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Daves Cyber Home.

Hello and welcome to my spot on the web. This is my own start page but everyone is free to use it of course. It will contain links to some of my fave haunts, i will be adding more as i go. My interests are many, my wife and 3 boys are foremost, i enjoy most sci-fi shows, motorbikes, wargames and fixing computers. On to the link fest. Enjoy.

Fave Quotes at the moment are: "Life's odyssey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out,shouting,"...holy shit...what a ride!." --Author Unknown

The Three Laws of Robotics, created by Isaac Asimov

1.A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law."

"The Three Laws for humanity should be The Three R's.

1: Respect for self

2: Respect for others

3: Responsibility for all your actions"

If everybody took notice and practiced the above quotes, lawyers would be out of business overnight.

Links of interest.

Facebook RC Powers .Tattslotto
Youtube RC Groups .Supermotojunkie
Tagged Flite Test .Thumpertalk
Twitter Parkjets .Axis and Allies
Pinterest RC Scratchbuilders A.B.C.
Seven Ten Cartoon Cartoons
Nine Vic Gov KMart
Target Harvey Norman Ebay
Imgur Commonwealth Bank MilSims
. Reddit . . The Weather Channel . . Angelfire .
Trading Post DisneyJoe Cartoon
Phone book online Miniclip games Bright Ideas
Burkes Backyard The Weather Yellow pages
Hobbyking Pc World Telstra Bigpond
Dick Smiths Airliners Village cinemas
Renderosity Street directory Citylink
Broadford Car Sales Tunza Games Computer Expo's
Officeworks Fastflowers. Currency converter.
Bike Sales Bike point. Ezy Dvd.
Sanity Where is. Danoz Direct.

Cant find what your looking for?. Try these search engines below.

Yahoo. . Altavista . . Excite .
. Lycos . . About . Mamma .


Computer shops Online.

The Family.

Daves Motorbike page.    

This page is forever changing and under constant construction-destruction.

Beware of falling fonts.

This site last updated February 14, 2009, well sort of :)