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The Cultural, Academic, Social and Sports Union of GMC Srinagar.


Cultural Academic Social Sports Union:                      Top

Ever since the inception of the college in 1959 , the CASS union has been an integral part of it. This union is thee students union of GMC Srinagar, unique in the way that it has ever since its birth focused its role only on constructive activities in the college. The CASS union is involved in the interaction of the teachers and students to bring about a synchronous rhythm, a kind of harmony rarely seen in other colleges. The union has always tried to bring out the best out of the students of GMC Srinagar and has tried it's best to provide them with all the facilities and opportunities to do so. The CASS union has tried its best ton be a companion, a friend , a teacher and a guide to the students. The history of GMC Srinagar would have bThis site is the golden web award winner 2001-2002een far less glorious had there been no CASS union to add spice to it. The CASS union had gone into hibernation for a few years due to the prevailing conditions in Kashmir, but the year 1999 saw it remerge from the ashes , brushing off the dust covering it, with a renewed determination to live up to its past and to an even more glorious future. The CASS Union, under the able leadership of  Dr A.R.Khan (H.O.D Pathology) is bound to acquire newer heights of success in its never ending pursuit of higher values in education and extracurricular activities. To help him in this are the sincere and hardworking members of CASS.
The CASS union is composed of the following sub-committees:

Subcommittees of CASS.                                                       Top

Academic Subcommittee. Library Subcommittee.
Social Subcommittee. Canteen Subcommittee.
Sports Subcommittee. Aid committee:
Cultural Subcommittee. Web Committee.

Academic Sub committee: This Subcommittee deals with the education aspect of the college. This sub committe is involved in  various activities with education at its base. The subcommittee conducts many inter college and intra college debates, quiz competitions, Symposiums and various educational meets. Kashmed the Annual college magazine is  launched by this Subcommittee. 

Cultural Subcommittee: This subcommittee of CASS is concerned with the organization and smooth conduct of all the cultural activities of the college. These include the "Cultural Day", Periodical stage shows and one act plays, Singing competitions, etc.

Social Subcommittee: This is concerned with the social aspect of the college life, including the interaction of GMC-ites with Medicos of other colleges within and outside the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The social subcommittee conducts the following events:

  • Freshers Day.
  • Pulse Programme.
  • India tour.
  • Tour to Ladakh (this year).

Sports Subcommittee: The sports subcommittee is concerned with the holding of various sports events in the fields of Cricket, Football, Badminton, Table tennis, Volleyball etc. These events are held both at inter college and intra college levels. Winners get awards as well as certificates. The college won the silver medal in the Cricket tournament held at AIIMS New Delhi during Pulse 2000.

Library Subcommittee: This committe checks the library for the latest versions of all books and whether the students are comfortable with the functioning of the library or not. The committee decides the working hours of the library and facilitates the proper working of the library.

Canteen Subcommittee: The Library committee makes periodical spot checks in the college canteen to determine the quality of the food being served to the students. The committee also entertains complaints against either the canteen food or staff by the students It is also responsible to look into and decide the rate list for edibles.

Aid Subcommittee:

 Aims and Objectives of CASS Union:                                                                Top

Present Members of CASS Union(2001-2002):                                                Top

This website is a part of the academic wing of the CASS Union.


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