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Welcome to my my website of sorts.

Feel free to browse around, a lot of stuff is missing at the moment, but new pictures, descriptions, species info, location info, camera info, background stories and so on and so forth and whatnot will be added soon.

All the pics are set up in a slideshow manner, I'm sure you'll be able to figure out how it works.

Some of my old pictures taken mostly in Connecticut with my SLR camera, complete with descriptions.

This is my dog Chi-Chi. More pics to be added soon.

Mr. Squirrel
Pics of one of our local squirrels using a digital camcorder. These little guys will let you get pretty close when they're at the feeder.

Mr. Hummingbird
These are pics of a little hummingbird that flew through an open door and got trapped inside the house, I was eventually able to get him to perch on my oven-mitt covered hand and carried him outside.

Mr. Lizard
This is our local lizard (yes they're both the same kind of lizard). As far as I can tell he's a Northern Alligator Lizard. The first pic is scanned from my SLR and hasn't been scaled down yet.

If you have any questions, comments, criticisms, or want to use my pictures for anything, E-mail Me.

All photographs are copyright © 2003 Gerry Morrow and may only be used by permission.