Things That Piss Off Danzig

- Girls who are fat
- People who are homeless
- Men who think they are as buff as him
- Fags
- Zima
- Mixed drinks
- Girls that spit,….
- Girls that don’t swallow
- Midgets that think they are tall
- People who don’t like cheese on their burgers
- Dirty sheets
- Girls who think they can resist him
- Black & white TV’s
- Pictures that don’t have him included in them
- Six sided dice
- Children
- Making love to one girl at a time
- People who can’t sing like him
- People who don’t like the Simpsons
- Cell Phones
- Ballpoint pens
- People who don’t like sweet’n’sour chicken
- Pencils that aren’t sharp
- Dogs that are small
- Dogs that are named “Jake” or “Duke”
- Light Beer
- Wine coolers
- Chicks who like to eat rice
- People who think Danzig is only “sorta-buff”
- Newspapers
- Fences
- Golfing
- The name “Clancy”
- Glass that isn’t broken
- Songs that don’t have the phrase “YEAH!” in it
- Birds that don’t say “polly wanna cracker”
- Guns without bullets
- The New Misfits
- Girls who think they can be faithful to their boyfriends when he’s around
- Gravel
- Wrestling
- Elderly people
- Kentucky
- Cold Ice cream
- Un-mowed grass
- Pizza without cheese
- Computer problems
- People who don’t like comic books
- Trees
- French-Fries without salt
- Limp Bizkit and their fans
- Korn and their fans
- “Hard-Core” music
- MTV and people who watch it
- Disneyland
- Disneyworld
- Warm water
- The International House of Pancakes
- Girls he hasn’t had the chance to sleep with yet
- Most frozen foods
- Food that isn’t cooked by a woman
- New Metallica
- “Everybody Loves Raymond”...shit, not Danzig
- Running out of beer
- Pennies
- Copper plating
- People who haven’t played D&D
- Toilets that don’t flush
- Leaky drains
- Cold coffee
- CD players that don’t have Danzig playing constantly
- People who wear socks with sandles
- People who like the beach
- The number 3
- The number 9
- People who come over and don’t sit down
- You, cause you’re not Danzig

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