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EJ Samoyeds is located in Ladd Illinois. Founded by Erica. Samoyed Club Of America member. Since owning our first samoyed "Tazz" we have grown to love and respect this breed and the wisdom of learning in their eyes. We believe to have a samoyed is to have a good Temperament,good Health and overall Structure for the ring and for the home. Our Future goals are to take Pure English lines and combine them with American lines to produce a balance of both type and structure. The future well being of this breed lies in the hands of the breeders that take the time to educate not only themselves but of the future owners of this breed. Here I hope you can find some educational links to help in any questions you might have about the breed.

Please do your research if you think you want a Samoyed. There are many people out there "breeding" these dogs and doing a disservice to the breed and the dog-owning public. Finding the RIGHT breeder takes time, and is worth the effort. Ask questions, look at contracts, and get references! I hope this page is helpful to you. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have.

In today's world, special foods, 'designed for growth', have become part of the processed pet food industry. They say that the foods designed for growing animals must have more nutrients that support growth compared to diets designed to maintain a grown animal in good health. This contrasts with the BARF DIET where top quality whole food ingredients are used in all the diets. Common sense tells us that our dog's ancestors have grown and reproduced using the BARF diet without the benefit of special foods for several hundred thousand years. In other words, our dogs' ancestors have grown properly, survived and reproduced on the same basic foods, no matter what stage of life they were at. Think carefully. Which environment of diet do you want your dog in? The modern environment of biologically inappropriate dog food, excessive protein, excessive calories, fast growth rates, calcium supplements, excessive exercise and bone disease, or the time honored way which produces healthy longevity, abundant reproduction and brilliant health.

Wonderful informative site straight from a vets mouth!

This is our girl "Dasha Lucerne Crittic's Choice" Call name "EmMe". We picked her up from her breeders in Canada. She is being shown in U.K.C until she matures some for the A.K.C ring. If you want to see her pictures and show updates click on her photo.

Here is our first Samoyed "CH. Bepa's Razz Ma Tazz Of Ej" call name "Tazz".


Wait for me at the bridge until we Meet Again!

Questions? Comments? Drop me a line.

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