AHS Buffness Awards

Let it be known! If you have a feeling that you have done a buff thing that would make Danzig proud, let us know.
Every month we will pick a person who we feel has achieved the most Danzig-like thing in the past month.
All award winners will be announced at the beginning of the next month.

Awards are listed Oldest to Newest

Hunter: for contributing to the greatness which is Danzig.

Az: for punctilliating a woman.

Dynomite: for making a Danzig girl his own, and never looked back.

Hunter: for creating a Power Point presentation that would make Danzig shed tears.

Mr.80’s: for the great breaking experience on Halloween.

Dynomite: for calling “what's his face” Frank, due to him being too worthless to remember his real name.

Mr.80’s: for spending his first intimate moment with not one, but two women at once.

Hunter: for putting Bitches in their place.

Hunter: for updating the best buffness in the world.

Infyranna: for coining the phrase, “I made her face look like a toaster struddle”, and actually achieving this feat multiple times.

Hunter: for getting free Burger-me from Bomi.

Dynomite: for overcoming the powers of the mastermind.

Az: for making Frank feel like the insignificant piece of shit he is.

Dynomite: for making Frank feel like the insignificant piece of shit he is.

Az: for calling Frank, Mark to once again change his name and annoy him.

Satans Girl: for showing her true colors of Buffness and always being there, we salute you Satans Girl, enjoy the award, you deserve it more than any other female alive.

Az: for giving John Leguizamo a Beyond Buff Flyer! Keep up the good Buffness!

Dynomite: for changing the face of buffness (updating the website)! Frames are much buffer than no-frames!

TRON: For taking the responsability of updating the site frequently and starting the BeyondBuff newsletter.... which no one replies to.

Un-Buff Awards: A and H have recieved the first-ever Un-Buff Awards for not helping with the website for a long, long time... Danzig will punch both of you momentarily.

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