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Welcome to Predicon Command, the ultimate in online gaming clans. Enjoy your stay.
News for Jan. 8, 2001

Time for some rules from the only one that has any power at all, and that is me. First off I am permenantly getting rid of that guy called AI. What kind of a gay name is that. "Hello, I am artificial inteligence" Well, he isn't too smart. For all I care this clan doesn't exist anymroe, SWGB is a boring game. I hate it. Gameplay is sooooo slow. Check for some good games. Well, have a nice life, and get rid of this game, it is gay.

Pred, talk to me about changing games for this clan, I will be very interested.

Posted by: akyros
Time: 7:20pm - pacific


News for Dec. 19, 2001

Great day all you guys. Lots of you are moving up the ranks quickly. I am tired, I think I will go to bed or something. Goodnight. Well, maybe not, I will stay up about 4 more hrs before I head off to bed. Maybe I will see you over at SWGB and kick your butt, haha. Well, see you guys around.

Posted by: akyros
Time: 6:50pm - pacific


News for Dec. 18, 2001

I have noticed that some poeple are still not reporting correctly with the ranks. YOU MUST give the names of all the people in the game! I can do nothing with the report if you do not. Oh, I am pc_akyros, pc_predicon does not see any of your posts at all, so do not write little messages to him. Thank you, it will make it much easier for me if you fill out the forms correctly.

Posted by: akyros
Time: 6:14pm - pacific


News for Dec. 17, 2001

Alright! We just got a new member. Make him feel welcome and all that other good stuff. His name is pc_lord, just say hi. I got to actually play SWGB yesterday, haha, usually I am too busy. Oh, I won, lol. So, you guys keep all those clan matches coming in and fly up those ranks. Have a great day.

Posted by: akyros
Time: 7:21pm - pacific


News for Dec. 16, 2001

Sorry I couldn't get the page updated yesterday. I skipped out and went snowboarding and then went and picked up my sister who is home on christmas break from college. I saw that some games have been reported on more than once and it would be nice if you only would report one time for each game you play.

Posted by: akyros
Time: 5:30pm - pacific


News for Dec. 14, 2001

Way to go on getting those clan matches in you guys, I need to start playing some. I think I have some time tonight. I still haven't seen anyone posting anything at all on the forums. Oh-well, I guess we might not really need them but we have them anyway. All of you guys have a great friday night. I hope I do, heh.

Posted by: akyros
Time: 4:20pm - pacific


News for Dec. 13, 2001

Ok, I still haven't seen anyone posting in the forums. We do have a new member, pc_CreepinDeath, go ahead and welcome him. I have been really busy lately and have not been able to make the individual member pages yet, but just you wait, I will get them done before you know it.

Posted by: akyros
Time: 7:40pm - pacific

PC Initiated: Dec. 4, 2001
© Site designed by akyros. All rights reserved.