
Beyond Buff, Beyond News

June 19th, 2003:
If anyone would like to be added to the Beyond Buff Newsletter e-mail the High Council at
you wil be added asap.
Beyond Buff Imperial Wizard-TURBO-

June 16th, 2003:
Things are slowing down with Beyond Buff. We are working hard to bring you new things, but the webste domain is still down for the time being until we can collect funds and get back in shape.
First off, AHS has splintered off and there are now two home fronts for Beyond Buff. This does make it more complicated but it may also make it more productive. Soon Beyond Buff will be centered at a general area and thus making our Buffness more effective.
We are obtaining new software as well as hardware almost weekly so we can make drastic changes to the buffness soon. There will indeed be a more focal web layout soon and you can bet your arse it will be a splendid thing indeed!!! I have taken it upon myself to update the news very frequently so stay tuned as to when the whole site will once again be re-vamped.
Strap on your shoes, crank up Danzig 7 to the maximus, and prepare for the ultimate buff!!!!!!!

Imperial Wizard of Buffness-TRON

May 29th, 2003: Greetings again!!!
I am here to formally retire the name "Dynomite". AHS Founded Beyond buff has always been here to establish new and innovative ways which are oblivious to the common people.
Beyond buff will continue to grow and do more where others fail or tend to stray from. Trendy words and style of dress are not buff, rather a way of conforming. We at Beyond will not participate in such degenerate retardation such as "catch phrases" which have been well played out.
In seeing this we will find a new way to express ideals. Hence, Dynomite has been retired and the name TRON will take it's place instead. I recommend that the latter half of Beyond Buff do the same. We are the wolves, not the cattle.

-Imperial Wizard of Beyond Buff, TRON-

May 22nd, 2003: Well, as you may know, Beyond is now back to being Beyond for the time being.
However, we are working around the clock to re-establish the domain name... that is unless internet squatting queers don't get to our domain before we do. Regardless of they do or not, we are destine to return as Beyond or even Beyond considering we are on the net and we are an Organization. I have been searching for a place to re-establish the website as well, this kike-arse angelfire isn't cutting it anymore. We are tired of pop-ups!!! Danzig has spoken to me several times and was very enthusiastic about me finding another place to lay the roots of Buff.
If you don't already know, the Danzig DVD is now on sale for you buff enthusiasts. I HIGHLY recommend it.
It contains three versions of "How the gods kill", "It's Comming Down" and more. BUY IT NOW!!!!!!!
For all you homo's who like to just come and enjoy the spectical of buff, SIGN THE GUEST BOOK YOU FUCKING QUEERS!!!! Show your support to the ultimate buffness.
-Imperial Wizard of Beyond Buff, Dynomite-

May 12th, 2003: We beg forgiveness from the illustrious Buff-One himself...Please allow us to once again bask in the illuminating glory of your forearms!!
For all of you non-believers...BeyondBuff is back in bussiness, bitch!
It will be a few weeks before you start to see the most aparent changes, but i assure all of you, when the alliance of A, H, and S shall see a buffness unheard of since the glory days of our beautiful website. Oh yes, the buffness will be buffer than any could have ever imagined.
Az, Dynomite, Visitors-- Please forgive my pathetic-arse for not living up to the expectations of our powerful union, AHS.
-Hunter, Co-Founder of

March 21st, 2003: Ahhh, very soon this site will be back and fully operational. In the weeks to come we will put the guest book back up on the site for people to praise the buffness.
Also, it seems as Danzig has decided to go ahead with the idea formaly presented to him last year. Yes, Danzig has agreed to do the Blackest of the Black tour that AHS has been negotiating with him. We will be glad to let you all know that AHS alone with Danzig came up with this idea and anyone who says different has to be lying... or drug induced or something.
Remember, there will be more soon, just give us time... we all work 3 jobs and go to school 46 hours a day.

February 25th, 2003: Well, what can I say... we have been behind an ass load with this site. I decided not to tear it down as I figured would be best, but we have soooooooo much more to bring you. We will continue to bring the most elite buffness direct from Danzig's arms to your front door... or computer either way.
Now you may be thinking, "hey wait, where are the classic pages that we once knew of like 'what pisses off Danzig' and all those glorious things?" All I can say is GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!!!!! I'm trying, and I will get all of the pages on here soon, in time that is. Below on the last news post there are a list of pages to come to, and they will be here in the weeks to come. In addition to those pages, we will be making a page called "Danzig Interior Design". You will simlpy have to wait for that to come. Also, there will be a page which will detail compiled photos from several Danzig protests... you'll be astonished!!!!
For now, enjoy the new Beyondbuff, because it is only gonna get a billion times more buff!!!!


June 24th, 2002: As stated below, the pages of BEYONDBUFF.COM have been redesigned to make for an even-buffer experience! Along with these changes, a few more pages are to be added! These Include:
The Buffness Awards
A Buff Links Page
Anatomy of Buffness
and Possibly More!

Please stay updated as we finish the construction.

June 20th, 2002: We AHS, are working around the clock to bring our viewers the most up-to-date coverage of Buffness! Be prepared for new page layouts, polls, and more coming ASAP! Thanks for the Support and Stay Updated!

May 27th, 2002: BEYOND BUFF is now BEYOND BUFF.COM!!!!!!

1,000+ hits since January 2002! John Leguizamo was the 1,000th visitor and Danzig punched him for it. We AHS would like to thank all of you viewers for witnessing the buffest one of all, Danzig. As for we can say is: Prepare for Golden Buffness.

||Copyright 2001-2003 AHS Founded||