…OH!!! Legdrop onto Storm!!! Mad Dog going for a cover…


Papa: And Storm kicking out!!!

Crocker: Yeah…since when did anyone ever win a match with a legdrop?

Papa: Good point…Mad Dog though, getting Storm up…sending him to the ropes…catching him on the way back…ROCK BOTTOM!!!

Crocker: I hate that move!!!

Papa: Mad Dog signaling to the crowd…uh oh…hear that chant???


Crocker: Here we go again…the “spackle” move…

Papa: You’ll never get it, Crock…as Mad Dog slides out of the ring…and gets a table from under the ring! Mad Dog sliding in the wood…

Cheers for the table…

Papa: Now…here it comes…

Mad Dog: WHY????


Papa: Mad Dog hoisting up Storm on his shoulders…he’s got that table set up in the corner…looks like a Dry Well from the top…Wait!!! Who’s that coming from the crowd???

Crocker: I don’t know…but she’s hot!!!

Papa: That woman jumped out of the crowd…and throws a powder into Mad Dog’s face!!! Mad Dog Blinded…letting go of Storm…who has recovered…Wait…that girl…she has lighter fluid…and a Lighter!!! She’s lighting the table on fire…As Storm stands just right…and GIVES MAD DOG A BB BUSTER THROUGH THE FLAMING TABLE!!!

Crocker: WAIT!!! I KNOW WHO THAT IS!!!!

Papa: Storm covers…1…2…3!!!!

Ben Richmond: Your winner of the match…and NEW hardcore champion…Justin Storm!!!!!

Crocker: My god…it’s Nicole Wilson!!!

Papa: You’re right!!! Storm’s old Manager coming from out of the crowd…helping him win the GTW hardcore title!!!

Crocker: Wow…one surprise finish already…what else is in store for us tonight???