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GMC Srinagar

Associated Hospitals of Govt. Medical College Srinagar.


Government Medical College, has a number of Hospitals Associated with it, most of them being the Largest ones in the state and the most specialized ones too. These hospitals provide extensive medical care and facilities to a large chunk of the Kashmiri Population ( about 70% of the population of Kashmir) . The care imparted in these hospitals is intensive as well as affordable for the poor and the needy. Besides providing patient care , these hospitals also provide education to the under graduate students studying in GMC Srinagar as well as the Post Graduate Students having completed their M.B.B.S courses from the very college as well as other colleges inside and outside the state. The vast number of patients , together with the varied complaints and the specialist hospitals make sure that by the time a student of GMC Srinagar passes out from the college, there is hardly any disease or condition he or she hasn't seen first hand. This is a boon and is easily reflected when the GMCites come face to face with  the other graduates from Russia or even the different parts of India. Also the staff available in these hospitals is very experienced and knowledgeable, and each GMC Student leaves this college with a pride and confidence of knowing that he is the best. The many Associated hospitals of GMC Srinagar include:



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