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Our society is one of polarities, one of conflicting personalites, contrasting opinions and diametrically opposed outlooks. As such, here at 'GC' we collate and juxtapose these views in order to simply present the realities of our contemporary world.

See the global and Australian issues within the gladatorial framework of the debate.

Information is power, so we examine the latest issues ranging from terrorism to genetic research. Combined with this, you can also have your own say with our monthly poll, as well as having access to links to a sweeping range of global views, from world leaders to the average person on the street.


* September 11 Terrorist Attacks


* Global Warming

* Human Cloning

* Aboriginal Reconciliation

* Ansett Collapse

* Afganistan

Current Issue
This Month's Discussions

Is the US is waning as a world power?

View Results

* September 11 Terrorist Attacks

* Human Cloning

* Asylum Seekers

* Heroin-Injecting Rooms

* Global Warming

* Public v Private Education

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Note: All information on this site is assumed to be in the public domain and is intended for information and entertainment purposes only. If you do not wish your views to be displayed, email the webmaster (above) and they will be removed immediately. Neither GC, nor anyone associated with the production of this site can be held responsible for any actions taken as a result of any person reading or browsing this site or the sites recommended or connected to the hyperlinks contained herein. Any decision made in response to information contained herein should be taken only after professional advice has been obtained


'because the best way to the truth is to have

powerful arguments on both sides of the question...'



























terrorism, discussion, debate, fun, excitement, laughter, cloning, education, reconciliation, aboriginies, private, public, environment, destruction, global warming.