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GMC Srinagar.

                                                Government Medical College Srinagar.

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Department of Anatomy.
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Departments in Govt. Medical College Srinagar.

            Students in dissection hall.

The M.B.B.S course in G.M.C Srinagar is divided into 4 halves, 1st M.B.B.S , 2nd M.B.B.S, Pre-final and Final year as according to the university examination conducted by the highly acclaimed Kashmir University. The examination for 1st M.B.B.S is held after one year, the second M.B.B.S after one and a half year, the exam for the pre-final students after one year and the exams for the final year exactly after 6 months of them joining the final year. All in all it takes at least 4 1/2 to complete the course. The classes for the under graduates are held in the college as well as the hospitals. Different departments  are in charge of different years or batches as they are called). The departments are all self sufficient in themselves and have competent staff and all facilities of a modern day institution. Each department also has its own lecture hall and lab. Departments like S.P.M, Pathology, Forensic and Anatomy also have their respective museums. For details on individual departments and their activities, please click on the links on the left. These are just the departments in the college. For the rest of the Deptts please refer to the Associated hospital page.



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