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McDonnell Douglas MD95 Photo Gallery Three Bangkok Air 'Samui'

Photo Gallery Three is dedicated to Bangkok Air and the beautiful Tropical paint scheme on the airlines first jet aircraft.

HS-PGP (55064/5037) Del. 11/10/2000 'Samui'

A beautiful photo taken at 1:00am just after the aircraft emerged from the Douglas paint shop. (Photo By Michael J. Carter)

"Samui" returns to Long Beach following a pre-delivery test flight. The aircraft wears Boeing test registration (N9014S) and operated using the call sign "Boeing 37". The call sign reflects the line number of the aircraft which means this aircraft is the 37th MD95 to be built, or the 37th fuselage. This held true for the DC-10, MD80, MD11, and MD90 Programs as well, it made identifing the aircraft very, very easy. I used to love hearing the MD11 crews call Long Beach Tower requesting clearence to land, "Hello Long Beach Tower, DACO 600 Heavy inbound over Beca for landing on Rwy 30". Ahhhhh the memories. (Photo By Michael J. Carter)

Bangkok Air MD95 HS-PGP (55064/5037) "Samui" taxies on "Delta" to Rwy 30 for departure on its delivery flight to Thailand on November 11th, 2000. (Photo By Michael J. Carter)